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** Aloooha Gals! **

I agree with Redhead,..been checking in here every once in a while and its been puuuurty quiet!

Guess I figured everyone was either exhausted, on vacation, or perhaps a little of both!

Heres passing an iced cold smoothie to ya' all and hoping your summer and your boys summer baseball season is going GOOD!!

If anyone is stopping by here,..give us a holler and let us know the latest!!
Likewise here, too

Been checking in the "lounge" and not much happening here, and like redhead, like to get away from all the complaining and just "visit"

just couldn't think of anything cute to discuss

Shortstopmom ~ I'll take you up on that smoothie and sit a spell and relax.

Been busy this summer with son's summer ball schedule and would pop in occasionally ~

for those that haven't heard or "read" (posted in recruiting thread) son has verbally committed. That's the biggest news we have ~ and he's been invited to the East Coast Professional Baseball Showcase next week in N.C.

Summer's drawing to a close, my smoothie is about gone ~ have to go back to work next week!

Ya'll come back now, ya hear!
I have also been checking in. Figured people were on vacation or finishing up baseball. I had not so good ending to baseball season but hopeful things will improve. Son had a great high school and legion ball season. Finished both with an ERA of .40 and a great batting average. Last Sunday was running to first base to feel and hear a pop in his right leg and next step another pop. Doctors at game gave us hope it was nothing serious but upon reviewing the MRI learned he tore his ACL. We are now waiting for him to have surgery and begin the healing process. Thank goodness he has an extremely positive attitude. Two buddies tore ACL in football last year so he knows exactly what to expect and what recover is possible with hard work. Both returned to play baseball this past spring. Things can only improve though. Can't wait to talk to you all about fall college experiences.
Really sorry to hear about your son. Every parent's worst fear and the timing right before college stinks. I'm glad he has a positive attitude and am also glad it wasn't his pitching arm.
I got your PM awhile back, but haven't had time to correspond with ANYONE. Two boys playing baseball and a 16-year-old daughter learnig to drive. Throw in an ill parent long distance on top of college preparations, and you can see why I've been occupied!
Your son will be in my thoughts and prayers. Keep us updated on his progress.
Ahhhhhh, last the LADIES ARE BACK!
Now,..this feels much better!!!

** another round of smoothies comin' up! **

Extra special " get-better " smoothies to LHPitcher's son!

Good hearing from the gals! Keep the updates comin'!

( In Kansas we are winding down from summer tournament/ league ball, trying to squeeze in another college camp and showcase before highschool starts again, gearing up for Varsity football and "on-call" Fall baseball! Son has his first "girlfriend",..EEEEK,..scream with me gals!!! Hmmm,..wonder how distracted, busy, I can keep him so he stays focused on perhaps his grades? ha! )

Heres to having a good end of the summer!!!
Its good to hear from you all over here in this forum!
Shortstopmom - Make mine a strawberry please!

LHPitcher - I'm very sorry to hear about your son's injury. Prayers for him for a speedy recovery!

KCBaseball - Prayers to you too!! Big Grin My 16 year old daughter just got her license last week. I was just telling a friend tonight though how nice it feels though! I suddenly seem to have all this extra free time!! Smile
Ladies.....can I have a smoothie with lime margarita mix and tequila, please? I've already shared this with Lafmom....but one of the highlights of this busy summer was another tattoo for son.

Some of you may remember.....he got one last summer and we found out accidently.....after he posted pictures to his then girlfriend, and forgot to remove them from the internet....the initials "HB"....for the then love of his life. This summer he added the outline of the state of California to it.....his justification.....if anyone should ask.......HB now stands for where we live.....Huntington Beach. A double shot of the tequila would be good.

I've entertained a constant stream of's amazing....when we lived in the Arizona desert.....not much company....but now.....1 mile from the ocean.....we have become very popular again.....and that's a good thing.....exhausting.....but good.

Rehab for son has gone well, and he says he is "hungry" again for baseball....he's been hitting off the tee as well as live pitching. He is looking forward to going back to school, and I'm'd think after a year of it....I'd be okay....but it's still difficult for me.....other than a growing exhibition of tattoos....he is a loving and easy kid to have around.....

LHPitcher, hope your son has a speedy recovery....and should be proud.

It's good to hear from everyone.....and for our sons......wishes for a good start/return to school....and good baseball......and for we Moms......good wishes for your new drivers.....and good baseball games to watch.....
Last edited by LadyNmom are looking for a new place....but no more tattoos!

I've always told my husband that old men who have babies don't get to retire....but he is calling my bluff.....and it looks like retirement is getting close.....and relocation to Virginia.....we have not decided where in VA yet.....but does anyone know of a city or town in Virginia with the initials HB? I'd like to check it out.......thank you.....
Hey all
I'd join you for the smoothie but I've spent the summer hanging out in bars so have drunk more in a month than I have in the last ten years!!

