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My son drives...on a suspended license!

Kidding...just kidding!

It's been reinstated...kidding again! He's good to go...always has been.

'96 Dodge Caravan, Hunter green, tricked out with plastic, racy looking, wheel covers...and when it's cleaned out it is quite roomy! Looks pretty good for having 115M city/suburban miles under it's belt(s)!

Thanks for your concern JT, but don't family had me involuntarily admitted to the Betty Crocker Clinic for treatment of HSBBW message board posting addiction (HSBBWMBPA)...their plan didn't work out the way they had intended.

After a week or so of intensive therapy that involved solitary confinement and staring at a Bug Zapper while swatting flies and assorted other flying pests I made my daring and dramatic move...I got up off my stool, unplugged the Bug Zapper and tucked it under my arm, grabbed my kit and kaboodle, went to the door, opened it and walked out to the guard gate. With my eyes still crazed from their several day encounter with the Bug Zapper I negotiated as deftly as I could with the guard. He was a tough sounding one, I couldn't see him too well, but after awhile he finally agreed to grant me my escape in exchange for the Bug Zapper and several opened bags of Skittles minus the green ones.

The green ones saved my bacon. You see I had the forethought to lay a trail of green Skittles from our house to the clinic. I knew no one would mess with them nor would any animal eat them...everyone hates the green trek back to the house was relatively easy except for the lunatic I encountered in Moline...he actually likes the green ones and had eaten nearly a mile and a half of them...leaving several key intersections unmarked.

Fortunately I had a spare can of Qarma in my kit and kaboodle and in an attempt to entice him into telling me the route of the green Skittles he had consumed, I offered him the can. His eyes opened as wide as saucers when he spied the Qarma. He started to dance what looked like some sort of Irish jig or Scottish fling and loudly sang the theme song from Frasier...something about scrambled eggs and a salad I think...he wasn't making much sense...but he sure reacted well to the Qarma...he actually hailed a cab, paid the fare, and instructed the driver where to drop me of so that I might reacquaint myself with the trail of green Skittles. Somewhere on the southeast side of Moline, near the airport actually, I found the lime flavored trail.

It took me another handful of days to traverse the width of Northern Illinois and finally reunite with my family...they have some 'splainin' to do! They're up to the task...I taught them well!

I did learn one very valuable lesson from this wild ordeal...Qarma...never leave home without it!. And don't forget the Skittles either.
Last edited by gotwood4sale
I know it's the weekend, and everybody has game's and such to go to.
But some of you people are going to have to stay home and talk/post on this website.
I have no game's to go to and now nobody to post to.
I'm getting board. and I don't want to do anything around the house cause i'm to tired.
Help the EH out Here. LOL
But it's getting late and I must get ready to go to Work tonight.
I just hope everybody has a good weekend of Fun. the EH

Well done! Hijacking an already Hijacked thread....very creative! Kudo's...or better yet in Woody's vernacular...Skittles... green ones!

By the way work is over-rated...

Wood man...

You're really good at needling me!

No Woodman...that's needing break the streroid/linear/circular/weighted balls...hijinks...

EH and 44:

Sorry I can't hang around tonight EH...gotta' get to bed soon since I have to get up very early to drive my daughter and one of her teammates to Crown Point,IN tomorrow morning for a softball tournament.

And 44, if the guys are bothered by the balls being too circular, too linear, or too heavy then I would suggest they lay off the steroids. That's the extent of my knowledge on that subject.

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