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to run a tournament for 17-18 year olds next summer using McCurdy Field in Frederick? Who controls McCurdy? I thought I heard Babe Ruth Baseball controlled it, is that true?

Frederick is a great place for a tournament. I played at McCurdy back in the early 80's in the legion state tournament. My summer team used to play 1 or 2 games per season at McCurdy against local Frederick teams. I have always loved that park!
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That's a great question. I'd recommend that you contact Tommy. He knows all of the ins and outs regarding field time. Perhaps you guys could combine your team and Tommy's Legion squad and invite some others to play. Tommy is always looking for great teams to play. He and I both believe that your players will only benefit by playing against better competition. I believe that Babe Ruth has primary usage, but I think that Tommy is able to get some time there as well. Perhaps you guys could get your heads together and come up with something that would be a lot of fun. Now would be the time to discuss it before they start formulating next year's schedule. Knowing Tommy, he's probably already scheduling games!

I agree, there's something about it that makes it a great place for a baseball game. I particularly love playing there under the lights. The lights give it a field of dreams sensation. Of course, all of the kids go to the plate gunning for the little house just over the left field fence!
I'm thinking about an 8 team tournament that could get played over the July 4th long (3 or 4 days) weekend. Would like to invite mostly MD teams to participate. Two 4 team divisions, play each team in your division. The top teams from each division play for 1st/2nd, the second place teams play for 3rd/4th, etc...

Would need an additional field in the area. Perhaps LOTES (spelling?) near Harry Grove? Figure out what the field rental costs (with costs for people to drag and water field in between games) would be, umpires (16 games X $150) and baseballs, and charge each team just enough to cover expenses. Most teams could commute each day, eliminating the cost of a hotel...but that could be worked out as well. Also makes the issue of rained out games not as big a deal, with refunds to teams for unplayed games. Sitting around in a hotel watching rain is a costly thing to do!

Would send invitations to every college coach (Division I to JuCo) in MD, DE, PA, WV, VA and invite them to come watch.

Pool A: Teams 1, 2, 3, 4
Pool B: Teams 5, 6, 7, 8

Schedule could work out like:

Fri July 3rd
McCurdy 10:00 1 vs 2
OTHER 10:00 3 vs 4
McCurdy 1:00 5 vs 6
OTHER 1:00 7 vs 8
McCurdy 4:00 2 vs 4
OTHER 4:00 1 vs 3
McCurdy 7:00 6 vs 8
OTHER 7:00 5 vs 7

Sat July 4th
McCurdy 10:00 6 vs 7
OTHER 10:00 5 vs 8
McCurdy 1:00 2 vs 3
OTHER 1:00 1 vs 4
McCurdy 4:00 7th/8th PLACE GAME
McCurdy 7:00 5th/6th PLACE GAME

Sun July 5th
McCurdy 1:00 3rd/4th PLACE GAME
McCurdy 4:00 1st/2nd PLACE GAME

I could see this getting done for about $450 per team. Wow, I have too much time on my hands. Smile

I got no problem with the Monarchs. They are doing a fabulous job of putting their players in a position to get experience playing top shelf competition.

I imagine you are alluding to my less than glowing perspective on the figure head of the organization. The man has produced numbers that are unmatched on the high school level here in MD. He has been a strong advocate for "his programs". When he faced competition that was as good, if not better, he would adjust in one way or another. I hold no ill will toward him, but certainly didn't much care for competing against him.

Inviting the Monarchs to such a tournament would be a no-brainer!
Rental rates for McCurdy and Loats fields:

McCurdy Field
Daily w/o lights – City $200; non-City $400
Daily w/ lights – City $350; non-City $700

Loats Field
Daily w/o lights – City $125; non-City $250
Daily w/ lights – City $175; non-City $350

The phone number for Frederick City's Department of Recreation is 301-600-1902.

