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My recent thread about finding baseball magazines has spawned this question. The fact that Sports Illustrated has an article about playing video games makes me ask: What is a sport?

Video Games? NOT a sport!!!
Poker? NOT a sport!!! - Why is this c&*p on ESPN?
Hunting? NOT a sport!!!
Sailing? NOT a sport!!!
Golf? NOT a sport!!!
Curling? Let's get real here Razz

These are activities.... nothing wrong with them, they are great activities and people love them. (except maybe curling Smile ) I just don't think they are sports. In fact, the list of activities, wrongly described as sports is long.

Years ago, my friends and I worked up a simple definition of what constitutes a sport. We narrowed it down to 4 simple rules.

1) There is a defined Offense and Defense (When lineman rush at a golfer, than golf can join the list of sports)

2) You use a ball (Sorry hockey fans)

3) There is a winner and a loser (Sorry All Star Game fans Smile )

4) Scoring is defined, not up to judges (Kills a lot of so called "Olympic Sports")

How would you define a sport?

Please remember to take this all in the good fun it was meant to be Smile
cong [url=]Youth Baseball Coaching[/url] "In a child, sports build character. In adults, sports reveal character."
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There is at least a dozen or so guys, mostly Canadian, that would disagree with you that curling is not a takes a lot of effort to use a broom on ice.

Can't agree using 'judging' as a criteria for eliminating something as a sport. Diving is one example. It takes an incredible amount of athleticism and training to compete. You wouldn't catch me jumping thirty meters into 12 feet of water while doing a double back flip.

Hockey - there is an offense and a defense and a winner and a loser. Plus, you really have to develope a good left hook....legend has it the puck started out as a ball but after continually being flattened by human bodies piled on top of it during all out brawls they decided to go with something that would be a little less expendable.

Golf - John Kruk said it best: "I ain't no athlete, I'm a professional ball player." I guess you can be incredibly NOT athletic and still be able to hit a little white ball a ton...

NASCAR: You have to be in some kind of good physical shape but if horsepower is doing 95% of the work I guess that eliminates you as an athlete being the 'driving force'.

Poker? Makes me a puker to see it called a sport. I can just see the training manuals of the future: "How to Develope Good Wrist Action For Better Shuffling"

Bikini-weariing may not be a sport but bikini- chasing may have some merit to it.
This is probably one of those "In the eyes of the beholder". A sport is whatever you want it to be..."Washers" or mumbly peg anyone?
Let me give you my take on sports. I think it's just a play on words....If you do something simply for sport; I would qualify it as a sport. Take sport fishing... Sport fishing exists because there are those that fish for a living. So if we think that way ...then we must ask... are professional baseball player playing a sport or working a job? I think most people confuse sports with athletics. Athletics will almost always be classified as sports (except cheerleading and weightlifting) but sports don’t necessarily need to be athletic. What games are played in a sport coat? noidea rolleyes
Not a hockey fan, but I don't believe you have to have a ball for it to be a sport. Heck, a football isn't even round and I don't think anyone is going to say football isn't a sport.

Agreed on poker but the more publicity it gets the easier it is to make a few extra bucks.

Definitely agreed where there has to be judging. If you want to make it into a real sport just have them perform tasks that they can either do or fail until there's a winner. Most gymnasts (except the 15yo girls w/ 9yo bodies) are great athletes but it isn't a sport because of the judging.
OK. I'll take the bait. I personally don't see that much difference between hitting a golf shot (excluding putting) and pitching or hitting a baseball. They require a great deal of skill, and at best, moderate athletisism.

I love it when they talk about a hitter taking pitches, so that the pitcher, who just ran a whole 90 ft to make the 2nd out in an inning, can have time to rest.

There are great athletes playing baseball, but in my opinion, baseball is more of a skill sport than anything else. Therefore, it has alot in common with golf. This may help explain why there are a number of pitchers that become excellent golfers.
I guess I will take the bait as well - but let me open with the comment that Sports Illustrated over the last 20 years increasingly has nothing to do with Sports.

So what is a sport? Wikipedia defines it as:

A sport consists of a physical activity or skill carried out with a recreational purpose: for competition, for self-enjoyment, to attain excellence, for the development of a skill, or some combination of these. A sport has physical activity, side by side competition, and a scoring system. The difference of purpose is what characterises sport, combined with the notion of individual (or team) skill or prowess.

For me, I like the notion of side by side competition as opposed to an offense and a defense as proposed by cong. Offense and Defense still works - but this allows for a little more freedom where the concept of offense and defense is perhaps a little blurry e.g. Basketball during a jump ball or a loose ball (or as defense is played in the 4th quarter of a blow out game Smile )

A scoring system is a must - no judges. There must be a way to achieve points without a third party assesment.

Golf is always the tricky one in my mind - but I would tend to say yes. No one is directly defending the play - but on the other hand, in baseball you don't have to hit your foul balls.

I love this question. It is fun to debate it. I have two friends who host large audience sports talk shows (one national and one L.A.) and I've had this discussion with both of them.

I'm also an avid lifelong golfer and have known many tour professionals.

But I don't know what a "sport" is. I've never been offended by people who say golf is not a sport - I can see their point!

Oddly, the same point about golf can be made about baseball.

Is golf a sport? Obviously it depends on how you define sport, and I have never tried to create a definition. Golf certainly is an activity that has some athletic elements. And it darned sure is hard to do well.

