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When in Little League, I was the first outfielder off the bench. I have this vague recollection of being designated the First Reserve Outfield Alternate; and being especially valued for repeatedly trying to look back the runner on third from my position on the right field warning track.

When I graduated to the large field, that lessened the value of my "Lookback Move." After realizing that, I tried my hand at other sports.

Eventually, I was drafted unwittingly into the position of Baseball Dad. Once there, I tried to position myself as far down the first baseline as possible.

On one memorable occasion, that brought me into direct contact with a crusty travel ball coach from a foreign country:Connecticut. It was easy to see that he did what he did for the love of the game and the players.
Last edited by Prepster
Originally posted by TRhit:

expected no less from you

Dang, what did I do? Figured you wanted what we played in high school, since this is I played football in high school.

I did play pre high school baseball, second base and some outfield. But wasnt that good. Once the pitchers started throwing something other then fastballs, I realized that I had pretty good hands and could catch a football better then most.
Originally posted by BaseballmomandCEP:
LOL, CT as a foreign country! Thanks, Prepster, for making me laugh. Tom, should we argue that point or agree with it??

Myself, I played 1st chair in the violin section of the orchestra.

My only contact with sports in HS was: dated a pitcher, catcher, QB, wrestler, track star......

High school was lots of fun.

My, you dated a lot of jocks in HS Smile
I never played an inning of organized baseball. Played a lot of hoops though. That's why it still amazes me when I watch a hitting coach notice a small defect in a swing that looks exactly like the previous 50 swings to me.

I got out of the way after I taught him how to turn his glove to make a backhand catch when he was 6 or 7. I throw a mean 55 mph BP from 40' also.
Played a little of everything and spent a lot of time on the mound Smile

I miss playing defense, a lot. And I miss catching. A groin tear during freshman football (that never was sufficiently treated) ended my chances at catching, which was always my best position. Still can't get into a catcher's squat after all these years!

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