I'm fairly certain that the Babe Ruth League has first dibs on dates but I might be wrong. You can download the form for using these fields at:

Just click on the link: "Application For Use of City Park Sports Facility."
I like the idea of Maryland and Virginia teams, lets add some more Mid-Atlantic teams.
Richmond Braves, Mid-Atlantic Mets, Virginia Barnstormers are the top teams I know of out of Virginia.
I would love to see the Dirtbags and Carolina Hurricanes from North Carolina
Tri-State Arsenal out of New Jersey
Maryland Select, Columbia Reds, Frederick Hustlers, Maryland Nationals, Baltimore Waves, and the Maryland Monarchs.
I think that would be a great 12 team tourney.
Make 3 brackets of 4 teams, play each team in the bracket, then re-seed everyone into a double elimination tournament.
That would give a miniumum of 5 games to each team.
Maybe you can convince a set of umpires to do it at $60-$70 a pop, by bidding it out.
Possibly use the local colleges' fields if it is simple enough fee wise.
Last edited by soxfan
Great ideas guys! Reminds me when I used to get all those teams to come out for the July 4th Classic. Got Brooklyn Youth Service, South Troy Dodgers, Lombard Orioles, etc... to come into town various years for the tourney. We had to use some pretty poor fields at the time, but the games were great.

The field use fees for McCurdy are staggering to say the least.

Be back...gotta run.
I crunched the numbers guys, and it looks like it will be $5000 to run this tournament with 8 teams. A four game guarantee. That equates to $625 per team. I got $2500 for use of the two fields in Frederick. 1/2 that if we can get Tom's Frederick team to host. I'm assuming he could get the "CITY" rate? I already figured the umpires for 16 games at about $2400. Getting the CITY rate would save each team about $150.

Now I want to look at Soxfan's suggestion a little closer. I will have to talk to Chris Warren (VA Barnstormers) to see if they would be interested. We normally go to his tournament last week in June at Virginia Tech, then he heads south to East Cobb. Don't know if he'd be available.

I like Soxfan's 3 bracket scenario, but I worry about "quality field" availability over a 3 day holiday weekend. Also, don't want to make the cost too nuts for teams. But then again, if most teams can commute, the cost gets recouped by not having to pay for hotels and stuff. I'll crunch some numbers and post later.

Could this really happen?
At the risk of ticking off the FCUA guys, in my opinion, the best umpires are the Central Maryland Umpire Association headed by Dave Masser - 301-845-6263 Dave has done a great job of drawing the best umpires and they do a great job. This year they charged $50/umpire for a pair and $75 for a single umpire.

As a suggestion, if you need extra fields, you could possibly get time at Heritage Farm Park in Walkersville where there are two really nice fields. Thomas Johnson and Walkersville High Schools both have great fields as does Frederick HS. Also, I think it would be pretty do-able to get time at Frederick Community College who has an outstanding field. I'm sure Coach Bennett would love an opportunity to get a bunch of top-notch kids showcased right in his backyard. I really don't think there should be too much of a problem getting time at these fields because most of the teams that use them are away somewhere else playing tournaments anyway. Other than all stars, the Babe Ruth teams finish up at the end of June anyway.

I hope this pans out. I think it would be a rush to get a chance to see the very best of the best going head to head. This could be awesome! You guys have me missing coaching already!!!
Last edited by R Ringer
Some more things to consider when considering this tournament (these are things that have always been important to me when asking teams to come to a tournament I would help plan):

1. Have a team trophy for the winner, and send a press release to their hometown newspaper with details of their championship run.

2. Make sure each team is treated with respect by playing them at all fields and all different times of day when possible (ie. ensure each team gets atleast one game under the lights). You want every team wanting an opportunity to come back the next year.

3. Do everything possible to encourage college coaches to come watch. Have team rosters at all fields and make them available for free to college coaches. Charge nominal ($1.00) fee to fans. Tournament officials should introduce managers to any college coaches in the stands prior to the game. Assisting the coaches in developing relationships with these coaches is a good thing!

4. Provide water/ice at all fields for every game. Keep dugouts neat and tidy. Fields groomed, lined and watered after each game.

5. Invite quality people who run quality programs who act like somebody, win or lose. As best as can, the tourney field should have parity. Games played to completion, no 2-hour rule.

6. Provide refunds, when possible, when weather shortens the tournament.

7. Invite a local official to come out to throw a ceremonial 1st pitch at the championship game and to award the trophy to the champion.

8. Negotiate reduced hotel rates at a local hotel for teams who need it.

I could help.

