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As a sort of spinoff of the thread on umpires...

I just wondered, what, as a coach, would you say to an umpire that you, and everyone else in the vicinity, knew was a totally blown safe/out call? You know, the kind where you ask the person next to you, "Is he watching the same game?" I just wondered what really gets said.
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We had a play this past weekend where we "turned" a double play...and I think the call was SO bad the other coaches didn't even argue it...the runner was CLEARLY two to three steps beyond first...our fans (remember we turned the DP) were actually yelling to the ump that he missed it...I guess it was so bad, it was almost, I reckon there are some times when you just don't know WHAT to say.
I can recall a game when the umps where so bad I was aghast. Finally it got ridiculous---they blw a call in our favor which set me off--I called time out--walked out to the umpire, did not say a word except as I handed him my eyeglasses when I said very quietly " I think you need these more than I do"
We were playing a team one time and getting our teeth kicked in. It was bottom of the fourth and we're down by 12 runs or something like that. We were the visiting team so once we get out of the fourth we got three at bats and we're going home.

We turn a doubleplay but the ump called the runner safe. It truly wasn't close and I went out to argue and the conversation went like this...

me - "what did you see?"

ump - "coach he beat the throw"

me - "you sure about that? how about the fact our firstbaseman had caught the ball and left the bag before the runner got there?"

ump - "coach I don't know what to tell you because I didn't see that"

I stand there a second not really able to believe he just said that and I came back with....

me - "you know after standing here a second it hit me that you should have called him out on sheer principal"

ump - "what are you talking about"

me - "we're getting the s**t kicked out of us and we don't have a chance in h**l to get back in this game with my 789 guys coming up. Call his a** out so we can get out of here. I saw a White Castle on the way in and I want a sack of 10"

ump - "..............."

me - "call the next guy out no matter what happens and let's get this over with. I'm hungry"

I left the field at that point. Thankfully he didn't make any more calls.

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