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Originally Posted by ClevelandDad:
Originally Posted by coach2709:

Another thing you need to do (which I'm having a hard time mastering) is actually eating more smaller meals throughout the day.  Have a good sensible healthy breakfast and then a morning snack, smart lunch, afternoon snack and then a good dinner is much better for you thank skipping breakfast, very small lunch and then splurging on dinner.  You can't cheat during one part of the day to try and offset thinking you can eat extra during dinner because you've not consumed a lot of calories during the day.


The problem with this is by not eating your metabolism is sitting there not doing anything so when you start to consume calories your body's not sure when it's going to eat again so it stores everything for reserves.  Since it's at the end of the day when you are settling down and not active then those calories get turned into fat for storage. 


Your metabolism is like a hard working machine - in order for it to operate at maximum efficiency it needs to be used (small meals) while getting maintenance (healthy food mixed with exercise).  You do this you will lose weight quickly.

Coach - I am going to respectfully disagree with you on this one.  The food industry wants you to think that you need to be eating all the time.  Think about that for one moment.


I started my transformation with 6 meals a day.  I have found (though research) it doesn't matter when you eat your calories.  I now skip breakfast most days.  I often skip lunch and yes sometimes skip dinner.  You want to make your metabolism go through the roof?  Go a full day without eating and hop on the scale the next day.  I guarantee you'll post a big number on the scale (e.g., between 5-7 lbs lost).  The trick with fasting is learning to eat normally (not rewarding yourself) when you come off the fast.  Fasting is the best diet ever invented but it is not in the interest of the food, diet, or supplement industry to promote that.


As reference for what I am talking about, Jack LaLanne's guru on diet and fitness was a man named Paul Bragg who wrote the Miracle of Fasting.  One of the best books I've ever read.  When you are overweight, your body has stored energy in the form of fat.  You deny your body food, it will live off the fat and no harm whatsoever will occur with your muscle or other vital organs.  Now, if you get really lean and ripped (e.g., well below 10% body fat) then it is possible to start consuming your muscles and vital organs.  By eating all the time, your body has no incentive to utilize its own fat reserves.  I know there may be many of you out there who disagree with me on this one but I've tried every diet out there.  Jesus fasted 40 days and in fact, that is about the limit one can go without food before the body starts to consume itself.


Here are two excellent free Internet sites on fasting if your are interested:

Funny that we discussed this a few days ago because I just read in Reader's Digest that new research is showing the small meals over the day doesn't work.  According to the article the small meals are not enough to satisfy you which will lead to eventually binging.  Three bigger meals will / should lead to being more satisfied without adding extra calories.



Update for me personally. 62lbs shed since March 1st. Working out for 4 1/2 months, 5 days a week. Sleeping with my CPAP mask nightly has given me a new outlook each day because I now awake with energy that I've never felt before. Well, maybe when I was a young Marine in my early 20's. lol. But now, I can go all day with energy, focus, a great attitude, and gusto. If it's 5pm before I can get to the gym, I do. Because I now have the energy to go AND look forward to it. I bought a new belt about 2 1/2 months ago and today I have already hit the last hole and will need a new one soon! It's these little things that I experience now that give me the satisfaction I have worked so hard for. My wife is already telling me that I need to shop for more Khaki's for work. What an encourager she is. (She has lost 35lbs right along beside me!)


I found a workout around the first of June that I incorporated called Interval running, or sometimes you may hear it called HiiT (High intensity interval training). You can begin this program if you haven't exercised a DAY in your life by walking. Yes, you really can. It helps burn fat 35% more than any other exercise such as jogging or other cardio type workouts. You only do it approx 3 times a week as your body needs a day of rest in between workouts. (I do rowing for 30min on my 2 off days in between). Folks, this is not a fluke or quick weight loss pill that Im sharing with you. To me I liken it to discovering the Fountain of Youth because of how great I feel immediately after the workout and throughout the week. It promotes the body's on natural Human Growth Hormone (HGH) which helps reduce things like wrinkles among other great benefits!


Here is a link below from US News on HiiT and the positive effects of it. Google HiiT or Interval running and I promise you that you will find NOTHING but great positive news from every link you click on. I share this with you all because all of you are like family. I am seeing up to 8-10lbs of HEALTHY weight loss each month.


If ANY of you have further questions about this program, I encourage you to send me a PM if you want to keep it private. I LOVE sharing this with friends and family. It has changed my life tremendously.