Son had arthoscopic surgery in June for rotator cuff tear. It stopped baseball but it didn't keep him off the guitar...had a show 3 days after surgery Eek

They've played somewhere almost every week and you feel an obligation to support the establishment but last scheduled show is Friday so maybe I can sober up Roll Eyes

LHP - sorry to hear about the injury but in a weird sort of way the timing is good...hopefully it won't impact spring!!!

Lady - glad to hear about the tat could always start calling him Honey Bear and pretend it was for you all along Smile

Also glad to hear of other's success....we sure have missed the ball field. First summer in fifteen years without baseball. Mine has played wiffle ball with the neighborhood kids a few times...caught him "pitching" left-handed the other day (he's a righty) and gave him that "You're not suppose to throw" look so I got that "I know...I'm using the other arm, Mother" look in response.

Glad to hear from everyone.....think rock music on Friday evening and come join me at the bar

Happy summer!!
I haven't laughed so hard in days or felt like such a mom in days either until I read this post! My thoughts are with all of you moms who have sons recovering from injuries... I hope they mend soon and will be out there again in no time ready to kick butt! I had to laugh with Bluesky's post, I am not sure whether to emnpathize with her for supprting each establishment her son plays in, or just give her a high five and tell her to "rock on"!!

We have just come back from 3 weeks travelling play ball.. played a pre-JO tourney, 2 weeks in Marietta and we leave Sunday for Italy for more baseball... I am beginning to think I really can live out of a suitcase!! Enjoyed catching up with all of the news.. the best place on the web for baseball FANatic moms!! Enjoy the rest of your summer ladies, catch ya in a while!

Lafmom....that was a great post from Catcher 09....I've now copied and emailed it to all my female friends.....and my husband.... Big Grin

and Bluesky....I appreciate and admire your efforts to support your son's endeavors.....lucky you...I mean lucky him! I suggested Honey Bear to son....and I got one of those "looks" know....when they look at you as if you are speaking to them in different tongues?
Last edited by LadyNmom
It's good to hear from all the other baseball moms out there... I'll add my best wishes for a speedy recovery to the injured, and also to the weary, which describes my two to a tee!

Lots of baseball this year. It's go-go-go and then with two quick losses it's all over! We're (dad and I) suffering from withdrawal, but the boys are rediscovering home, non-baseball friends and dinner eaten at a real table all at the same time! I think our game total for the season is somewhere around 120 for the two of them... you should see my tan! Imagine the classic farmer tan with raccoon eyes from the sunglasses... that's me!

Fall ball starts in less than a month and son #2 leaves for freshman year of college around the same time, so I think we'll just savor the next few weeks... someone pass the smoothies! I'm going to sit here and try NOT to look out the window... the weeds are mocking me!
bluesky ..
I think you have been hanging around gotwoodforsale in the Unusually Unusual forum

LHP ...
So sorry to read about your son's injury. Praying for God's healing hand to rest on him as he deals with this setback.

To the rest of the moms ...
It feels good to be back in our lounge again, doesn't it? For a while, we all seemed to be preoccupied with other baseball stuff ... some funny, some serious, and some very contraversial with not-so-nice criticisms back and forth ... but the support and encouragement and advice from another baseball mom is the core element in this forum and brings a calming effect for us when we are struggling, or when we just want to do our mom thing and talk without fear of reprisal. Hopefully it will come back to life and be as active as it once was. Good to see so many still hanging around.

Mary Ann
Last edited by FutureBack.Mom

To the rest of the moms ...
It feels good to be back in our lounge again, doesn't it? ... but the support and encouragement and advice from another baseball mom is the core element in this forum and brings a calming effect for us when we are struggling, or when we just want to do our mom thing and talk without fear of reprisal. Hopefully it will come back to life and be as active as it once was. Good to see so many still hanging around.

Mary Ann

I know I couldn't have said it better. . . but that feeling is what I have been missing.

Thanks Mary Ann for expressing the sentiments so accurately.

And a big thank-you to Redhead for getting us "jump started" again!

And may I not be hestiant to start topics when it gets slow Cool
Last edited by veryproudmom
I don't see the main site as I once did....I check it once in awhile....but it doesn't seem the same.....the major forums don't seem to get much activity, and when they do....well.....some of the oldies...are being oldies....and not always diplomatic....was that diplomatic?

Anyway....glad for this forum and the Moms that visit.....thank you to all!
Mix mix mix,..stir stir stir,..pant pant ( Imagine the ol' rice krispie treat commercial here, ha! )


I lOVE to watch how this forum keeps growing. Its been a great post REDHEAD,..a comfy one.

Kinda had a positive snowball effect and every day more and more are adding to it! Gotta love that!

We have some sharp gals in here, and not only are you intelligent,..there is a core thread of pure kindness,..and in my book "kindness matters". Its a nice blend,...

