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On a related HR Derby note... does anyone else find it odd that they let dozens of little kids run around the outfield while the world's strongest hitters are hitting lazers and moonshots in their direction?

I'm usually on the other side of the argument when the "extra safety precautions" discussions come around but every year, I'm thinking this is definitely an accident waiting to happen.

I'm sure it's a great thrill for the kids and I know there are some bigger, older kids there as well but... some of those kids looked like they were about 8 to 10 yr olds and wouldn't stand a chance with a hard line drive. It's almost as if part of the entertainment is to see whether anyone gets pegged.
Originally posted by cabbagedad:
On a related HR Derby note... does anyone else find it odd that they let dozens of little kids run around the outfield while the world's strongest hitters are hitting lazers and moonshots in their direction?

I'm usually on the other side of the argument when the "extra safety precautions" discussions come around but every year, I'm thinking this is definitely an accident waiting to happen.

I'm sure it's a great thrill for the kids and I know there are some bigger, older kids there as well but... some of those kids looked like they were about 8 to 10 yr olds and wouldn't stand a chance with a hard line drive. It's almost as if part of the entertainment is to see whether anyone gets pegged.

I often wondered if or when some little kid was gonna get smoked from one of these hitters while shagging balls in the OF. One of them could have their head turned paying attention to something else or just not paying attention at all something else then THWACK!..Right on the coconut.
I guess up to this point they've been lucky but it certainly can happen. I agree there should be all older HS ballplayers out there shagging flies.
Last edited by zombywoof
Millions upon millions of people visit MLB and MiLB stadiums each year with very FEW instances of anyone falling over the railing. With that in mind do the stadiums need to be redesigned or do people need to stop drinking (this guy I bet) or reaching too far just for the said $9 ball?

With all due respect for the guy who died at the Rangers ballpark he is the exception to what goes on at the park. My guess it was just a freak accident and nothing else to it. My thoughts and prayers do go out to his family - especially his little boy - but I don't think we need to redesign a stadium just because of this tragedy. It's similar to base coaches wearing helmets after the Coolbaugh tragedy. They are reactions just to have a reaction so you can say "see we are doing something about this". The helmet would not have saved Coolbaugh and if raise the ledge you're still going to have people fall over due to leaning too far or just some freak accident.

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