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Originally posted by TurnTwoNet:
If the "invisible" suits were as stated and all you could see was hands and feet (i.e. they don't have #s), it wouldn't matter how well anyone performed because the scouts couldn't tell who performed! Hey, I liked the player with the red glove and the worn out spikes!

You don’t need a uniform number to track a player. In fact, that’s probably the worst way to do it. I use a player ID#, which would be easily possible.
Originally posted by Stats4Gnats:
Originally posted by njbb:
Sometime ago sometime happened to cause TPM's post total increased. She has not made that 16,000 + posts...
So much for stats

The stats are accurate, unless the math was wrong. That’s the difference between being accurate and invalid, which according to you, they are.
Ever heard of a software bug?
Originally posted by Stats4Gnats:
Originally posted by TurnTwoNet:
If the "invisible" suits were as stated and all you could see was hands and feet (i.e. they don't have #s), it wouldn't matter how well anyone performed because the scouts couldn't tell who performed! Hey, I liked the player with the red glove and the worn out spikes!

You don’t need a uniform number to track a player. In fact, that’s probably the worst way to do it. I use a player ID#, which would be easily possible.

Still, that would be some form of identification making them non-unique...point being that it doesn't matter how well someone does if they can't be identified...
Originally posted by TurnTwoNet:
Still, that would be some form of identification making them non-unique...point being that it doesn't matter how well someone does if they can't be identified...

I’m sorry, but I’m not quite understanding what you mean. Maybe its that I did a poor job of explaining what I mean. I’ll try again.

When I got the 1st roster for the team I currently score for, 6 years ago, every player had a uniform number. But I know how HS baseball works. Its not unusual for players to change numbers during the season, or to forget a jersey and have to wear someone else’s. I also know what happens the next season. Players leave and new players come along, but those same uniforms are often used. Along with that, when the Sr with #24 leaves, chances are there’s gonna be another player who wants that number.

So, rather than try to fight numbers, I just started at the top of the 1st roster and assigned each player a number. The 1st player was 1, and the last was 23. Later that season a kid was kicked off the team, and another replaced him. The new kid got #24, and the 3 kids who got promoted for the playoffs became 25,26,and 27. The next season we lost 8 players and got 9 new ones. The new ones went from 28 on, but I never reused an ID#.

That way I could pull the data of any player I wanted to. But if I hadn’t done that, I’d be in real trouble by now, with each number having been use by at least 4 players. Now I have all the data for all the players in one common place. Had I used uniform numbers, that wouldn’t have been possible.

While the player ID# does make a player unique, it doesn’t give any other information. In fact, I often run the stats with the player’s names removed and replaced by their player ID#, just to have a little fun.
I heard that I went from a couple of thousanths to 100 of thousanths in a day, who knows, but good point njbb.

I still can't for the life of me figure out the purpose of the entire post scenerio and why, but that's ok, I figured that it would turn out like this.

Got a really good pm today from a very insiteful poster, it read, "Stats 4 Gnats...has earned a place on my 'life's too short' list a while back. He cares more about continuing arguments than winning or even finishing them".

Good stuff, thanks for the pm my friend! Smile
Last edited by TPM
Not sure why this veered off the original point that was; are there alternative ways to evalute players. IMO that is an interesting topic that really doesn't have a provable conclusion.

Nothing said here is going to change the way things are done but this site is full of topics and discussions that won't change a dern thing (See Tebow) but I personally enjoy the banter. It is an enjoyable diversion from the real stuff in my life. If anyone finds themselves getting agravated by anything that goes on here then I think they need to dial it back a notch or two.

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