Ut-oh,..blend,..did I say blend???, in blend-er, I goooo,...more margaritas ( woops,..did I mean to say smoothies????) comin' up!!! Wink Big Grin Smile
Pass a smooth-arita over here! I love this lounge. The support from other moms who are travelling or have travelled the baseball highway has been invaluable. I don't think I'd have gotten through son's first tourney without me had I not had other moms to lean on. Hubby tried but just didn't understand what moms go through in such circumstances (poor guy). Decorating is much better in here than in the main lounges, too. Gotta love the floral wallpaper and chaise lounges.
Just got back last night from a 3 1/2 week vacation. 2 of it with the in-laws. Now if that won't make you drink Then we flew to Denver for the 12u Triple Crown World Series where unfortunatley the trip had more snags than not, but at least I was watching my son play which he did beautifully. Hit a 300+ ft. homerun and had 2 bases loaded clearing hits so kind of forgot some of the bad. Glad to be home and getting ready for Cooperstown in a couple of weeks. I think I need a vacation from vacation!
the major forums don't seem to get much activity,

For any newer members who might read that, I just wanted to mention that actually our overall activity level has continued to increase in the 14 months that I have owned and administered the site. The forums were just above 1 million page views per month when I took over, and now fluctuate around 2 million page views per month (plus several million page views per month on the non-forum pages of the site). Numbers of posts and members also continue to grow gradually.

I don't mean to imply that there is anything wrong with stating a concern like the above, but I just wanted to clarify in case any newer members should read it and wonder if the site is fading away, when in fact it continues to grow.

Last edited by MN-Mom
MN-Mom, thanks.....but how many are actually contributing? I think it's great that so many are viewing......but my concern is in what seems to be a lesser amount of postings.....hope I'm wrong.....maybe you can comment on actually posting activity.....and/or how many viewers take the plunge into a thread?

I appreciate your comments; think basically this is what you said in your monthly post...which I do read.....but thanks again.
Last edited by LadyNmom

That's an interesting question about posting levels vs. viewing, and I'll try to take a look at it when I get the next monthly activity report which comes out around the 15th for each previous month. Most of us old timers know that our activity levels are cyclical, and since it has been over a year now, I do have the opportunity to compare a month to the same month a year ago.

Some new members comment, "I haven't posted yet because there is just so much here to study already, and I've been reading for days."

Another factor is also the addition of forums, causing some of the discussions to be spread around and sometimes appear to be less active in one particular forum. I usually only add a new forum at the request of members, and tend to think about it for a while because it can get kind of confusing to have the list of forums be too-oo-oo long.

I also DO try to work (mostly behind the scenes) on the issues we have sometimes discussed about the occasional Old-Timer intimidating new posters, or sporadic personal bickering being a turnoff to new and old members. The bigger our site grows, the more difficult it can be to keep that under control, but other moderators handle a lot of that, too.

I read the HSBBW for about a year before I posted. Way back then I even felt intimidated, so I am to assume that some do. However, I get lots of pm's from people asking questions while they have never actually posted anything, mainly because they don't understand something or have some personal info about son and situation they do not want to share.

There are very few here who actually attempt to begin different interesting topics for discussion on the boards. I have found that a few hot topics are often repeated, mainly due to new people with questions. And of course there is a lot of bickering that goes on, but that is everywhere, not just here. But I have to agree with Julie, I have seen a lot of new names recently, and that's good, even if they are just "lurkers".

It's also that time of year, I know that I have been traveling a lot since May to watch son play. I have found that it gets busier after baseball season winds down.

I think that we most probably can get some more action going here in the ladies room, as someone I know once said, too much testosterone on the other threads. Wink
I haven't posted here for awhile mainly because during baseball season I am more active on my son's college baseball sites. I still check in here somewhat regularly, though, and it's good to see some of the "old timers" like me are still around as well as an influx of "new blood" to bring some fresh ideas and viewpoints to the forums.

And I want to thank Julie again for her very hard work in keeping this great website going and for so quickly fulfilling my request to update my son's pic in the photo gallery and on my avatar. As I explained to her in an email, I am very computer "challenged" and need a little help from my friends every now and then. Big Grin

I love pitching pictures. Our state does alot of coverage for high school baseball and one newspaper cropped my sons pitching pitcher and that is what they used in all of their papers. If that wasn't a great picture. Recently, they did finally get an actual picture though. Just to let all of you moms know that my son goes in for ACL reconstruction on Thursday. He is so very ready to get this taken care of and the healing started. I appreciate all of your support. At this time we have been told that he should have no problem being back for the spring.
Thanks Julie, he is in very good spirits. The outlook is brite. The orthopedic surgeon for the college is doing the surgery and he will move up to college in a couple of weeks for rehab. I think all of this is really starting to sink in and he was talking about doing some commuting for awhile. Two hours each way. I really don't think that would last long though. We will see how we all do through this. Good news though, our daughter has been interviewed for a job as a first grade teacher. Just graduated from college. She felt really good about the interview. Yahoo, finally money coming in.

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