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We've had a series of days in the 80s or high 70s. This weekend, severe thunderstorms rolled in with lightning, high winds, hail etc. Then Monday, 83 degrees and very nice. Today, severe storms again, tornado warnings, hail, high winds, lightning, etc. Now, the temperature is falling fast. High temperatures in the 40s for the rest of the week. By Saturday, highs barely to 40. Come on, that isn’t fair!

"Failure depends upon people who say I can't."  - my dad's quote July 1st, 2021.  CoachB25 = Cannonball for other sites.

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Originally posted by gotwood4sale:
Wow CoachB25! What you're describing sounds exactly like my upstairs bathroom since the heat lamp and exhaust fan went on the fritz!

Gotwood4sale, the Doghouse I live in during baseball season doesn't even have a bathroom. crazy The weather person for one of our local stations changed the forecast this morning and said it was going to get to 52 degrees. It's approaching eleven now and it's 32 degrees. My AD is not happy since I told him we were playing today. In our area we have an unwritten rule that 40 degrees is the line. I'm going to have a bunch of people mad at me if we play.
Originally posted by trainscout:
Hi Coach B-
How is your asst coach/ friend/ surrogate son doing, if I might ask. He has been on my mind, and I am hoping he is healing..

Yes, we are now back to full strength. Coach Bugger started throwing BP and insist he's alright now. He's had a very tough year to this point. However, he did have a son and so, he's very blessed as am I to have him with us. He was very sick and for a long time. Thanks so much for asking. Each day I count my blessings and so, being able to work with him and have him back is certainly one of them.
Originally posted by CoachB25:
In our area we have an unwritten rule that 40 degrees is the line. I'm going to have a bunch of people mad at me if we play.

Ahh, the luxury of being a southern school. I think our bar is set, that if the cleats can't break through the ice in the outfield while running, get heavier outfielders. In 4 years, son #1 has made at least one start each year at 35 degrees and below. Our opener this year was 32 degrees at gametime.
Last edited by CPLZ
CPLZ - your description of common field conditions in the spring here in the north almost made me laugh... if it weren't true it would be funny! Yesterday, while we did manage to play, our outfielders had to dodge the flock of seagulls that had mistaken our field for the shores of Lake Michigan. Today those same birds would need ice skates! As soon as the weather gets decent the season is over!
We played today with a 25-30 mph wind and game temp around 42. So the windchill was REAL COLD. One administrator said it was 29 degrees. Coach Kottmeyer at Centralia is one of my good friends and he also wanted to play. Our kids played a game where any ball in the air was an adventure. I knew this game was going to be a slugfest when I hit a fungo in pregame on a half swing that hit the top of the fence. Also throwing that ball into that kind of wind well let's say no one was making the mitt pop. Knights were fortunate to win 12-11. The catcher for Centralia hit a ball that is somewhere around Effingham by now. I don't think it will ever come down.

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