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Situation.  Bases loaded.   Base hit to LF.  Lead runner scores.  Man on 2nd is trying to score.  Lead runner behind the plate telling 2nd runner to stand / slide.  Ball takes a hop and catcher misses... it hits the runner that already scored.   Is this offensive interference?  The first runner makes no intentional attempt to deflect the ball.  What happens to the trailing runners?  Does it matter if the second runner crossed the plate or not?  Is it just a live ball - play on?

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Originally Posted by NewUmpire:

Situation.  Bases loaded.   Base hit to LF.  Lead runner scores.  Man on 2nd is trying to score.  Lead runner behind the plate telling 2nd runner to stand / slide.  Ball takes a hop and catcher misses... it hits the runner that already scored.   Is this offensive interference?  The first runner makes no intentional attempt to deflect the ball.  What happens to the trailing runners?  Does it matter if the second runner crossed the plate or not?  Is it just a live ball - play on?

I'm going to go by NFHS rulings...Sec 21 Art 1 Part A... "which interferes with, obstructs, impedes, hinders, or confuses any fielder attempting to make a play..."


So by that wording who is atempting to make a play in this situation? In my opinion it is the catcher. Does the runner behind the plate interfere with, obstruct, impede, hinder, or confuse the catcher from making a play here? Again in my opinion, No. I have nothing here and it is a live ball because R1 did not make an attempt to interfere with the play. You need to remember that only 1 fielder at a time can be protected by this rule as only one fielder can be making a play at a time. Also remember that a runner can't immediately disappear after touching the plate. As long as there is no intentional action by R1 to interfere i would have nothing.


Last edited by Coach_Sampson

One that's had some heated discussion especially from me


Can't give you a yes or no on the OP. But will say a non base runner could very easily put themselves in a position to unintentionally interfere.  Other runners and the pitcher backing up is a good example in the OP. 

What if the throw popped up in the air and BR missed HP with an ensuing scramble between F2 and R? 


How about R1 0 outs.  B hits a flare into short RC, R1 has left early and is scrambling back. BR rounds !B sees F9 make a diving snag on the fly ball, in disgust he turns towards his dugout and pouts with hands on knees or stands and waves R1 to slide either way F9's throw hits him and..? 


In other words coaches, don't tell your players hey as long as you are signaling

a runner you don't have to worry about a thrown ball. IMHO. 


I'll be back coaching a LL major team this year, that'll give me an, interrupted a couple times, 20th year, come on sun shine..


Originally Posted by jjk:

One that's had some heated discussion especially from me


Can't give you a yes or no on the OP. But will say a non base runner could very easily put themselves in a position to unintentionally interfere.  Other runners and the pitcher backing up is a good example in the OP. 

What if the throw popped up in the air and BR missed HP with an ensuing scramble between F2 and R? 


How about R1 0 outs.  B hits a flare into short RC, R1 has left early and is scrambling back. BR rounds !B sees F9 make a diving snag on the fly ball, in disgust he turns towards his dugout and pouts with hands on knees or stands and waves R1 to slide either way F9's throw hits him and..? 


In other words coaches, don't tell your players hey as long as you are signaling

a runner you don't have to worry about a thrown ball. IMHO. 


I'll be back coaching a LL major team this year, that'll give me an, interrupted a couple times, 20th year, come on sun shine..


What if the throw popped up in the air and BR missed HP with an ensuing scramble between F2 and R? 

It depends... Who is he trying to make a play on?


How about R1 0 outs.  B hits a flare into short RC, R1 has left early and is scrambling back. BR rounds !B sees F9 make a diving snag on the fly ball, in disgust he turns towards his dugout and pouts with hands on knees or stands and waves R1 to slide either way F9's throw hits him and..?


Where is the BR? Between F9 and F3 or behind F3 in foul territory? There are many details that you are leaving out here. Just because a runner scores or is put out doesn't mean that they can immediately disappear from the field of play.


Originally Posted by Coach_Sampson:
Originally Posted by jjk:

One that's had some heated discussion especially from me


Can't give you a yes or no on the OP. But will say a non base runner could very easily put themselves in a position to unintentionally interfere.  Other runners and the pitcher backing up is a good example in the OP. 

What if the throw popped up in the air and BR missed HP with an ensuing scramble between F2 and R? 


How about R1 0 outs.  B hits a flare into short RC, R1 has left early and is scrambling back. BR rounds !B sees F9 make a diving snag on the fly ball, in disgust he turns towards his dugout and pouts with hands on knees or stands and waves R1 to slide either way F9's throw hits him and..? 


In other words coaches, don't tell your players hey as long as you are signaling

a runner you don't have to worry about a thrown ball. IMHO. 


I'll be back coaching a LL major team this year, that'll give me an, interrupted a couple times, 20th year, come on sun shine..


What if the throw popped up in the air and BR missed HP with an ensuing scramble between F2 and R? 

It depends... Who is he trying to make a play on?

JJK: The base runner that just missed HP. 


How about R1 0 outs.  B hits a flare into short RC, R1 has left early and is scrambling back. BR rounds !B sees F9 make a diving snag on the fly ball, in disgust he turns towards his dugout and pouts with hands on knees or stands and waves R1 to slide either way F9's throw hits him and..?


Where is the BR? Between F9 and F3 or behind F3 in foul territory? There are many details that you are leaving out here. Just because a runner scores or is put out doesn't mean that they can immediately disappear from the field of play.

JJK: Between F9 and F3, after rounding 1st.   


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