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If a current D1 player has made the decision he doesn't plan to return to his current school and he is more concerned with finding a new program than protecting any playing time this year, when should he ask for his release?

Immediately, when the team is eliminated from post season chances, or at the end of the season?

Once released will the players summer assignment be affected?

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Newbie...You sound pretty sure that you want to leave your present school. However, if I were you I would request a "permission to contact" other schools which would not prohibit you from continuing to play at your present school if your school will allow it. There is no NCAA rule against continuing to play. This would give you the opportunity to look around and actually contact other schools. If for some reason you cannot find another school, depending on your situation, you may choose to stay.

Does your coach know that you are unhappy? Have you spoken with him about it?

If you are really sure you don't want to come back to your present school and you are currently not getting any PT, then why wait? My only caution is if you wait it out, things (whatever is bothering you) may work itself out.
Please respect the players privacy- details regarding the decision to leave will only help to identify the player. The decision to leave has been made - what is your opinion regarding when to ask for the release and any potential ramifications for summer baseball.

Asking for the release now will allow for the greatest access to any openings that still exist...but will it affect how a new coach looks at the player and will it affect his summer assignment?
Newbie ...

I think the answer to your question about WHEN to ask lies in the character of the coach(es) involved. Some coaches are class acts and graciously grant the player permission to talk with other schools ... without making life miserable for the player. Others ... well, I think we all know how they are.

As for the summer assignment ... as answered in your other post ... there are different scenarios. And altho TRHit and I may not agree about one scenario, there is a likelihood that the player's summer connection may be gone. Of course, there are summer coaches who would still honor the contract and welcome the player without his prior college affiliation. It just depends.

Mary Ann (a k a ShapsMa)
Thanks again for all the great information. Mom you're perspective on summer baseball is very correct. The answers raise two more questions-

Is there a formal NCAA "permission to contact" release that can be granted by the school rather than the full and complete release?

Can I contact NAIA schools before I get my release? and can NAIA schools respond nefore I get my release?
newbie, the process is to sit down with your AD not the coach, and lay your cards out. whether you do it now or later your release wouldn't be effective till after the season and the semester (or quarter). He can explain contact guidelines while your release is in process.

it might or might not affect your summer situation

or you could just put the whole thing off till summer - maybe your situation will get better - and also summer leagues are notorious beds of "unofficial recruiting" once it becomes known (unofficialy of course) that a player is considering change - and sometimes players not considering change if there is a need by some programs

good luck
newbie, how you handle the coach is up to you - tho sounds a bit tense currently

the release process is handled by the athletic office/AD and not the coach

don't understand how waiting will hurt you tho,
other coaches are now "in season" and not searching for "new" players
and you presumably aren't playing much now so there would be nothing to show them anyway

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