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Kinda new to this website but, it is my understanding that it is for high school players and parents to discuss openly about high school experiences and college oportunities and such. I am going to hopefully get some advice over the next few years too in regards to my 2014. I really haven't talked at all (besides introductions) to the head coach where we are leaning towards. It has been all with the Asst. Head Coach/RC. It didn't seem odd because I was told that he was completely in charge of the recruiting process. I think every school is different in this respect.

I disagree with you on your view regarding respect. I believe that everyone deserves respect, not only ones who have earned it. I expect myself and family to show others respect. I also expect to receive it myself from others. I sure did not mean to come off sounding as one who is unappreciative or whiny. My son is one whom thanks the coaches after a camp, shakes hands with the umpires after a game, etc. He is very respectful! If you think otherwise, you have no clue about my son. I agree with about this being good experience in business and life; however, he does not have to appreciate or accept the way he is always treated. I am at peace with this situation, as explained in an earlier post. Thanks to all for your contributions.

Originally posted by calisportsfan:
After catching up on this thread what I find most unusual for a group of adults is the theme of disrespect. It's a pet peeve of mine when the generation of our kids feel like they've been disrespected....I feel like you have to earn that respect and really speaks to feeling entitled when people right off the bat say "disrespected".

I think there was lots of respect for your son's ability in that out of all the guys there he was one of the few they reached out to and wanted to meet with and in fact made an early offer but what you focused on was not all that positive but some feeling of disrespect! Beyond baseball, my advice is that this process is going to be helpful to your son as he applies for jobs and simply learns how to approach different people and different situations....perhaps the best thing you can teach him is to focus on how fortunate he is rather then some nebulous feeling of disrespect. Teach him to be a rising Junior to have an offer already is great under all circumstances. My son played with a kid who just got drafted out of high school in top two rounds and signed a large contract. I never heard him or his parents sound unappreciative of his good fortune. They are at the pinnacle of success in this little baseball world and have handled it with grace and therefor so has their son. It bodes well for his future.

I bet if the RC knew you felt "disrespected" by his efforts and offer in all likelihood he would be very turned off by that.
Originally posted by newb:
My 2014 son recently received a verbal offer from a D1 school in a great conference. Although I am very pleased for my son to receive an offer this early, the actual offer itself was somewhat bittersweet, if not outright disappointing for my son and myself. I realize I might sound like someone who is never pleased or think of my son as a "prima donna", so please allow me to explain. Before attending a recent tournament, my son was asked by the recruiting coordinator to stop by the baseball complex after the games concluded. So that is what we did. However, we were asked to wait outside standing in the heat for about an hour while the RC and Head Coach met with other recruits. When the RC came out to get us, he informed us the Head Coach was sorry but he had to leave to be with his family. The HC had been at two of my son's games, but never introduced himself to me or my son (nor did he at two previous camps my son attended on campus in the winter). So we then met with the RC, but it was somewhat difficult for me during our discussion to completely get my mind off the HC's decision to skip our meeting. The RC offered, unofficially of course, a partial scholarship to my son, but it was somewhat lower than what I was expecting. I had expected to receive a larger offer since he is only a 2014, am I wrong? I somewhat felt we were being "low balled", especially since he said the amount was the smallest it would get, but my son could possibly "earn" more between now and signing day. I can't help but feel that it was disrespectful for the HC to run out on our meeting but attend the others - plus, it makes me really question how important my son is to him and his program. I would love to hear others opinions and related experiences. As this was the first offer for my son, what should have been a memorable, once in a lifetime experience, left both my son and I disappointed, hurt and offended. Am I being too sensitive about this or is this just typical?

You asked for opinions and I shared mine. I don't know why you EXPECTED a higher offer when it was your son's first. You have nothing to compare it to. An offer for a rising junior = "disappointed, hurt and offended" Wow, your son must be amazing for you to come away from an offer feeling that way so early in the process.

You asked for advice and mine is very simply focus on the positive and set that example for your son. Nobody said you have to take the offer. If you find it so distasteful simply say thanks but no thanks and move on. Or tell the RC that you plan to keep your options open a while longer in hopes of a more generous offer and see how he responds. Your son is young, what you may not have seen is how many guys that are offered early fail to pan out and simply don't improve at the rate of those around them and then the coach is left with an expensive commitment.

Keep in mind, you even acknowledged how your post might sound whiny and never satisfied, and you were right, it does. The equivalent of complaining about your bonus to someone that's unemployed!

You don't like it, decline respectfully and move on. The program is probably wrong for your son and the coach will undoubtably find someone more suited for their program. This may come as a shock to you but your offer is probably what your son is worth as a 2014 they have to project out two years to their program. What if you son fails to improve the next two years? What it doesn't sound like you realize yet is that there are lots of guys JUST like your son ready to fill that opportunity with gratitude. Those are the guys who succeed at the college level.
Last edited by calisportsfan

    " makes me really question how important my son is to him and his program."

You and your son were there on the ground with the RC so you know best, but from what I'm reading it sure seems like the HC has his eyes set on other recruits. Perhaps he knows those others are undecided and he's keeping your son way back on the back burner, at a low simmer, and he's looking at your son more as insurance than anything else. If that is the case I can understand your disappointment. Certainly the encounter didn't meet you or your son's expectations.

If you and calisportsfan were to meet face to face I think the two of you would quickly arrive on the same page. I appreciate that you came here to the HSBBW for advice and you're getting it. The fact that the HC chose not to meet with your son, yet did meet with others, indicates to me that he isn't really interested in your son. Like calisportsfan's probably not a good match.

Learn from all of this, go forward, find a program where your son is wanted. Keep'll happen. Much success to you and your son. Keep us posted. Thanks.

Last edited by gotwood4sale

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