Truly inspiring YGD!  Of course you feel 100% better.  Now, instead of dragging yourself out of bed in the morning, you get changed in a phone booth.


My experience with weight loss and dieting is this.  Diet is the main tool for losing fat.  Working out is the main tool for toning your body and looking nice.  Sure, you can lose weight by working out but if you do not have the diet thing figured out, all the workout in the world will not get you to where you need to be. 


I am guessing you rarely spike your insulin anymore by eating highly processed carbohydrates but have learned to enjoy vegetables, fruit in moderation, and lean meat instead.  It's truly not rocket science.  Diet and working out are the easy part - motivation is the key to the whole thing.  


One final thing YGD, if you have not already, please go see a cardiologist and have your blood work done to ensure everything is in proper order.  Great news! 

Thanks FOG and CD. It just FEELS good to be able to write about this to be honest. I couldn't help but laugh about changing in the phone booth! lol.


I have definitely incorporated lots of fruits and veggies (daily), lean means, nuts, etc in my diet more than ever. I won't put processed foods near my mouth now. I tried it once a few weeks ago and I got so sick to my stomach. Horrible.


I did get a physical about 3 weeks ago and Im glad to announce that I came off all of my meds except for gout. And though that level is lower I don't feel confident yet weaning off it completely. I've only had 1 gout episode about 2yrs ago for a week and it equaled the intense pain I had with kidney stones. lol


My dad had quadruple heart by-pass surgery 2 1/2yrs ago and his brother and sister both died of heart attacks a few years back so heart disease does run in the family Im afraid. So Im keeping my eyes open on this.



Hello all. Have lurked for a quite a while, spent countless hours reading the archives, and learned so much from your discussions.


I needed to kill a little time this afternoon and I ran across this thread. Some things have happened in the last year that have weighed heavily on me (literally and figuratively). I needed to read this today, and I'm going to make a change, starting today. It's amazing how life works. Thank you so much.

Originally Posted by SDN8:

Hello all. Have lurked for a quite a while, spent countless hours reading the archives, and learned so much from your discussions.


I needed to kill a little time this afternoon and I ran across this thread. Some things have happened in the last year that have weighed heavily on me (literally and figuratively). I needed to read this today, and I'm going to make a change, starting today. It's amazing how life works. Thank you so much.

Simply awesome and welcome to the hsbbweb! 


It is so simple it will make your head spin.  Start purchasing your food from the outside isles of the grocery store and start walking.  Your weight and health problems will vanish.  You will become young again and you'll wonder why you ever let yourself go.  That is in the past now.  Making the decision to change is the most difficult part.  The rest (workout and dieting) is easy.  God bless and welcome to the club!   

I have not been around for awhile. But I wanted to post on this topic once again. First of all congrats to YGD! Simply awesome stuff. After over 30 years of trying to get my wife to "think" about an exercise routine and healthy eating habits as a way of life she finally decided to get serious and start. About a month ago she started walking 2 to 3 miles a day 6 days a week. She started to "common sense" way of eating CD has talked about here as well. So far she has lost 19bls and she says she feels awesome. I can already tell a big difference in her not only physically but mentally. She is starting to feel that sense of power and control one can get when they finally decide to do something.


Last Saturday our son's were home and we had a cook out. We were busy cooking and getting ready for the meal. She looked at me and said "When am I going to walk?" I said right now. They will have to wait your going to do your thing because you deserve it. Well she went for her walk and we finished the meal when we she got back.


For so many years everyone and everything has come ahead of her. She had to put her plans on hold at a moments notice to make sure everyone else got what they wanted. Well I am determined to not let that happen. And I am so proud of her. As for me I have continued to enjoy my common sense approach to eating. I am not at 199 and I feel better than I have in years. I walked with here on the weekends and work outside a lot. I have more energy now than I had 20 years ago. Quite honestly I can't remember the last time I watched tv. It seems like such a waste of time when I could be doing something productive with my time.


Thank you CD for starting this thread. It has changed some peoples lives. They have posted as much here on this thread.



Your post has helped get my family started as well.  Talked to my wife last night after reading this yesterday.  We have committed to daily exercise and shopping around the outside of the grocery store.


We want to be here to see our boys grow up.


Thank you for sharing; this really hit home with us.  Both my wife and I are prime candidates for diabetes and cholestoral problems with our current diet.  I have previously never been able to get her commit to improving our diets.  When I explained the reasoning of "What good is it?" it clicked for her.  Thanks!


