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@TexasLefty posted:

Just that it seems like a very smart path and as more people recognize that, the opportunities will shrink.  Especially for the players that really do have a trajectory but need 1-2 years of development.  

Where you are located Reg 5 and 14, it was known to have very good JUCO programs.  Just remember Texas has the most no. of HS Student Athletes playing baseball

2023 CBI-State-Participation-HS-South

Here are the total No. of Texas Student Athletes playing college baseball

2024 by state


2023 by state


What level of baseball they are playing

2024 by division


2023 by division


Hence if you look at JUCO Only, the numbers are kind of stay the same.

2024 Season



2023 Season



2022 Season



Note, some numbers are being adjusted.

Just remember, that you also get a lot of 4 yr transfers.


Images (11)
  • 2023 CBI-State-Participation-HS-South
  • Texas_2024_distribution-by-state
  • Texas_2023_distribution-by-state(1)
  • Texas_2024_players-by-division
  • Texas_2023_players-by-division(1)
  • Texas_2024_players-by-division(1)
  • Texas_2023_players-by-division(2)
  • Texas_2022_players-by-division
  • Texas_2024_distribution-by-state(1)
  • Texas_2023_distribution-by-state(2)
  • Texas_2022_distribution-by-state

@TexasLefty, to your point, I believe that better players are now embracing JuCo opportunities straight out of HS - instead of wasting a semester or two sitting on a bench (or worse) at a D1 school. Here is a case in point. Last week I watched a local (DFW) 6A HS game that determined a district championship. The starting pitcher for the home team was a Sr LHP that has over 25 career HS victories. He is the most polished HS to ever attend his public HS. He sits 88-91 mph with his FB and that isn’t his best pitch. The breaking ball is better. Next year he will attend McLennan CC in Waco, TX. The starting pitcher for the visitors was also a Sr - a big 6’-6” RHP that sat 90-92 and touched 93 w/ his FB. And he had a decent breaking ball. Next year he also will be attending McLennan. Both starters left the game after 6 innings (due to pitch count) with the score 1-0 in favor of the home team. Home team’s Sr. closer struck out the side in the 7th with ten 95 mph FBs and one knee buckling slider. Next year he will be attending Navarro CC in Corsicana, TX.  Before Covid all 3 of these players would probably have gone to a D1 school straight out of HS, sat for a year and not gotten any better, then left for a more realistic opportunity. All 3 are better off with the paths they are on now - and they can all get to any 4 year program in America from the JuCos they have chosen.

@adbono posted:

@TexasLefty, to your point, I believe that better players are now embracing JuCo opportunities straight out of HS - instead of wasting a semester or two sitting on a bench (or worse) at a D1 school. Here is a case in point. Last week I watched a local (DFW) 6A HS game that determined a district championship. The starting pitcher for the home team was a Sr LHP that has over 25 career HS victories. He is the most polished HS to ever attend his public HS. He sits 88-91 mph with his FB and that isn’t his best pitch. The breaking ball is better. Next year he will attend McLennan CC in Waco, TX. The starting pitcher for the visitors was also a Sr - a big 6’-6” RHP that sat 90-92 and touched 93 w/ his FB. And he had a decent breaking ball. Next year he also will be attending McLennan. Both starters left the game after 6 innings (due to pitch count) with the score 1-0 in favor of the home team. Home team’s Sr. closer struck out the side in the 7th with ten 95 mph FBs and one knee buckling slider. Next year he will be attending Navarro CC in Corsicana, TX.  Before Covid all 3 of these players would probably have gone to a D1 school straight out of HS, sat for a year and not gotten any better, then left for a more realistic opportunity. All 3 are better off with the paths they are on now - and they can all get to any 4 year program in America from the JuCos they have chosen.


Reduction is mlb draft, elimination of Minor league teams has pushed the supply chain down.

@TxballDad posted:

Sadly, it's sounding like JUCOs being a place for players to go that need to continue growing is a thing of the past. Maybe at least in Texas.

