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Today i was resding a coaches blog and the writer of the blog had written an article before thanksgiving on the things in baseball he was thankful for......

Thought it might be interesting to list some of things we are thankful for in this great game.....

My first one...(might be a little bias towards pitching)

I am thankful for:

"An inning where the pitcher strikes out the side"

Baseball's best teams lose about sixty-five times a season. It is not a game you can play with your teeth clenched.

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Along those lines fenwaysouth I'm thankful the game exists. Being from more rural areas and then becoming a father in a big metropolitan area I had no clue as to how to raise our kids...especially the first one. My wife, who had grown up here, suggested that we get involved in Little League®. The template was laid in front of us and we used it to cut out a path to raise two sons and two daughters. All baseball players and softball players. God love 'em!

Last edited by gotwood4sale
I am very thankful that my oldest son is still playing the game I have grown to love!

And, I am thankful for everyone that has helped him achieve his goals, including all the help here on the HSBaseball web. It is here where my son connected for his first "real" travel team, it was here he learned of the opportunity provided through the Goodwill Series, it was here we understood the importance of College Summer Ball.

It is here that I learned to enjoy the ride!

Thank you everyone here that makes this site work!
So many things to be Thankful for. Thankful that this game helped raise my son into a hard working and committed man. Someone who didn't take no for an answer. I am so Thankful for the people who supported him.this board being part of that support. I am Thankful for the wonderful trips we took as a family and the time we shared . Baseball has been part of my life since I was a little girl. It's the greatest game ever.
Last edited by fanofgame
Baseball and softball has created a bond with my kids that started with games at The Vet, continued through a long journey of them playing the game and will continue forever with a generation of their children yet to be born.

It hasn't been all about the playing. Its been about all the car rides and conversations to and from travel tournaments. It's about the look on my son's face (just like Christmas morning) the first time he walked up the runway and saw Fenway Park from a few rows behind the plate.
Gosh, this will be a long list!
I'm thankful for Bob Howdeshell for starting this site. And for other "founding fathers", like BamaBomber, HiwaseeVol, Fungo, OnePlayersPop, & BigHit. Their advise & encouragement helped me guide my son. PGStaff & Jim Arp for seeing something & helping define it.

This game introduced my son to men, coaches, friends, that have been with him for 20 years, that have watched him grow up, from T-Ball to now, & continue to shared their love, wisdom & stories of "remember when...?"
I'm thankful for the education he received, the opportunity to still be playing, what he's been able to he's grown into such a strong, confident young man.
...the wonderful places all across this great Country we've been to in that Chevy Van. And every white stripe lane divider on every interstate, highway & county road!
Oklahoma Red Dirt & Bayou Crawfish, Iowa corn fields & palm trees in Jupiter or Palm Beach. Rocky Mountain sunrise in Steamboat Springs & Cowchips in Burleson!
Even the "camping out" in a very small room with 5 12 yr old boys! Stinky socks & all!
Duck Tape & safety pins! Hand warmers & nail polish for blisters!

I'm so thankful for that old, faithful, dependable Minolta 7000 camera & 300mm lens!

I was thankful for laundromats! And 2 moms & a dad that helped!

I'm thankful for no "comebacks" to his face/head.

Mostly, thankful for all the frienships & closeness with my kids. The stories, the memories!
I'm thankful that my son gravitated towards baseball rather than another sport. I can't imagine spending time in a gym somewhere is anywhere near as fun as spending all day Saturday and Sunday watching the kid play and also roaming from field to field watching other games in between. Standing down the line watching a baseball game has gotten into my blood and I couldn't be happier. Not to mention the rides to and fro talking about the games and life.

To be totally honest I really don't know where my son would be today without baseball. I don't think he would be in college working towards a degree while doing something he loves. For that I'm eternally thankful.

It must be the season, but I was getting emotional reading all of these. I am thankful for all of the above, and I know I am going to miss the car rides to and from all the games, the 10 pm post game steak or pasta dinners, and the countless nights in crummy hotels, since that is where I know my relationship with my son became so strong. Thankful for all of that.

