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My son wanted to know how tall he was when he was 12, rather than guess, I told him to go look at his PG profile.  While I he was there he noticed there was personal information there like his High School, his age,  his hometown...etc.  We got into a discussion on who put in what information, me or his coach.  When it came to GPA I said it was me, he said "How did you choose?" 

As we began discussing it I realized he was right, I don't know what GPA should be listed there. His high school GPA uses everything, even gym to determine their GPA, yet many colleges don't count gym class in their GPA calculations.  I know for any coach that is actually interested in that information they will request a transcript and yet it is a field on the PG Profile.

So, what GPA do you list on a PG profile?  Or did y'all just leave it blank?

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My 2018 put his full weighted freshman GPA initially. After his sophomore year, he replaced it with his cumulative GPA.

As you said, anyone interested will request a transcript. In my view, the PG GPA is just a "search field" for coaches to get started with.


(EDIT NOTE: The following poster reminded me that my son posted his weighted GPA in his profile. Post edited to reflect that.)

Last edited by FFXfireman

In my experience, ACT / SAT score was the primary academic piece of info coaches asked about, particularly up front.  It's the only way they can compare kids nationwide.  It's also the easiest way to see if a player is a possible academic fit at their school.

GPAs are highly variable and very difficult to compare.  They do matter.  As does curriculum difficulty.  But they are nowhere near as important as the standardized test scores.  And my boys were never asked class rank.  Many high schools won't provide it...again, very difficult to compare even within high schools as curriculum taken by students vary widely.

If a player has a strong ACT / SAT score, I would definitely share that with coaches including putting it on a PG profile.  Higher yields a greater number of potential college opportunities. 

We also found that college merit scholarships were driven primarily off of test score (though GPA and curriculum taken are factors too).

A potential caveat to this (though test scores can matter here too) is the increasing number of test optional schools.  My sons were still asked by the coaches of these schools their test scores!  Again, it's the only way to easily compare kids...fair or not.  And admissions at test optional schools will still consider test scores.

This is just my experience with two baseball playing sons, all their peers, and the kids I help with college recruiting (regardless of sport).  Test scores matter more.  Share them if the scores are high! 

It depends on what it is....and also the ACT.  If your son is a 3.7 kid with a 30 ACT it doesn't matter if you put 3.61 or 3.77 the coaches won't care.  If you have the option of putting 3.12 or 3.29, I'd definitely put the 3.29.  Even at that, I doubt it will be a determining factor on whether or not your son gets recruited......they stuff like that clears up pretty fast once coaches start getting serious about a kid.  They'll find it out when they need to know

I get why you wouldn't use a 5.0 if you have all A's in all honors classes.  I was thinking more along the lines of the classes that many colleges don't count.

For example, my son currently has science, math, and English lit.  All of those would count.  But he also has gym, physical fitness, and study skills.  I'm thinking those won't count.

CaCO3Girl posted:

I get why you wouldn't use a 5.0 if you have all A's in all honors classes.  I was thinking more along the lines of the classes that many colleges don't count.

For example, my son currently has science, math, and English lit.  All of those would count.  But he also has gym, physical fitness, and study skills.  I'm thinking those won't count.

Might give this a look CaCO3Girl, maybe it will help??

CatsPop posted:
CaCO3Girl posted:

I get why you wouldn't use a 5.0 if you have all A's in all honors classes.  I was thinking more along the lines of the classes that many colleges don't count.

For example, my son currently has science, math, and English lit.  All of those would count.  But he also has gym, physical fitness, and study skills.  I'm thinking those won't count.

Might give this a look CaCO3Girl, maybe it will help??

^^^^Exactly.  You will need to fill out the Clearinghouse form(s) eventually, and the GPA that the schools/NCAA will look at will be on that.  But to answer your question, I would use weighted, and keep it updated.  

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