But you have top level tour pros who smoke cigarettes or cigars while competing. How can it be a sport?

But for that matter, you have top level major leaguers who use tobacco products while competing as well!

What is a sport? Who knows! But the question sure is great talk show fodder!
I like this post...similar to your question of what is a "Sport" is the question of "What is an Athlete"?

I haven't come up with the 4 simple rules as you have...but, here is a list of those I consider athletes - even if their activity doesn't qualify as a sport...I'd love to hear from others as to what comprises an "athlete" and is there any correlation of whether (or not) that athlete competes in a "sport"?

Examples of Athletes:
baseball, football, basketball & Hockey players
gymnasts (not a sport)
swimmers (sport ???)
runners (sport ???)
figure skaters (not a sport)

Examples of "Skilled" individuals that I would consider as NOT Athletes:
Golfers (sorry, don't mean to offend)
billiards players
bowlers or "rollers"
and last but not least "Professional Eaters"

Thoughts ?
As a personal definition, sport is whatever physical activity one engages in for fun, health, and/or to stay in shape.

But Sport as a communal or professional activity is different. Me, I figure athletic ability is involved (so I've just eliminated poker -- was it ever a question? -- bowling and billiards for starters), rules and scorekeeping, and a defined winner.

Sport vs. skill. Hmmmmm. You need skill for a sport, but having skills doesn't make the activity a sport.

After some stellar performances by Arnold Palmer leading up to his last Master's participation, an article I read said the question of golf as a sport was settled: If your grandfather can beat's not a sport.

George Carlin has, of course, covered this terrirory; initially I posted a link, but the language was, indeed, Carlin' here's the G Rated edit:

To my way of thinking there are really only three sports: baseball, basketball, and football. Everything else is either a game or an activity.

Hockey comes to mind. People think hockey is a sport. It's not. Hockey is three activities taking place at the same time: ice skating, fooling around with a puck, and beating the caca out of somebody. If these guys had more brains then teeth, they'd do these things one at a time. First go ice-skating, then fool around with a puck, then you go to the bar and beat the caca out of somebody. The day would last longer, and these guys would have a lot more fun. Another reason why hockey isn't a sport is that it's not played with a ball. Anything not played with a ball can't be a sport. These are my rules, I make 'em up.

S****r. S****r is not a sport because you can't use your arms. Anything where you can't use your arms can't be a sport. Tap dancing isn't a sport. I rest my case.

Running. People think running is a sport. Running isn't a sport because anybody can do it. I can run, you can run. For Pete's sakes, my mother can run! You don't see her on the cover of Sports Illustrated, do you?

Swimming. Swimming isn't a sport. Swimming is a way to keep from drowning. That's just common sense. Sailing isn't a sport. Sailing is a way to get somewhere. Riding the bus isn't a sport, why should sailing be a sport?

Boxing is not a sport either. Boxing is a way to beat the caca out of somebody. In that respect, boxing is actually a more sophisticated way of hockey. In spite of what the police tell you, beating the caca out of somebody is not a sport. When police brutality becomes an Olympic event, fine, then boxing can be a sport.

Bowling. Bowling isn't a sport because you have to rent shoes. Don't forget, these are my rules. I make 'em up.

Billiards. Some people think billiards is a sport, but it can't be, because there's no chance of serious injury. Unless, of course, you welch on a bet in a tough neighborhood. Then, if you wind up with a pool cue stickin' out of you, you know you might be the victim of a sports-related injury. But that ain't billiards, that's pool, and that starts with a P, and that rhymes with D, and that brings me to darts.

Darts could have been a sport, because at least there's a chance to put someone's eye out. But, alas, darts will never be a sport, because the whole object of the game is to reach zero, which goes against all sports logic.

Lacrosse is not a sport; lacrosse is a wimpy college activity. I don't care how rough it is, anytime you're running around a field, waving a stick with a little net on the end of it, you're engaged in a wimpy college activity. Period.

Field hockey and fencing. Same thing. Wimpy college stuff. Also these activities aren't sports, because you can't gamble on them. Anything you can't gamble on can't be a sport. When was the last time you made a fencing bet?

Gymnastics is not a sport because Romanians are good at it. It took me a long time to come up with that rule, but I did it.

Polo isn't a sport. Polo is golf on horseback. Without holes. It's a great concept, but not a sport. And as far as water polo is concerned, I hesitate to even mention it, because it's extremely cruel to horses.

Which brings me to hunting. You think hunting is a sport? Ask the deer. The only good thing about hunting is the many fatal accidents on the weekends. And, of course, the permanently disfigured hunters who survive such accidents.

Then you have tennis. Tennis is very trendy and very cute, but it's not a sport. It's just a way to meet other trendies. Technically, tennis is an advanced form a Ping-Pong. In fact, tennis is Ping-Pong played while standing on the table. Great concept, not a sport.

In fact, all racket games are nothing more the derivatives of Ping-Pong. Even volleyball is, technically, racketless, team Ping-Pong played with an inflated ball and raised net while standing on the table.

And finally welcome to golf. For my full take on golf, I refer you elsewhere in my writings, but let it just be said golf is a game that might possibly be fun, if it could be played alone. But it's the vacuous, striving, superficial, male-bonding joiners one has to associate with that makes it such a repulsive pastime. And it is decidedly not a sport. Period.
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