Originally Posted by Smitty28:
Originally Posted by Shoveit4Ks:
The key is video...you must have video. edit them without music or anything like that, at bat per bat, or pitch by pitch so its efficient. They like that.
How do you know? Did you get this as feedback? I've seen lots of discussion on this point over the years and many have taken the view that video doesn't matter. Just curious if this is an opinion or if you've gotten some data on this.
My 2015 had similar feedback from coaches. One told him he had watched hundreds over the summer. I can't imagine anyone still thinks that video doesn't matter.
My tips would be:
- keep it to 3-5 minutes
- quick edits (e.g. 4-5 seconds per swing)
- include "skills" and game action
- include title with year, position, ht/wt, contact information
- no logins (use your own website, youtube, vimeo, etc)
Put yourself in the shoes of a coach who's getting 100s of videos, most of which he can dismiss in the first 10-15 seconds. Post longer videos in the same location (channel) so they can see more if they choose.