Fungo is correct in his statement regarding the Head Coach and contact. We have never called him other than during recruiting time.
However, he has a relationship with each of his players parents and makes it his business to see and speak to the parents that don't come often to see their sons play. On the road he makes it his business to come see all the parents if they are by the bus, waving their players off to a game or home. We always get a thank you for coming and he is a hugger as well. He also will take the time to speak to parents regarding the team as well as the players progress.
Our son's coach plays for the team, so the bond changes a bit, he is also a players parent.
On the other hand, as for the assistant coaches, they are always available. Being that many players are out of state, they are always available and will discuss anything you need to discuss with them. I know my son's pitching coach spends lots of time on the phone with the freshman pitchers parents. He is also teh recruiting coach, so he develops a relationship with all players and parents. And I don't know of any parent at CU who indicated they were kept at arm's length. That is just the way he is, not necessarily the norm. However, parents should know that at anytime the lines of communication are open if you have a concern about anything, except playing time.