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In our game to advance to the championship game we had a play that I have never seen before. Here is the situation :
Men on 1st and 2 second
1 out

The guy at the plate hits a high fly ball that has a chance at going out but the players on first and second tag up anyway. The batter hustles down the line and is almost at first base by the time the ball does go over the fence. The two guys that were on first and second start to celebrate by jumping up and down, meanwhile the batter passes both of them on the base path, he eventually realizes this and waits for them to pass him again. Our coaches went crazy saying that he should be out and his run shouldnt count. The umpires say "no its a dead ball, they can pass each other" I know someone should be out but what is the exact rule. Oh by the way, we ended up losing the game by one run.
-BD Karma Thread Starter
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