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This might have been posted so bear with me:

I am an 07' grad looking to attend college to play baseball. There is a link on the Schools Website where i can fill out a sheet with my info and other baseball awards/achievments. Should i do this now, and then e-mail the coach later (more personal), so he can watch me over the summer if interested in me? Or should i do both now. My HS coach is very, very good with talking to coaches, so should i tell him that im going to contact the school so he can call the coach, or be ready for a call from him?

Thanks ALOT in advance
Original Post
No reason you can't do both, but NOW is the time for you to establish a dialog with the coaches of those schools where you have the most interest. If you haven't received emails from those schools, go ahead and call them, or search through the school's website and find their email address. Some list them right on the athletic section of the website, but if they don't you can often get the coaches name from the athletic area of their website, then go back to the main academic website and do a search for the coaches contact info in the faculty directory.

The main thing is to establish a dialog with those schools where there's a realistic mutual interest ... but don't spam. They can't call you until March (1 phone call) and then not again until after July 1st, but they can answer your phone calls anytime and respond to your emails freely. Then any local schools where you seem to be a good fit for their needs will be able to come out and watch some of your spring HS games (i.e., send them your spring schedule and let them know in advance when you are slated to start on the hill), and those that are more remote can be looking to see you at regional events this summer. The schools are building their 2007 lists now (and have been already) ... and this will drive their schedule this spring and summer for who they're looking at. Coaches don't just randomly wander around these events ... they go looking for specific guys that fit specific slots in their roster, and maybe get their interest picqued by someone they happen to see along the way, but if they don't know who you are ahead of time, you don't want to be the kid that pitched to your six batters at a showcase or tryout while the coach of your favorite school went to use the head because he didn't know who you are. If he knows of you ahead of time, he'll make the bathroom run later.
Last edited by pbonesteele

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