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SD Mesa/ SF State/ WV Tech

Also,  some other kids that played for me/our HS program in recent years...

Gonzaga, Cal Poly, Philadelphia Phillies, Cal Lutheran, Elmira, CSU San Marcos, Monterey Peninsula, Cumberland Univ., Ventura College, Cuesta College, Hartnell

I know this is not what you are asking for but some of our (and many others here) biggest "success stories" did not go on to play in college or the pros.

2022OFDad posted:

Thanks to those that have shared so far, but there are far too many frequent, long-term contributors on here who haven’t responded! 

So, I'd consider myself a less frequent, long time contributor.   I think the odometer turned over or is broken on the number of my posts. 

Cornell University.  Currently in engineering grad school, getting married,  and working full time.

2022OFDAD & other "newbes"...Take a walk down "Memory Lane"...

You might want to peruse a thread that was started by PGStaff in Jan 2004. Neary Eleven hundred posts, 28 pages...You will  be surprised to see the # of D1 parents (of the highest calibre players) who have made invaluable contributions to this site (and added lot of FUN & LAUGHS!!) since its founding in 1998. Several of those original "Old Timers"  sons went on to enter the pro ranks, after successful college careers. A "revival thread" is another couple pages...And sadly, we've lost a few of those parents & players, but they are memorialized in "In Memory"  thread.

Great post and links, BBMom… I hope things are getting back to normal in your world and you are able to enjoy the Holidays.

And the corresponding message to newbies...  there is also a ton to learn, if not more, from the experiences posted from those who have traveled the path and sons didn't go on to play in college and/or beyond (or even HS) for whatever reason.  It happens to most despite best laid plans and talented players.

Freshman year at Louisburg JC, 3 Years at Liberty, 2 Regionals.   2013 draft pick of Reds junior year, didn't sign, returned for Sr. year.  One year professional baseball in Europe, one year Pecos league, 3 years Can Am Indy ball.  Returned home with sore shoulder, had a torn labrum and a torn rotator cuff.  End of playing career.  Has coached HS JV one year before Spring Training, ran 14U travel team for major organization this summer.  Currently in management training for a fortune 500 company.

Last edited by can-o-corn

2011 - Muhlenberg College, RHP, 4 yrs...  Realized baseball was not going to be profession by Junior year... Graduated from UNC Chapel Hill Law May 2018. Working as a lawyer in Charlotte, NC

2014 - Belmont Abbey College, RHP, 2 yrs... struggled with various aspects of collegiate life/independence... 1 yr at USC Lancaster JC... working through life figuring out stuff.  Going to start working in the lighting controls business with my brother (we are a recent DNA "success story" - both adopted by different families 3 years apart and "found" each other this year).

2017 decided not to play in college, but the schools recruiting him before he made the decision:  Bradley, Eastern IL, Western IL, Western Mich, Central Mich, Miami (Ohio), MSU and a bunch of D2 and D3 schools.  

At one point I wrote a long post chronicling his decision.  If I had to guess he would have ended up at Miami or CMU.

Son (2012) recruited as 1B.

2012-2014 - Patrick Henry Community College (1B/DH/OF) (did not earn enough credits to earn AA)

2014-2016 - Winston-Salem State University (1B/DH/OF).   Scholarship not renewed for  - grades slipped.

2016-2017 - back at PHCC to finish out his AA.

2017-present - East Tennessee State - working on BA in Physical Therapy w/emphasis on Exercise Science.  One more class and internship to go.

JohnF posted:

2011 - Muhlenberg College, RHP, 4 yrs...  Realized baseball was not going to be profession by Junior year... Graduated from UNC Chapel Hill Law May 2018. Working as a lawyer in Charlotte, NC

2014 - Belmont Abbey College, RHP, 2 yrs... struggled with various aspects of collegiate life/independence... 1 yr at USC Lancaster JC... working through life figuring out stuff.  Going to start working in the lighting controls business with my brother (we are a recent DNA "success story" - both adopted by different families 3 years apart and "found" each other this year).

