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CD, thanks for "your" summary & protecting the feelings of myself & others who have never-ever been exposed 2 a contoversial opinion

pehaps you should take a time-out or retire from mod-ing .. ya kinda s-t-i-n-k at it Frown

I'll await the tirade, accusations, and name calling as you've done before

btw, are you stalking me? ... again???

for those that don't know, CD has a looong "hot list" of websters who might (possibly) make an offending post ... he his auto-notified each time someone on "the list" makes ANY post, just in case he must act swiftly protect the world from it?

big brother-ish & HARDLY in the spirit of hsbbweb Frown
Last edited by Bee>
by CD:
D-old-D said ... "colleges recruit too many black players"
CD concludes ... "He is clearly a racist and I don't see where that type of vile belongs here on the hsbbweb"
kind'a controversial indeed! and also deserving of discussion! ...
others might conclude that he simply meant - "colleges recruit too many black players"
(*no racisism was intended by my bold type, btw)Wink
or ... that he follows college basketball Confused

it's hard to tell w/out any discussion

tho someone unwilling or unable to sort things out for themselves will no doubt praise you in a following post

btw, the assertion that YOUR interpretation of his comments should to be adopted blindly by all others here without discussion is kinda controversial too! Roll Eyes except for that "next poster" Roll Eyes

do ya mind sharing how you have the rest of us labeled as well?
Last edited by Bee>
Originally posted by ClevelandDad:
Originally posted by Bee>:
interesting topic ...
tho it'd be easier to make heads or tails out of this part of the discussion if the controversial posts hadn't been deleted to protect me from hurt feelings

perhaps if mods only had a finite # of interventions they could make each month it would "moderate" them a bit

Perhaps you should moderate yourself Bee>... those comments are not appreciated...

Here is the skinny on what he said. He said the reason there is so much crime in college sports is that colleges recruit too many black players. He is clearly a racist and I don't see where that type of vile belongs here on the hsbbweb.

As one who saw the original post before it was deleted, thank you for deleting it CD.

That kind of rhetoric has no place on HSBBW. People who want to discuss that kind of thing I would suggest can find another board where it would be more appropriate.

After all, we have enough to argue about with rotational hitting, mike marshall pitching motions, and North vs South baseball already on this board.

Originally posted by ClevelandDad:

Here is the skinny on what he said. He said the reason there is so much crime in college sports is that colleges recruit too many black players. He is clearly a racist and I don't see where that type of vile belongs here on the hsbbweb.

I SAID NO SUCH THING. I said that major colleges target black players for scholarships to boost their admissions numbers. How does my accusation of what I consider unfair recruiting policies make me a racist? If I had said Wall Street targets white students to keep its good ole boy club together ClevelandDad would have no problem with it. If I said that colleges unfairly give scholarships to overseas tennis players instead of home grown ones CD would have no problem with it. But mention the word black and moderators run for cover.

TRHit brought the subject up so what is wrong with discussing the admissions policies of colleges and hearing different viewpoints and experiences. Since many of us have players who are potential recruits this discussion is relevant.

And if colleges are bringing kids with a violent criminal history onto their campus, this becomes relevant to everyone who attends college. And their loved ones.

Everyone knows here that colleges look for balance when accepting new students. Their decisions are partly based on race as everyone knows. So why the big fear of saying it. A lot of us have kids who want to get a scholarship. So knowing how colleges think can only be helpful to potential recruits.

I also never once gave my opinion on anything. All I did was accuse the colleges of having racist policies. And for that I am made to feel like an outcast and been insulted.

If anyone can find a racist statement in this post. Feel free to call me a racist.
Racism,...accusations, insults, politics, ...etc. Not
really what the HSBBW is all about.

People who want to discuss that kind of thing I would suggest can find another board where it would be more appropriate.

I agree.

And because I have my big-girl pants & tiara on today, I am going to close this thread with hope that we can stay productive.
I feel that this thread has turned into a subject matter that could potentially bait and fuel an ugly fire on many levels. No need for that.

Let's talk baseball!

Back to my coffee and scones......cinnamon roll anyone?
Last edited by shortstopmom
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