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Had a mom of all things tell me this at a college baseball game. Her son was a college senior and not getting much attention from major league scouts. She said "Maybe I should get him on steriods, I think that might make the difference."

I asked her why dont you give your kid heroin instead. She told me, that is dangerous. After telling her steriod are tested for in the minors, he fails the test kiss his career goodbye. Plus you have no idea exactly what is being injecting in your body. Drug dealers could be selling you water all you know.

Steriods have nasty side effects like bad skin, you hair falling out, mood swings and depression.

Good news, the mom suggest her kid hit the weight room and cut out twinkies and beer in his diet now.
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I think we need to give Frank the benefit of a doubt. So Frank, yes, what is wrong with them. Heck my parents wanted me to coach them. I said, "hey, you've coached them all of their lives and what good did that do? They suck!" I believe I was in Paris at the time of that comment. Those silly Paris doctors, they keep using bent needles. I keep saying "Human Growth Hormone" and they keep asking if I going to ride the Tour!
Last edited by CoachB25
Hey Frank, aka Andy, aka Lebeau,

Instead of concocting stories why don't you belly up to your government and have them flip us some of the debt they owe that allows you to speak French and not German.

Andy, if your going to be foreigner, at least pick a country that leans a little to our side.
Last edited by rz1

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