Our road to better health begins today, wish us luck

Absolutely great thread.  I am so proud of all of you.  I would like to share my story.  


Four and a half years ago I weighed 250.  I am 6' 7" tall so that is not ridiculous.  I was running and lifting a couple times a week and was in ok shape for a 45 year old man.  I had some room for improvement but it was manageable.  Then due to some adversity in my life I used food as a crutch and lost the will to work out.  Shortly I ballooned up to 340 lbs.  I was miserable the weight was just the outward manifestation of my inner turmoil.  A year and a half ago I had an epiphany.  I saw a picture of myself without a shirt.  I was embarrassed and ashamed.  I signed up for a half marathon and started running.  For me I had to reignite those competitive juices so I bet a friend that I could run the half in under 2 hours.  Fast forward 5 months 1:59.53.  and 285 lbs.  That day I signed up for the Chicago marathon and set a 4 hour goal.  At 49, I ran my first marathon.  Didn't match my goal hit the wall at mile 21 and finished in 4:43.00.  Weighed 260 race day.  I was very proud of my accomplishment.  After the marathon took some time off to recover.  I had not really changed my eating habits I tried to eat healthier but was not really focused on quality just calories.  I had eliminated soda and fast food.  


After the marathon, began to feel really bad.  Lethargic and unmotivated.  Started running again and signed up for another half marathon in January.  Put back on about 15 pounds and just felt crappy.  Ran the half with a broken big toe and despite the pain felt horrible.  When I got home I was fiddling around with a friends blood pressure cuff and it read 200/100.  I thought it was broke.  Continued to feel bad and finally went to the doctor.  When I walked in his office he took my blood pressure and immediately gave me some blood pressure medicine and drew blood.  When I walked back in his office the next day, I felt much better and my blood pressure was at least reasonable.  Blood work came back cholesterol was 360.  Luckily I hadn't had a heart attack.  Remember I had just run a marathon in the last 6 months.  I then decided to really change my diet.  No dairy.  No gluten.  Very little animal protein.  I shop on the outside of the store.  No processed food. I really watched my sodium intake.  


Since January of this year,  I have changed my life drastically.  Now I weigh 225.  My cholesterol is 180 and my good cholesterol is over 100.  My blood pressure is under control.  My resting heart rate is 41.  I have completed 2 sprint triathlons, one olympic distance triathlon, and a century ride,  The rest of the year includes a 240 mile bike ride in 3 days.  A one day 184 mile bike ride.  A sprint triathlon.  A century ride.  And a marathon.   I have a new lease on life.  My days are filled with healthy people and healthy habits.  I have goals and focus.  I have an outlet for all the ups and downs that life has to offer.  My mind is clearer and sharper. I do not have pain and soreness in my joints and muscles despite my age and activity level.  I have pushed my limits in ways that were unimaginable 2 years ago.  All because of what I eat.


All of this was possible because of the changes I made in the way I eat.  I have tremendous energy.  Another 10 pounds and I will be at my college weight.  


My advice.  Take little steps.  Big changes lead to failure.  I would quit one thing a week.  Milk one week.  Bread the next.  etc.  Find substitutes for the things you like and make the things you love rewards.  Walk 5 miles get a steak.  Run a mile have one beer. Lose 5 pounds have a slice of pizza.  After a while you will start feeling guilty and the things you "love" will not be as important.  Make your exercise a positive for your community.  Sign up for a charity walk or a charity run.  It supports a good cause and it gives you a goal.  If you set a goal, we do not like to disappoint ourselves so you will train.  Plus I find the positive energy of a race or walk inspiring.  Every time I show up for a race I find an athlete that inspires me.  During my Olympic triathlon, I raced with and along side a double amputee wounded warrior.  When I broke my toe getting out of the lake on the way to my bike I really laughed at myself.  When I saw this man with no legs trying to beat me out of the transition area, I felt like the world's biggest sissy.  I put my shoe on and got my ass moving.


Keep up the great work.  Spread the word.  Invest in yourself. 

Wow - this thread has taken a wonderful turn with life-giving energy supplied.  Tears have come to my eyes reading these stories and have given me additional motivation.  This is a journey of ups and downs like deldad has described.  If you keep getting back up, the rewards are enormous.  I am convinced our country can become the healthiest on earth as we should be.  It starts with one of us saying I will not fall sway to the marketing hype and the lies anymore. 


