Originally posted by tychco:
Originally posted by Ken Guthrie:
Originally posted by tychco:
Not giving into it...my kid happens to play on the team. I would have been happy for the team to go into the Regional with the guys that have been on the team from the get-go.
I realize that and I should have stated that.
I was just commenting on the quote in vague suggesting things that don't seem right can change.
Sometimes the situation ain't worth the battle, but too many things in life are given into because "everybody does it".
No sweat and I knew what you meant. I just wanted to get out there that, while the system has evolved into what it is, tychcokid-1 would have been cool with his guys that have played all summer rolling into the regional and seeing what happens.
Good point and most players would feel the same way about the team they went to war with all season long.
On a side note, picking up an arm or two is generally necessary.
As a coach, I always felt it was important to reward the players, regardless of summer performance, a chance to participate in post season if opportunity called. As those that were the team shall remain the team.
But, those that are familiar with AABC tournament structure, most teams don't carry the arms through the summer to get you through the tournament without risking health.
It was very difficult as a coach counting on an arm that showed to be unproductive all summer long.
With this, every coach out there has at least an ounce of competitive nature.
So the dificult decision is to throw an arm that has been with the team yet showed unpredictability, or throw a pick up pitcher knowing his more successful performances.
Would DBAT's #8 pitcher suit well against Mustangs pick up pitcher from Austin? Most likely not.
Which takes us back to "everybody does it".
So as a coach and organization what decision do you make?
This is where you find out what organizations are all about.
Not blaming organizations and the paths they take.
But reflecting on my past experiences, I'd rather be done with the kids that got us there than triumph with unattached late editions.
It's a tough decision...
But keeping what's really important about amatuer sports...
The decision can often be made easy.
And with a whole different circumstance comes the player that is awarded a position on a team that isn't necessarily warranted in regards to talent level. Suggesting a player in this circumstance should feel lucky to have been involved in his limited capacity to begin with.
And those who say coaching is easy...