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I know there are other threads on this subject, but I haven't seen this brought up recently. Are advisors they necessary? When is a good time to begin working with one if so? I have had a number of advisors reach out about 2016 LHP. Some folks I talk to say don't bother, others say its a good idea. He's not committed at this point.

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Originally Posted by Rick at Informed Athlete:

Are pro scouts showing a lot of interest in him?  Is he being recruited by Division I programs and being asked to make an early commitment?  If so, then it's not a bad idea.  If not, then not necessary yet. 

Yes, he has had a MLB Scouting Bureau scout come see him. A couple of teams have sent questionnaires. Contact with several scouts. He has D1 offers, but is not ready to commit. What role, if any, would an advisor play in the college process?

I assume by hire, you mean agree to work with one until the draft, otherwise you're toast with the NCAA. Lots of threads on advisor roles, how to locate and why, from what i've read its all about locating one you can trust. Friends of ours who will be drafted have one, we do not even though we've had home visits and have invites to pre draft prospect camp. Another scout (off the record) told me that unless you're looking at >$600K after the IRS and Advisor Fees it may not be worth it to have one. I know the amount is relative to the family situation etc. If the questionnaires turn into home visits and more keep coming, i'd say get one.

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