There is a big lie going on out there in our country.  The lie is that we need food, alcohol, drugs, gambling, TV, fame, notoriety, etc. to make us happy.  All we need is the realization is that God made each one of us special and that each one of us are worth taking GREAT care of - as God intended it to be.


It only takes a few days to start feeling better again.  Start walking and eating those things you know are healthy.  Also, go see your Doctor now.  After you start getting your health back, you can add more rigorous things like deldad has suggested.  For the women out there reading this thread, do not be afraid of weight training - it, along with your diet can provide you with the body you always dreamed of.


dedldad is onto something.  He is pursuing his college weight and appearance.  My goal is to get back to where I was in high school and deldad has supplied me with added motivation to get there - thank you kindly sir!!!

Here is a tip for you sugar-addicts and chocoholics out there. 


Raw Organic Cacao.  It is the source used in the manufacture of chocolate.  In other words, it has all the health benefits that are known for chocolate (e.g., blood pressure lowering, antioxidants, brain-friendly food) without the negatives of sugar.  Cacao basically is unsweetened cocoa and the two terms are often used synonymously.


In its unsweetened form, it may seem bitter to some people.  The way I use it, is to mix two heaping teaspoons into a cup of hot water and make a delicious hot cocoa tea - without any sugar of course.  You'll find the taste to be quite chocolaty and delicious.  The amazing part for me is it makes me feel good and it seems to depress my appetite for several hours - a win/win scenario.  Here is a link for those who may be interested:  

If asked "do you want to live longer" or "would you like to be more healthy and energetic" mentally well people would respond in a positive manner. It's there for anyone. The only dangerous words are "tomorrow" and "next week." If you are going to start being mentally disciplined the only word is "now." Now might just be call your doctor. But get started.

Deldad, all I can say is just WOW. What an incredible inspring story that was! I read it to my wife. It just put goosebumps all up my back. I mean when a person had many excuses and reasons to throw in the towel you fought back and overcame. Feeling sorry for yourself never lasted long. I can't tell you how much I appreciate you sharing your story.


Coach May, I can't help but wonder how tired I would be hanging around you for a day! After reading your old stump story a while back I still get tired hearing about that wrestling match! I'm really happy for your wife and her new motivation to live life to its fullest. What's the latest on Jeff's ball career now? Anything new and exciting to share?


It really does come down to moment by moment decisions on how bad you want to stay committed to having control over your health. Seriously. I was driving home 1 1/2 drive from Cartersville (new home to PG soon) and I swear I must have hit every single thunderstorm and down pour possible. That 1 1/2hr drive turned into over 2hrs easily. Traffic creeped along in the rain. But I was determined to get to the gym and get my workout in. When I got there the parking lot was full but I still went in and got my sweat on! The sense of accomplishment was incredible as I walked out. The old me would've been like "man, it's raining hard just slide home into the driveway and watch some Little League WS". The mind is really something to behold.


CD, I can't thank you enough for this post. It has inspired many to take control of their lives once again.



I am going to bump my own thread - I know a hsbbweb frown upon but I thought I would throw out some positive motivation today...


What if...


You were born today, but you had all the knowledge and experience you have now?  Suppose you had another 60 or 70 years on your life no matter where you are right now?  What if you started taking really good care of yourself and you could extend a healthy productive life well into the future?  What if you re-invented yourself? 


I think that is possible...


Here is biblical verse from Genesis:

Genesis 6:3

King James Version (KJV)

And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.


"What if you started taking really good care of yourself and you could extend a healthy productive life well into the future?"


Would be great, I guess, but those things are not linked, and HBO specials are not science.

If you believe that a certain regimen is a good thing for you, then by all means carry on - but do not make the assumption that all things carry the same impact for all people. Vive la différence!

I tend to agree with the above as sometimes it's not all about doing the right things that will sustain life but much of the time it's hereditary, but it's important to use that info as your guideline to staying healthy.  I have high cholesterol as does my mom and siblings. This year I deferred my medication as it was making me sicker and now control it by diet and exercise. People have to decide what works best for them.


Two big factors in remaining healthy would be to stop smoking and to sustain a healthy weight level and limit your SUGAR intake and substitute unhealthy fats for healthy ones. You don't have to go crazy at exercise and should only after a doctor clears you to do so (as in deldad's story). My husband has been an avid runner most of his life and already has had one knee surgery, now probably needs a second, the doctor has told him to take it easy as having surgery as he gets older isn't always a good thing because he thought he was doing the right thing. 


