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Since I was offerred a key to "the lounge," I might as well use it. Been married 22 years and looking for something "different" for Valentines Day. Flowers are the usual standby, and (fortunately), Mrs JT isn't into bling bling. Any ideas out there?
********************************************** Baseball players don't make excuses...they make adjustments.
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What about a nice weekend (or just a night) at a couple's getaway??

There is a place not far from us and we have gone a few times. The cabins all have fireplaces and hot tubs, and NO kids are allowed. Sometimes it really is nice to get away from the phone, door bell, etc.

Several years ago, we sent the kids to the in-laws and went to dinner in a nearby resort type town (in the mountains). Over dinner, my husband asked me if I packed my toothbrush. For dinner??? Confused He had made reservations at a hotel, with a hot tub in the room, while I had taken the kids to the in-laws. It was really nice, even for an evening, to get away from the house and be somewhere different! I like surprises like that. Razz
JT - Glad you're using that key! Smile For all of you Moms - JT made the statement in the chat room that he wouldn't miss his son going to college because it was going to allow him to have his wife all to himself! Also, how much he loves her - this in front of a bunch of dad's too!!! He became instantly one of my favorite dads!

I think VeryProudMom's idea is a great one! Women (most), love a thoughtful surprise - no matter how big or how small. Just knowing how much you care about her makes her feel very special I can promise you!

Frank - We're going to send you to live with justbaseball and his lawnmower! pull_hair
Last edited by lafmom
Frank ...
I have the perfect inscription for that toaster:
Help keep the kitchen clean ... eat out !!!

JT ...
I am pretty traditional so candy and flowers always works for me ... but now that I think about it, I never received a heart shaped box of chocolates Frown Anyway, the evening/night away is a winner, and if my hubby of almost 30 years wanted to give me a real treat, he would find a good concert or theatrical show to take me to, especially if the concert were to include one of my favorite country singers preceded by a good dinner and followed with a night away from the old homestead.
Last edited by FutureBack.Mom
JT - You are a classy guy. I don't know what your wife would like, but for me, the greatest gift I can think of would be if my husband actually planned a trip away (to my, not his specifications). From an area perspective, what about a romantic weekend in Washington DC, with tickets to a concert or show (I see that Billy Joel will be at MCI center on March 16th for example), or a trip to Williamsburg. No, Roanoke does not count Big Grin Big Grin. Trips to spring training would always be welcome in my house, but my guess is that you could figure that one out on your own. Only other thing I can think of is for you to plan, cook and clean up a terrific Valentine's meal (think Rachel Ray).
Personally, what would make my day, is anything that would make my life easier so that I could feel less pressured and keeping that in mind I would appreciate the gift that keeps on giving and to accomplish that there is only one thing and that is Maid service for a year...then I could spend all my extra time with hubby and kids Smile
JT...not sure what "expense level" you were thinking about here...but one of my husbands gifts to me that was among my FAVORITE was when he planned a "suprise" weekend away in New Orleans for both ourselves AND my bestfriend and her husband. He made the air, hotel, and restaurant reservations...basically took care of EVERYTHING! It was a great weekend of eating, drinking and being merry. New Orleans might not be the best place to go right now...but there might be somewhere else of interest to your wife.

I swear if this post stays up here for a long time without someone else posting I will delete it.

They don't have Tiffany's here in Cleveland but they do in Seattle and probably from where you are from as well. I am not saying you need to spend a fortune in there but they have a silver counter section inside with some very nice jewelry at Valentines day prices. Just to give something in a Tiffany's bag - no matter how small (i.e., ear rings, bracelet, ring, etc.) has always gone over real well with my wife. I think she likes the packaging materials sometimes better than the contents themselves Smile
You gals are trying to cost me a pretty penney. I forgot to tell you how CHEAP I am Smile

Actually, I think the missus would NOT have a good time on a getaway. She's flying out to Calif. next week and then we have our son's visit (and her best friend's wedding) upcoming the end of Feb. All she would think about is "how much is this costing us."

So, on to Plan B (actually, I LOVE Plan A--and have just the perfect place--but will have to use that another time). Any other thoughts?
Well, JT - You're talking to a very low maintenance lady here....... Go with UKMB idea and prepare her dinner at home. If you absolutely can't cook - then pick up something special and bring it home. Send son to grandmas, purchase a couple of candles, play her favorite music. It's all about the caring - not the cost! Romantic caring like that will have you shining in your wife's eyes!!!!! Oh, don't forget the flowers - they're always a wonderful touch - send them to her at work!!!! I hope the other husbands around here are putting this much work into that day! Smile
Last edited by lafmom
JT.....didn't know we had a D3 list....will contact MNMom....

He is on his way back.....stopped in Tucson...on his way back to visit old friends and teammates.....will leave for Hampden-Sydney tomorrow....he called me today....all excited.....seems one of his HS coaches said he had been mentioned in a college baseball newspaper.....he would like a copy......but does not remember what the name of the paper is...?????? So my assignment....should I choose to accept find the paper for him......gosh darn....that old expression comes to mind.....a needle in a haystack! Google no help.....

Good luck with the college exciting time......
Last edited by LadyNmom
my all time favorite was when my sweetie had a bath drawn, wine poured and 4 of 5 magazines about decorating (my non baseball passion)waiting for me. while i lounged in the tub he went and picked up takeout(less clean up required), dropped the boys at a movie we had dinner in pjs by the fire. jewlery is always great but letting her know that you know what makes her tick is always a great thing. kudos to you for thinking ahead!

I surprised my hubby with a photo printer for Christmas. His first reaction was kind of, "Hmmm-m-m, what is this, and do I need it?". After a few hours of checking it out and printing a few digital photos (mostly the dog) Smile he said it was a great gift, and he has gotten a lot of use out of it since Christmas.

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