I wouldn’t say that. It will make it harder to get on the field though - especially at the top JuCos in Texas. And it makes it harder for freshmen to get significant playing time. It’s really important in today’s world that players/parents make smart decisions coming out of HS. Most JuCos are better at bringing along either pitchers or position players. One or the other. Very few are good at both. So that’s the first distinction that should be made. Another thing to consider is the issue of redshirting at a JuCo - which is something I used to be dead set against. But not anymore. You have 5 years to play 4 - and in today’s game more kids than ever need the extra year in the beginning. Old stereotypes don’t apply anymore.

@adbono posted:

I wouldn’t say that. It will make it harder to get on the field though - especially at the top JuCos in Texas. And it makes it harder for freshmen to get significant playing time. It’s really important in today’s world that players/parents make smart decisions coming out of HS. Most JuCos are better at bringing along either pitchers or position players. One or the other. Very few are good at both. So that’s the first distinction that should be made. Another thing to consider is the issue of redshirting at a JuCo - which is something I used to be dead set against. But not anymore. You have 5 years to play 4 - and in today’s game more kids than ever need the extra year in the beginning. Old stereotypes don’t apply anymore.

@TxballDad  @adbono is spot on.

1 - Who is the coach?

2 - HC Tenure (including AC Tenure)

3 -What is their annual pipeline? (2 or 3 yr trend)

4 - Where are their alumni now?

CBI and Adbono;

To answer your questions. Where are they now? The alumni at SRJC are named in this web site.

In addition, there are three players from SRJC 1990 year now in ML as Manager, Coach and Ass't GM.

Today's HS players should study the history of the local JC, watch the games and the practice. Ask questions of the Pro Scout. Set "realistic" goals and develop a "game plan".


@Consultant posted:

CBI and Adbono;

To answer your questions. Where are they now? The alumni at SRJC are named in this web site.

In addition, there are three players from SRJC 1990 year now in ML as Manager, Coach and Ass't GM.

Today's HS players should study the history of the local JC, watch the games and the practice. Ask questions of the Pro Scout. Set "realistic" goals and develop a "game plan".


Where are they now from the perspective of transferring to a 4 yr school or get drafted.

@Consultant posted:

CBI and Adbono;

To answer your questions. Where are they now? The alumni at SRJC are named in this web site.

In addition, there are three players from SRJC 1990 year now in ML as Manager, Coach and Ass't GM.

Today's HS players should study the history of the local JC, watch the games and the practice. Ask questions of the Pro Scout. Set "realistic" goals and develop a "game plan".



Below is what I'm speaking about.

IMHO,  given the dynamic changes that have occurred recently, Student athletes should use the following formula

Roster research = HC Tenure - 1 yr (look at max of 3 yrs), factor in AC Tenure specific to your position.

For the 2024 season, where are there alumni from a college baseball perspective

Santa Rosa_2024_Juco_Insights_JUCO_Pipeline

Here is where they are, the position they play

Santa Rosa_2024_Juco_Insights_JUCO_Pipeline_Details

Here are the players from the 2023 roster that transferred to 4 yr school

Santa Rosa_2024_Player_attrition_Outgoing_Player


Images (3)
  • Santa Rosa_2024_Juco_Insights_JUCO_Pipeline
  • Santa Rosa_2024_Juco_Insights_JUCO_Pipeline_Details
  • Santa Rosa_2024_Player_attrition_Outgoing_Player
Last edited by CollegebaseballInsights
@Consultant posted:


That is outstanding.

Notice that there are 18 players from SRJC 2023 team are now playing on a 4 year college. One of the players is now the leading hitter at Long Beach State.


@Consultant  here is another example

Iowa Western

Iowa Western_2024_Juco_Insights_JUCO_Pipeline

Details by position

Iowa Western_2024_Juco_Insights_JUCO_Pipeline_Details[1)

CBI Shows the annual transfer for a JUCO Program, ie Iowa Western Alumni from 2023 class that transferred to a school for 2024 season

Iowa Western_2024_Player_attrition_Outgoing_Player

2022 class that transferred to a school for 2023 season

Iowa Western_2023_Player_attrition_Outgoing_Player


Images (4)
  • Iowa Western_2024_Juco_Insights_JUCO_Pipeline_Details(1)
  • Iowa Western_2024_Juco_Insights_JUCO_Pipeline
  • Iowa Western_2023_Player_attrition_Outgoing_Player
  • Iowa Western_2024_Player_attrition_Outgoing_Player

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