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Originally Posted by Dirk:

Hi fellas,

The coaches of my 2017 are receiving calls from colleges that are expressing interest. His velo really jumped this summer to 86, hes a lefty. What is the first date where the coaches can call/email/text my son or us directly?


You're in a good spot. It will be next August 1. However, you can call/email/text them all you want right now. Just know that if they aren't there to answer the phone, they can't return your call and they can't email back much more than a camp invite.

you can definitely receive direct mail, email and messages as of Septmeber 1, the beginning of your junior year.  This changed last year.  I do not know about direct phone calls.  There used to be limits on numbers of texts allowed and now they are back to unlimited texting since most text plans do not charge per text anymore.  For all details check online through,, each sport and divisions may have certain tweaks to the calendar.

Thanks for the replies. These are exciting times. Lots of showcases this fall and I'm really happy for my son. Lots of D1 interest. I hope he gets some offers this fall. He is now 83-86 with a good curveball from the left side. 6'1" and still growing. Love having such a great resource that we have in this forum. Thanks guys.

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