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Originally posted by Fungo:
What is your son's #1 BASEBALL goal?
As a parent what do you think his #1 BASEBALL goal should be?

Good question and I'll ask him to get an accurate response. I think his answer would be "to play college baseball for a big, southern school with good academics" but I don't know that for sure.
Son is a HS senior and, since we moved to a different town, he's attending a different school - one where the baseball team is actually a "team". The guys actually like each other and frequently hang out together (NEVER happened at previous school).

With the new circumstances, including new teammates and coaches, his primary goal for the season is to help his team repeat as NH Class I State Champs. We asked him if he wanted a class ring from the new school and he said no, that he'll wait for his state championship ring instead.

As a pitcher, he has some significant personal goals for the season, as well, but he prefers to keep those between us. Next year, he will do a PG year to shore up his time management and study skills prior to college and then he wants to play for a highly competetive program. Doesn't matter if it's DI, DII, or DIII as long as its a challenge. He hopes to major in Marketing and then transition into a successful career path.

My goal is that he be happy and healthy. May not sound like a lot - but I'm a mom and it works for me!
Last edited by KmomNH
I know that it is different being in college, but as a 5th year senior here are my goals....

1) Turn team around by having a winning season
2) Be a leader for the underclassmen on and off the field
3) Establish a winning team culture and train new leaders for when I leave
4) Be an example of the right way to go about playing the game
Originally posted by Beezer:

Good question and I'll ask him to get an accurate response. I think his answer would be "to play college baseball for a big, southern school with good academics" but I don't know that for sure.

Beez, I heard that for a few years, and it changed to "great instructors at a sleeping giant to contribute and take a shot at making something special happen"

Did the opposite present itself? YES, but it wasn't my decision. Cool
Originally posted by thegame2003:
I know that it is different being in college, but as a 5th year senior here are my goals....

1) Turn team around by having a winning season
2) Be a leader for the underclassmen on and off the field
3) Establish a winning team culture and train new leaders for when I leave
4) Be an example of the right way to go about playing the game

One of the better posts I have ever seen on the hsbbweb - outstanding

Those same principles will also make you a winner in life as well but I have a hunch you already know that Smile

You could play for me any day. I don't know how talented you might be, or if you're interested, but you are the exact definition of a professional "organizational" guy.

In fact, with just a few words, you have convinced me that you would be good for any organization. Most just don't think like you do. If you would like, PM or email me your name. You have a new fan here and I'd be happy to let others know, who are more important than myself.

If not... best of luck, I agree with "CD"... you are on your way to a very successful future.
Originally posted by thegame2003:
I know that it is different being in college, but as a 5th year senior here are my goals....

1) Turn team around by having a winning season
2) Be a leader for the underclassmen on and off the field
3) Establish a winning team culture and train new leaders for when I leave
4) Be an example of the right way to go about playing the game

Excellent '03!!

I can only hope my son has upperclassmen like you to set the bar and be an example when he goes to college next year!

Best of luck to you.

My son's goal is to play pro ball. We have been educating him on the fact that a good education is absolutely critical if he wants to reach the MLB. It finally registered in his head this year. His grades and his attitude as a freshman very likely cost him a spot on the varsity squad last spring. But he was a leader on the field for the freshman and the JV squads (all of the squads won their conferences).

He has had no disciplinary actions against him this year. He had several too many as a freshman. His core GPA jumped to a 3.33 from a 2.3 (core excludes physical education & electives) and he participated in mock trial where he received high marks for his participation. He has an interest in architecture and now has an interest in law. If I was able to exclude all of his course grades except for math and English for both his freshman and sophomore years, he'd have a 3.9 GPA (go figure).
Last edited by MTS
Great posts, fun to read.
My son's goals (written on a piece of paper in his room several years ago with specific details on weights and batting average too). He's a senior now.
9th: Make J.V. and keep getting stronger, keep a 3.5 g.p.a. through h.s., keep mouth shut (did it, 9th graders don't usually make the team)

10th Make varsity, start at DH and help team, get stronger, faster (took a while to start at DH, but did it)

11th: Start Varsity, be a leader to the younger guys, continue to improve, be a hitter (did it)

12th: Be a leader - "help everyone to play their very best, and then try to be even better than that", win conference, go to state play-offs and win. . . I'm sure he'd like to make all-conference or all-state too, but he's not saying it. We had bad seniors last year and our seniors this year are really united about having a team attitude and winning. (We'll see what happens) Graduate with 3.5 g.p.a. Sign to play college (signed with a great DII last week and is very excited about it)

Parents goals: Grades!! and use baseball to go to a good academic school - don't go just for baseball. Be the hardest worker on your team (Did it).

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