Underlining added.  JohnF that sounds like an amazing story if you ever care to elaborate.  In any event, how fortunate for you, your brother and your families!  Best of luck to your son.

Qhead posted:
JohnF posted:


- both adopted by different families 3 years apart and "found" each other this year).

Underlining added.  JohnF that sounds like an amazing story if you ever care to elaborate.  In any event, how fortunate for you, your brother and your families!  Best of luck to your son.

Not to hijack the thread, but yes amazing.  I was born in ME, given up for adoption by the same parents that 3 years later had a similar adoption in TX. The reason as I came to find out this year was abuse by the birth mother. I've known all my life I'm adopted and this year my wife convinced me to do one of the DNA tests. Anyway, I found I had an Immediate Family relationship (brother, grandparent, or grandchild - at 50+ I can discount grandparent and the boys as far as they know/hope aren't parents yet). Anyway, we connected over the summer. As I found out he knew I existed, but could never "find" me - he'd done his test a year before. We've spent the last few months catching up and getting to know each other. I have to say it's really eerie when it comes to things we do/say the same - not only for us, but for the families.

JohnF posted:
Qhead posted:
JohnF posted:


- both adopted by different families 3 years apart and "found" each other this year).

Underlining added.  JohnF that sounds like an amazing story if you ever care to elaborate.  In any event, how fortunate for you, your brother and your families!  Best of luck to your son.

Not to hijack the thread, but yes amazing.  I was born in ME, given up for adoption by the same parents that 3 years later had a similar adoption in TX. The reason as I came to find out this year was abuse by the birth mother. I've known all my life I'm adopted and this year my wife convinced me to do one of the DNA tests. Anyway, I found I had an Immediate Family relationship (brother, grandparent, or grandchild - at 50+ I can discount grandparent and the boys as far as they know/hope aren't parents yet). Anyway, we connected over the summer. As I found out he knew I existed, but could never "find" me - he'd done his test a year before. We've spent the last few months catching up and getting to know each other. I have to say it's really eerie when it comes to things we do/say the same - not only for us, but for the families.

Thanks for sharing - pretty cool stuff -- this world can be amazing!  Happy New Year!

JohnF posted:

2011 - Muhlenberg College, RHP, 4 yrs...  Realized baseball was not going to be profession by Junior year... Graduated from UNC Chapel Hill Law May 2018. Working as a lawyer in Charlotte, NC

2014 - Belmont Abbey College, RHP, 2 yrs... struggled with various aspects of collegiate life/independence... 1 yr at USC Lancaster JC... working through life figuring out stuff.  Going to start working in the lighting controls business with my brother (we are a recent DNA "success story" - both adopted by different families 3 years apart and "found" each other this year).

The first half of this post prompts the following thought:

My son had a high school teammate who played for 4 years at Davidson for Coach Dick Cooke. Following his graduation from Davidson, he went to UNC Law School and is now a young attorney in Charlotte, as well.

My thought about his track has always been, "Man, how great is that?! To play the sport you love in college, while getting a great college degree; and then going on to pursue the law as a profession?" 

Whether the law, engineering, or another profession; there's little doubt that time devoted to baseball can be a contributory factor in teaching what it takes to succeed in other worthwhile pursuits.

Clemson, 2009-2012.  Graduated with a Mechanical Engineering degree.  Spent 2 seasons as an organizational player in the White Sox organization.  Now employed as an engineer with an automotive firm.  Hoping to publish a novel sometime in 2019/2020.  And, we suspect, not far from getting married.  Yes, there is life after baseball.  

Last edited by MTH
ILVBB posted:

My son played four years at Trinity University, coached HS ball for a year before grad school at UT. Received his MBA, now working for a major oil service company doing M&A work. Married with a daughter. 

Playing baseball while keeping up with school was great training for a meaningful life after baseball.

ILVBB, can I ask what degree he received from Trinity?  Also in Texas.  Great school, friend has a kid on the team last two years, absolutely crushing it.  Not a fit for my son, but for D3 private, that is the first University name thrown out in my part of the world.

Lived in San Antonio for ten years back in the day.

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