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Well said, especially the last sentence.

Originally posted by observer44:
Through one looking glass...Baseball is simply means to an end...a classroom for learning life lessons...for connection with others...for full immersion in a values(hard work/perserverence/faith/brotherhood...)based prove to us that it does indeed exist and that we can built in other venues...that it matters ...

The problem with defining "success" is that we treat baseball the same way we do life...far too often we judge worth of experience by statistical and external means:

IMO, What happens inside is far more important. By this judge you cannot know the level of success without knowing the person. By this judge players who played one year in LL may be a huge success if they learned the lessons that gave them a different perspective. And players who made it to MLB may be a huge failure if they have learned nothing that makes them better human beings...and haven't used that knowledge to make the world a better place and those around them better human beings.

Cool 44
Originally posted by Homerun04:
I agree with TRhit on this! Look at the use of wood bats.

Why should college and high school baseball switch to wood bats because some folks think that is what the pro's want to see?

Do the pro clubs want to subsidize college baseball at all levels to be the development system for them? It would very easy to see that a very small percentage of players will ever make it into the MiLB.

Why effect the majority that minority will benefit from?

You should have asked why effect the game the way it was meant to be played (with wood). Where real hitters would no longer be overshadowed by those who have long advanced in the game via skewed hitting fundamentals compliments of a $400 trampoline bat, (possibly rolled & shaved)with an 18 inch sweet spot!!!

Wood bats will level that hitting field once again for sure!
In thrity years of study, the best definition of Success I have ever found is this:

"Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal." -- Earl Nightingale

There is one measure for success. Success is a very personal thing.

If you define success as making it to the big leagues, and you are working towards that goal -- you are a success. If you define success as having the opportunity to play baseball at the college of your choice, and you are moving forward towards that goal -- you are a success. If you define success as being a leader on your LL, Travel, or HS team, and you are moving forward towards that goal -- you are a success.

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