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Originally posted by rfc3:
Max, why the hatred? It feels like you have been jilted at some point in your life and now find it appropriate to lash out. In the last few minutes, you have found it necessary on separate discussion boards, to bash DBat and those who run the show.

You condem them by saying they are promoting themselves and the BRAND, yet you throw in the line about Rutgers having good baseball as well. Not sure if that was a joke of some kind, but could there have been a bit of promotion in that point?

You talk about winning and losing, but for some reason losing is ok because you do it as a team. Not sure what the point is there, and surely you have been around the block more times than your comment suggests...

This is a discussion/opinion board, with SOME facts peppered in. Nothing can be written without some level of promotion contained within it. Every organization, team, player and parent has some great qualities and some not so great ones. As a society we spend too much time looking for the bad, and not nearly enough time touting the good. Once in a while an article, comment or hsbaseball web post comes along with some good comments, perhaps with a few "look at me's", only to have someone search out the negative.

I would hope that if there were a great 'something' that happened to your team/organization, you could post it here, saying "wow, you should have seen this game that we won" and others would say 'great job'. Unfortunately, too many times the opposite comes out, negating the intended greatness of the post.

See you at the ballfield.

rfc3, Thanks for the reality check. Promotion is promotion for sure. I real point is that it seems with the group I mentioned that the promotion ran over their commitment to all the members of the team.

Rutgers does have a good program and I hope some of the players in Texas check it out.

My life has been great and rarely am I disappointed but I do really dislike inequity and out right self promotion over the good of the players & team.

Thanks again for your post.
Originally posted by theygrowupfast:
Would DBAT's #8 pitcher suit well against Mustangs pick up pitcher from Austin? Most likely not.

Hey Ken,

DBAT'S #8 pitcher did ok last year against the Mustangs in the South Plains championship game.
I think they made it to Farmington. Cool

Sorry, just reminiscing. Wink

Reminiscing is good for the soul.

I think you know exactly what I was getting at.

To all the #8's and the #1's...

You are all pieces that must be in place to complete the puzzle.

And when the puzzle is finally put together it's a beautiful picture.

Pictures are worth a thousand words regards,

Once again my post was deleted without cause. Nothing in this post was against the rules and I have read a lot worse posts that were let continue on and on.

There was cause. Cause you just don't get it. You cannot just flame and type whatever you want. Read the Board manners:

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I will issue no more warnings. I also will not disucss it any further nor try to explain it. Read the rules. Abide by the rules. If you cannot do so, feel free to start your own message board and run it your way.
Baseball Max,

Not sure why you are so intent to bash me but I would ask you to please email me or call me. or 972-387-3228 or just look at the bottom of our roster and call my cell. I am pretty sure I know who you are and don’t understand why you keep hiding under this name and continually post things trying to be hurtful. I think you would be hard pressed to find anyone or any kid that will tell you I have done them wrong. You are a dad that thinks their son should have played more, been promoted more, did not get any calls on the 1st, and has not received an offer. So you can only be one of two people. Not hard to figure it out. Give me a call or email me before you dig this hole any deeper.
I have finally been able to come up with an analogy that I feel comfortable with and I'd like to share it. This is what I have learned.

Most of the good baseball organizations hire baseball people to coach their teams. I have always felt that these "Baseball People", have little respect for parents and their opinions. The only opinions they have respect for are from those of other "Baseball People".

After some long talks with our coach, my feeling hasn't changed much regarding how coaches feel about parents. Whether it is justified or not, it is my opinion and I'm as entitled to it as a coach is to his.

The reality is that "baseball people" see things or look at things differently than we do. Or it may be better to say that they see things that I don't when looking at the same thing. Now here is my analogy and I know it's taking some time to get there, but bear with me here.

Our wives have wedding rings. The rings represent different things to people. Mostly they symbolize the love and committment we have for our spouses and our family. Some rings have been handed down from generation to genreation. Some struggling newly weds spent $500 on wedding rings. While others may have spent $500,000 on a ring. In some communities social status is determined partly by the size of mom's ring. They come in different sizes, different cuts, different colors, different settings, etc... but they all sparkle.

If we look at our kids as diamonds instead of baseball players, we see the sparkle within our children and give us great pleasure.

This is where some coaches see things differently. They look at our kids as a jeweler or a gemologist would look at our diamonds. They see every flaw. They see things we can't see with our naked eye. They see the imperfections in the cut, the color, the settings, the sparkle.

Maybe I'm giving them too much credit, but I'm comfortable with it because I paid a too much money for my ring not believe it. So, I can see why someone is insulted when a jeweler looks at their ring and it doesn't appraise as well as they hoped.
Last edited by Texas Crude

I appreciate you sharing that with me and the rest of the board. That is a very good analogy in my opinion.

To add, as the jeweler (the coach) you must put your "stamp of approval" on your appraisal. If you appraise a diamond at $5,000 and 3 others appraise it at $1,000, how much credibility will the $5,000 appraiser get in the future?

It's a very tough situation. As a parent I am thankful that I've been on the coaches side of the process before I go into any journey with my son.
Last edited by Ken Guthrie
Originally posted by Texas Crude:
Interesting link about posting on forums. Free speech? One woman was awarded over $11 Mil in damages.

can't hide behind IP Addresses

How incredibly disturbing is that? Where do you draw the line? Newspapers and magazines thrash people all the time, are they next? Positively ridiculous... Makes you question the judicial process as a whole.

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