A few questions/thoughts:

1. Think about the primary purposes/objectives/goals of Tourney?
a) Exposure?
b) Development?
c) To play
d) To Raise money
e) One vs five year plan
f) Dedicated to....
g) Sponsor has sons playing
h) other

2. Options for locations/dates?
a) Committed to McCurdy Field/Frederick Area
b) Committed to 4th of July
c) Not committed to any location
d) Not committed to any dates

3. Players Ages?
a. 18U
b. 17-18-19
c. 15
d. 16
e) other

4. Type Bat
a) Wood
b) Metal

5. Type of Sponsors
a) Doesn't matter
b) It Matters

6. Tournament Relations to Other Tourney's/Leagues
a) Doesn't matter

7. Total Costs
a) $1,000 per team for four games?
b) $650 per team?
c) $500 per team?

8. ROI
a) Doesn't matter
b) It Matters

9. Other

Might be best to take off-line.

email at
larrythompson: would you be able to provide contact information for Chris Warren?

As for tournament, top VA teams would include Richmond Braves and North Canes (DYNAMIC--contact Coach Petty or Coach Covington). MidAtlantic Mets and VA Barnstormers are both very good teams. Add to the mix the VA Mavericks (the team coached by the former UNC player) and the NoVA Patriots (coached by Stan Wilson). Both of these latter teams, with one of their top two pitchers throwing, can beat just about anyone on the right day.
Guys...I'm back!!!

ISAAC...did you ever get Chris Warren's contact information? If not, let me know. I'll send Chris an email and ask him if he minds me sharing it with someone I don't know. And I'm sorry it has taken me four months to respond.

I really want to do this tournament...but I don't think our club will participate. I think Coach D is liking the idea of having older players on the roster, coupled with the younger kids. It wouldn't be fair to the other teams to be playing against a team with 1/2 the roster 20 year olds.

Bear offered to be on the tournament committee, how bout the rest of you guys? It won't cost you anything other than time, and could be a lot of fun to get started. If I can get 5 or 6 of us to commit, I'll then schedule a time for us to meet to discuss specifics. I'd like to have our committee in place by 1 December. Please respond as soon as possible.

By the way, I'm not married to the idea of using McCurdy, but you can't beat that atmosphere. I really want top shelf field surfaces for the boys to play on. As a player and a coach, the feeling you get showing up at a nice field vs. a cow pasture...really makes a difference. I also have trouble attracting teams to come play in a tournament that is not well run, and played at a first class facility.

Talk to you soon!
LT if you go wood bat that would be a great way for teams to prepare in advance of the WWBA at East Cobb. Also it would cut down on the time needed for each game. You could actually go with a 2 hr time limit for each game using wood bats.

I know the Firecracker Classic is held each year during the fourth of July weekend at Coastal Carolina. The Hurricanes and Dirtbags play in this tourney every year. It would be nice to go north for a change during the summer and play in something like this. Let me know if it gets off the ground for sure. The Dirtbags would def be interested in coming. By the way I would charge enough to cover all your expenses and a gate fee as well. These teams can handle it. Look at what we pay at WWBA events. If its a quality event people will pay to attend.
Originally posted by Coach May:
LT if you go wood bat that would be a great way for teams to prepare in advance of the WWBA at East Cobb. Also it would cut down on the time needed for each game. You could actually go with a 2 hr time limit for each game using wood bats.

I know the Firecracker Classic is held each year during the fourth of July weekend at Coastal Carolina. The Hurricanes and Dirtbags play in this tourney every year. It would be nice to go north for a change during the summer and play in something like this. Let me know if it gets off the ground for sure. The Dirtbags would def be interested in coming. By the way I would charge enough to cover all your expenses and a gate fee as well. These teams can handle it. Look at what we pay at WWBA events. If its a quality event people will pay to attend.

Coach mention the must know Jason Mills then? Jason played high school and summer ball for me many years ago. Did you know he was an outstanding high school wrestler?

Jason and I spoke about a month ago. He said to let him know if we got something going.
Jason was the classic overachiever as a baseball player. He was smart on the mound and had the heart of a lion. He was such a great wrestler that he would usually be kinda weak early in the baseball season cause he'd wrestle so long into the season (regionals and states).

At the time he played summer baseball for me, a close friend and competitor of mine coached the top 17-18 team in MD. He absolutely loved Jason. His team qualified for the AABC World Series in Farmington years ago. Once my team was eliminated, my friend asked if he could pick Jason up to pitch for his squad. All the guys loved Jason and his can do attitude.

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