Each of us here know that baseball has shaped our son's character. It has kept them on track, focussed, goal-driven and out of trouble (for the most part). It has been a big part of our family life and we are thankful for that. (And thankful for the non-baseball relatives who put up with all our baseball talk over the years.)

This will be a bitter-sweet year watching the 'last' varsity season. But I am especially thankful for all the forces that came together and got my son recruited at our state university, so that he can continue the game he loves. The fact that he will be less than two hours away is something my husband and I are very, VERY thankful for! I know that is a real gift.

If the OP is looking for real 'baseball' stuff, I am thankful for a beautiful, well executed change up that gets the batter swinging at air and shaking his head. Esp. if it is a two-strike pitch in a clutch situation.

Is it spring yet???? I am getting those December blues again.
I am thankful that baseball has provided, as a sport, the oppotunity for my kids to physically develop there bodies in a healthy and fun manner, and to also provide the platform for them to learn some valuable life lessons in the process, such as strategy, preparation, team work, camaraderie and sacrifice. For me it is truly the greatest game on earth. This is a game that provides continuous learning opportunity's, not only for my kids, but for me as well
"If the OP is looking for real 'baseball' stuff, I am thankful for a beautiful, well executed change up that gets the batter swinging at air and shaking his head. Esp. if it is a two-strike pitch in a clutch situation."

I have to admit when I first posted I was thinking about more of the components of the game that we are thankful.....things like "a well executed squeeze play" or "early morning long toss with a teammate on a beautiful spring day"

But that is what great about this site....people interpret things differently and put their own spin or give their own insights....and you get to read things that you did not expect
Last edited by dad43
I had a conversation with friends one time about the biggest individual high in sports. For me it was just before the the cut in football on a kick or pick return where I knew there would be nothing between me and the end zone but green grass. When asked about baseball I responded it was the surreal feeling of flying in slow motion when diving for a ball even if I knew the destination was a crashing halt with the ground or a fence.
On a broad level, I'm thankful for Nolan Ryan and how he has brought MLB to life in north Texas.

Personally, I'm thankful for medical advances and the skilled doctors we have available to us. Even though injuries have taken over two years of baseball away from my son, those medical advances still have him on the field and he has learned just how much he loves the game through the recovery periods!
For the kid in RF who is backing up the throw on a dropped 3rd strike.
For the pitcher who never hesitates because he's sulking to back up 3B or HP.
For the pitcher who nods his head to the SS who just booted a GB and says your OK.
For the hitter who hits behind the runner to move him and is happy about it.
For the hitter who lays down the SAC and is happy about it.
For the guy who hits a Bomb and simply runs the bags even though he is screaming inside "Hel Yeah"
For the pitcher who paints a 3-2 fastball on the corner and gets a walk out of it and never flinches even though he is screaming inside "Hel No"
For the Coach who see's a ground ball go through the SS's legs and calmly claps his hands and says get the next one.
For the Coach who takes the time in practice to work on the things that will allow him not to see that as often.
For the Coach who see's a player fail to get down that SAC bunt in a game and says shake it off.
For the Coach that takes the time in practice to work on the bunt game so his players are prepared properly to lay down a SAC bunt.
For the player who has hit 5 times in a game who slaps the guy on the back and says go get it when you replace him in a blow out.
For the parent that always compliments his or her son's team mates when they talk to you.
For the parent that allows you to brag on their son instead of the other way around.
For the guy who is standing on 2b when the pop fly is caught.
For the guy who is standing on 2b when the pop fly is dropped.
For the guy who is running through the bag on a ground ball.
For the guy who is rounding the bag and going to 2b on a gound ball that gets through.
For the player that just struck out who greets the next batter with "Hammer this guy" instead of pouting back to the dug out.
For the catcher who blocks everything in the bull pen because he is going to block everything in the game.
For the pitchers who appreciate that.
For the umpires that appreciate that.
For players that don't look at their glove like it was the reason they made an error.
For the players that by the way they play the game you have no idea if they are up by 10 or down by 10.
For the player that by the way he plays defense you have no idea if he is 4-4 or 0-4.
For pitchers that want the ball no matter what the situation is.
For pitchers I have to drag off the mound no matter what the situation is.

