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It dawned on me that I know or have watched play, a large number of players whose parents are active on this site.

One of the best things about this site is that many of the highest level players in the country have parents trying to help others.

I sometimes wonder who the son's of some posters are. Even though I know who many are, there are some that I'm not sure who their son is. I just get the feeling that I know who they are.

I think it would be great to know who the players are that have such sharing parents. I think many would be surprised at the team that could be put together using only the children of hsbbwebsters.

Many are in professional baseball, many are college stars, even more are excellent college players and many are among the top high school prospects in the country. Some are just good players at some level.

I sure understand someone wishing to remain anonymous and I respect that. I just think it would be interesting and educational for all of us to know just who is involved here.

Plus that I'm a big believer in "the power". Please don't laugh, but I believe that the more people pulling for someone the more likely something good will happen. There's a powerful force in having huge numbers on your side.

I know I pull for those kids that are associated with this site, whether they ever attended one of our PG events or not. It's a lot of fun following them.

If you feel comfortable with it, please tell us who your son or son's are. Guess I don't expect a lot of responses, but it sure would be very interesting.
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You probably don't know my son yet he's a late bloomer of sorts but after this spring season you just might!!

Landon Gray
McEachern High School
Cobb County, Ga
RHP 04

PS... I have an 11 y/o lefty that I have no doubt you will hear about in the near future. Last work out he hit 64 on the gun whoo hoo !!you shoulda seen him beamin'...sorry PDS PRoud Dad Syndrome


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<marquee style="color: #000099; font-family: Comic Sans MS; font-weight: bold" scrollamount="3">" It's nice to think of what you want to do,
until its time to do what you're meant to do" -The Rookie</marquee>



PG -- don't forget the Where Are They Now and Photo Gallery links on the pull-out menu to the left...they'll give you a look at a whole bunch of Our Boys!

From 'Nice Guys Finish Last' by Leo Durocher:

Baseball lives at the center of a never-flagging whirl of irreconcilable opinions.
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My son is Adam Snyder, Pitcher, Knoxville West 2004. He's signed with Milligan College. He's been teammates with several prominent PG attendees via the Knoxville Yard team.

We (his parents) were ignorant of showcases until this summer and didn't do as much of that as we probably should have. However, we're very happy with college choice and the opportunities before him.
Robin Chute, One of my all time favorite players. What a tough player!

I really enjoy all the names. Please keep them coming, maybe Bob can update his list.

I admit, I feel like the village idiot. I wasn't aware of the list "where are they now". It has a ton of names listed and is very helpful. To add to my complete stupidity, I saw my own son listed in there. Bob does a great job!

Still maybe this will help add some more names. We need to pull for them all.
PG Staff,
Great idea! Your request for input reflects your character and your desire to understand everything possible about young baseball players and how to get a player from “kid” to college. I appreciate that. I also agree that the more support in the player’s corner, the more opportunities a player will have.
Not to solicit compliments, but 99% this support has to start at home. It takes a unique parent to become a significant part of the development and recruiting process while allowing all the attention and praise to go to the young player and to other people. The real reward that comes to the parent has little to do with baseball. Yes, it might appear to be a home run, or a no-hitter, but the real reward to the parent is just knowing that you did all you could do to help your son.
Many, many, people have helped my son over the years. Only a few were motivated by self interest, most helped because they had an unselfish desire to help. The HSBBW is one of the few places that join the parent looking for help, and those people that are willing to help.

Josh Bell – Northside High School 2002 (Jackson, TN)
Sophomore C/P Auburn University- Auburn, Alabama


Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience.

I appreciate the integrity you bring to the game, the institution, the system! There is so much stuff for parents to wade thru in prepping our kids and PG has certainly proven to be a "beacon of light" that guides so many thru some stormy waters.

I've got to ditto Fungo's remarks as well. HSBBWEB is a terrific "extended family"!

Preston Claiborne RHP, 3rd baseman
Newman Smith HS, 2006
Carrollton, Tx
Sophomore of the Year, 2004
All-District 1st Team, 2004
PG WWBA Underclassman, Ft. Myers, 2003, 2004
PG WWBA 18U Worlds, 2004
PG South Top Prospect
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Mine is way too young to be known yet, we hope you will all know of him down the road. He is an '08 and is trying out for freshman ball at Louisville Male H.S. this year as an eighth-grader. His name is Michael Estes. He played locally here for the Louisville RoadDogs for a year and has been playing for the Highview Heat for three years now. He is a left-handed pitcher. You can see a picture of him in the photo gallery or get stats on our website listed below.
PG - Betty, Jerry, Tom & all - best wishes to you all for 2004

it is very rewarding (& fun) to "pull for" those you know, & the hsbbweb has greatly expanded that pool of players & parents for me Smile

Andy Hawranick, C, Georgia Tech, soph
(Uniontown) Lake HS, Ohio

then to borrow & modify a phase -

"he is terribly well known by his family" - since he got himself a python for Christmas, tho at least his course load allows him to stack a big bunch of books on that terrerium lid

gotta go now, I'm looking for a slightly used "mongoose" on ebay for his room-mates

lefties? - - - they just aint right!

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Hi Jerry - great idea.

My son has attended 3 PG events and that made all the difference. He received an honest evaluation and the "push" he needed to work harder. The personal interest you take in the players and their families is appreciated. Thanks to all the PG Staff.

Connor Graham, RHP, 04
St. John's Jesuit HS, Toledo, OH
NLI: Miami (OH)

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