2013 is getting some interest from schools in our area, DIII and DI, which is a nice motivator for him during the cold months in our area. Many are specifically asking him to come to their winter camp and when he emails them (as suggested on this board) to inquire if they really are interested in him personally, the answer is yes. Most have already seen him at some point. By and large they all keep in touch with him on some level.
His dream school is a Big Ten school in our state. We have been told that their coaches tend to fly under the radar, and consistent with their approach toward students in general, not just student-athletes, they are very impressed with themselves so they don't market much (I'm an alum, so I can say that

2013 attended their high school advance camp a couple of years ago and one of their coaches saw him at a showcase this past fall where 2013 did very well. Son has emailed them many times with his videos, schedules, etc., and most recently to let them know he'll be on campus for another event and he'd like to stop by and meet them if they are available.
Son has never received a response. Never. Not a thank-you, not a keep working hard, not a thanks-but-no-thanks, nothing.
I would think it would be good practice to reply to a player, even if it's to say you're not available, or thanks for sending your schedule to us . . . something. Every other coach/recruiting coordinator (at every level) he has emailed has replied with something to acknowledge him.
I get that they're seemingly not interested. Okay. Do we stop bothering to send his information? I guess we also have to ask ourselves if they did become interested after his junior year, what is this behavior telling us about their approach?
Appreciate any thoughts.