I think I could post about 10 more pages of these.
Originally posted by Coach_May:
For the kid in RF who is backing up the throw on a dropped 3rd strike.
For the pitcher who never hesitates because he's sulking to back up 3B or HP.
For the pitcher who nods his head to the SS who just booted a GB and says your OK.
For the hitter who hits behind the runner to move him and is happy about it.
For the hitter who lays down the SAC and is happy about it.
For the guy who hits a Bomb and simply runs the bags even though he is screaming inside "Hel Yeah"
For the pitcher who paints a 3-2 fastball on the corner and gets a walk out of it and never flinches even though he is screaming inside "Hel No"
For the Coach who see's a ground ball go through the SS's legs and calmly claps his hands and says get the next one.
For the Coach who takes the time in practice to work on the things that will allow him not to see that as often.
For the Coach who see's a player fail to get down that SAC bunt in a game and says shake it off.
For the Coach that takes the time in practice to work on the bunt game so his players are prepared properly to lay down a SAC bunt.
For the player who has hit 5 times in a game who slaps the guy on the back and says go get it when you replace him in a blow out.
For the parent that always compliments his or her son's team mates when they talk to you.
For the parent that allows you to brag on their son instead of the other way around.
For the guy who is standing on 2b when the pop fly is caught.
For the guy who is standing on 2b when the pop fly is dropped.
For the guy who is running through the bag on a ground ball.
For the guy who is rounding the bag and going to 2b on a gound ball that gets through.
For the player that just struck out who greets the next batter with "Hammer this guy" instead of pouting back to the dug out.
For the catcher who blocks everything in the bull pen because he is going to block everything in the game.
For the pitchers who appreciate that.
For the umpires that appreciate that.
For players that don't look at their glove like it was the reason they made an error.
For the players that by the way they play the game you have no idea if they are up by 10 or down by 10.
For the player that by the way he plays defense you have no idea if he is 4-4 or 0-4.
For pitchers that want the ball no matter what the situation is.
For pitchers I have to drag off the mound no matter what the situation is.

I think I could post about 10 more pages of these.

Outstanding Coach May!

Let me add one to your list and see if you can top it...

I know of a college player, who maybe got ten at bats his entire career. The team was playing in its final game of the year since they were getting beaten handily and the coach started giving guys at bats that normally never play. They called this kid's number for an at bat (he was a junior) and while he was warming up in the on deck circle, he went back in the dugout and asked the coach to put his teammate in who he knew was a senior and would never have the opportunity again. They obliged the kid and put the senior in but that kid showed what being a winner is all about imho. He put the team ahead of himself. I am not saying I could have done something like that but when I heard about it, I knew that kid was a winner in life because he understood the big picture and made a huge sacrifice imho.
Might sound a little selfish but,

I'm thankful to have a son who was given the gifts to play the game at a high level and who enjoyed playing the game every time he took the field. Especially the night he hit the clutch double with two outs in the bottom of the 7th to tie the district championship game and send the game into extra innings (yeah, we won!).

Thankful for all his teammates that gave everything they had in every game.

Thankful for a son that recently told me a unique way how much he appreciated how I (and my wife - his Mom) supported him in his endeavors on and off the field.

Thankful for a game that teaches participants about life as well as the game itself.

Thankful for all the relationships we made (and continue to make) along the way.

Thankful for all the coaches and mentors that just happen to be in the right place at the right time.

Thankful for an employer who was understanding enough to allow me time off and countless days of leaving early so I could catch each game of his senior year - especially during their playoff run when we didn't know if they were playing the next game or not.

Coach May - Excellent post!

How I love this game!

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