My biggest question is why is cancer on the up rise?  One in every three/four woman I meet my age has breast cancer. Yesterday I spoke with a woman who was diagnosed at 35. Have you ever walked into a cancer ward at a children's hospital?  Why is there so much substance abuse (which tends to shorten one's life)?




I think with all things different aspects effect ones health.Environment,genetics,diet,stress etc.Sometimes the bricks just begin  to fall for various reasons.


Twenty years ago when my son was three I was becoming very ill.It had just progressed from feeling tired,to not being refreshed with sleep.I was working as a nurse three days a week,commuting hour each way,working evening shift 3-11 to save money on day care.So when my son was born my daughter was 8.My husband worked day shift and feltI was working part time whats the problem.


I left for work at 130pm,drove my baby to his moms a 45 minute drive then a half hour to work,I had already had a full morning at home,cleaning,laundry,shopping,son had chronic asthma,daughter had scoliosis so constant running to the dr.


About a year beforeI became ill I felt tired all the time.Tried to rest,wanted to cut back to two days a week,we couldnt afford it so I pushed forward.I started having sotmach issues,stared having horrible food allergies,lost 60 pounds in less than six months and was 98 pounds at 5'6.I couldnt eat,sleep or function.I had pressure so badly in the back of my head from inflammation to my brain,and panic attacks from inflammation to the lining of my heart.Iwas sick,drs thought I was dying.


Took me a year to get the diagnosis of CFIDS,chronic fatigue,immune dysfuntion syndrome  to many it was in my mind(( It was awful.I became bed ridden and in a wheel chair from being so week,I crawled to the bathroom,because I was too light headed to walk.I burn things in the stove,forgot stuff.Cognitive was horrible.I wrote Like I was dyslexic.


Needless to say I went on disability.I could not care for my son and he had to go into child care at 3.I missed him so badly.


Where I live several years ago there were two outbreaks of CFIDS that made people very sick.One at mercy San uan Hospital and one in Incline village.many of those first diagnosed,many nurses and dr never could return to work.


I did everything and anything to find answers,swhy did I get this virus/chronic illness NOW   what did I do?


Looking back I was the perfect candidate,working mom,doing most of the household stuff,the homework with daughetr,had a baby,on and on.PTA, volunteer for this and that,SUPER MOM


it kicked my butt and 23 years later I am not totally recovered.I have to watch what I eat,drink,I have chronic pain from fibromyalgia.It sbeen very difficult.


I write this because I am attempting to expain that what makes one person immune system crack,why does one get the high cholesteral(I have it ,nothing but meds worked) and I dont eat bad.(hereditary ) Why does one suffer heart attack and another eats,drinks what they want and live to be 100.Why do some get cancer?


I just think its a cr ap shoot with some of it BUT there are preventative things to help us have better lives,healthier lives.


1.Less stress  2.exercise  3.Good nutrtion 4. not being angry  etc etc,NO matter who you are those things listed will not hurt you thats for sure.


I think thats what CD is getting at.Sure being super strict on diet isnt for everyone,but nobody needs to eat a huge steak every day,common sense.


I know for me,my job as a RN was super stressful,I worked peds,and High risk nursey,high risk OB,I saw dying babies,children,moms lose pregnancies,I worked and still cleaned my house, had two kids,I went back to work when my son was 12 weeks and I was nursing>i pumped at work ON and ON


yes some can say a lot of women do it,But I overloaded my immune system and put it in a position to get sick.


If I could go back,I would of went to 2 days a week(we would of made it somehow or get a smaller house, I would of had a house keeper(I made good money),I would of taken better care of myself.


Now 20 years later,Im better,but I cant go on and on.I still need rest,I have to watch what I eat,I cant drink a lot,I cant run in every direction without paying for it.I am back to maybe 65 percent on a good day,some days more rare now I have to spend a day down.I mean down.


Thank God I have a husband that I can call on a bad day and say dinner isnt happening,or I cant get to store and he does it all.Has for 20 years.


So the purpose of the thread is to help someone maybe make a change that can prevent a total break down of the immune system,the mind,the heart,etc etc.


Cancer I believe is on the uprise due to stress,food additives,preservatives,poor water,bad soil, pollution,etc


But then how are some two year olds sick with it? genetics,right host right time.


Bottom line is try and do what is healthy,attempt to make changes because for most of us it will catch up.And when it does some may not get another chance.


So if I could go back I would make some different choices thats for sure.But I would still sneak in some bad stuff too )

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