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...It's been awhile since I have seen anything here from some folks who posted a lot and were nearly always interesting, if sometimes befuddling (but in a good way).

The Principle, as we sadly discovered a while back, went on to greater rewards, but has anyone heard from the likes of...

sportsboss, whose son transferred from Seton Hall to Clemson and did very, very well.

And many, many others.

Time passes and people move along in their lives, but it would be fun and nice to hear from some of these folks and see how they are doing and where baseball stands in their worlds.
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They probably got tired of two types of new posters who seem to predominate lately:

#1) The thread hijackers as previously mentioned.

#2) The lazy, new posters who don't bother to read the site before they start posting. Frequently their questions just duplicate information openly available in other parts of the site. If they bothered to even read the other posts, the would find their question answered.

Maybe Bob ought to hide questions throughout all of the articles and make new member pass a "thoroughness test" before allowing them to register.
I'll give that a big Amen, H3.

OPP & Big (probably amongst many others) left because of posters who were a great deal more interested in showcasing their own egos than the sharing of information.

And a word to those new posters who head directly for the message boards without exploring, reading, and digesting the wealth of information in the articles which comprise a Much Larger Portion of this site:

If reading the easily accessible, already assembled articles on assisting your son's game and progress is too much trouble, you'd best give it up now. Baseball, the college search, schollies, summer teams, advancement, etc. all require information, preparation, research, and work in addition to what your player is doing on the field. There aren't easy answers and nobody will be doing it for you.

There are, however, a lot of good and qualified people here who will help a willing participant.
Re: Hotmama

After getting into Annapolis, Chris dropped baseball. He decided he just didn't want to play anymore. That's a tough, tough ciriculum for anyone to handle, regardless.

He wanted to try football, but that would have difficult to take up. So, he gave Rugby a shot. I believe he's the only traveling frosh on the Rugby team at Annapolis.

She visits still, but doesn't post too much.
Denisr400, I couldn't agree with you more. From my observation the traffic has decreased markedly since the site cleanup and I hope that the chatter will increase in the Illinois forum as well as the others as the season begins. The offseason on our favorite website has been too quiet and that has made my winter seem even longer...Best of luck to all you websters and your sons this spring season.
Last edited by itsrosy
A couple of random thoughts on a very cold night.....

Annapolis tells you everything you need to know about that kid. There is no need to even suggest why baseball and that program might be a difficult fit. Any parent would be proud as hell if their kid went there.

It seems to me that some of the troublemakers have been kicked off the site. Any thoughts out there? We all know who they are and they have not posted since Bob warned them at the same time the other two distinguished websters gave up. Anybody know their personal phone numbers (or e-mails)? If so, please call them and ask them to rejoin. Thanks. I hope at this late hour I can talk stream of conscious and not get in too much trouble.

I have emailed both Old Timers today and immediately heard from one. He is fine (and recuperating from recent surgery)...just tired of nonsense on a formerly nonsense-free website. I, too, believe that the offenders have once again been banned...unfortunately, they often find a way to return in blazing ego-glory. Maybe not. I will continue to encourage the oldies-but-goodies to return and not let the "terrorists" claim victory.
I PMed both old timers when this whole thing happened But no response Frown Yes both their sons play pro ball and were drafted out of high school. OPP and Big Hit could provide alot experience to this site. I sure hope they return, we all want to hear how they are doing in spring training.
PS;(OPP son is ranked the #1 prospect in Pirates organization)
I'm still around as well. My oldest son is getting married in September. Whew!! I can't believe I just typed those words!! My youngest is the top shooter in his conference after giving up baseball and taking up the air rifle.
I found myself at a little league practice the other night (no idea who the team was) and within 15 minutes was on the mound throwing BP so the coach could work with the kids. I guess it never really gets out of your system huh?
I am still here, dont post as often as I could as I like others got tired of the BS some of the newbies were spewing.. To bad, cause if the took off the rose colored glasses and really studied these boards they would quickly learn that no amount of dollars can pay for the knowledge available on this site.

With no sons playing ball this season, I will spend my ball time thru Hokie1's youngest season as well as a 10 year old cousin who in playing some travel ball... Then of course there are the NATIONALS Smile
I logged onto this site a few days ago for the first time in a long time. I'm more of a reader (of the message board) than I am a poster, but I did notice the absence of some old timers. I, too, hope they come back. Their insight can be very valuble to the parents of high school age kids. My son is out of high school and is in JUCO ball now. (Not much on this site for JUCO ball in terms of topics. It's referenced from time to time though)

It's good to see BeenthereIl and Fungo are still around. Noticed a few of the moms are hanging in there as well. It would be nice to get updates from those whose sons are working their way up to the big show. Keep bugging them, maybe they'll show back up.

I have not been yet, but I will soon. Surprise, by the way, is nearly impossible to get to because you have to drive through the heart of Sun City, where the traffic is nearly impenatrable (slowwwwwwwwwwwwwww).

Spring training is funny. Before I moved to AZ, I dreamed of a vactation in FLA of AZ doing nothing but going to the spring games. Now that I leave here, I have never been to more than three or four in a season. It's like living in Washington D.C. and never going to the White House or the library of Congress. But, then, I know people who have lived in AZ for more than 20 years who have never been to the Grand Canyon.

It's still nice to know it's there, though.
jemaz....same here....we spend so much time with son's baseball....we don't have time for Spring training games....but we are making a list of things to do when son goes off to college next year....and taking in spring training games is at the top of the list...either that or we will move too....and take in son's college games.....decisions, decisions.

I miss the "old-timers" too...but I think maybe OPP and BigHit needed a break...can't blame them for that....they may be back yet....but for now, I want to thank them for all the helpful advise they have posted....and BigHit's lovely pictures....will definitely miss them....well maybe not.

Thanks guys...we learned...

Lazy posters....maybe just anxious for information....some senior posters refer them to articles on the main web page that deal with their questions...think that's helpful....anyway....don't think for some it's laziness as much as anxiousness....
Gary 19 was the first person to welcome me to the site. Smile
After I discovered it I spent a few days devouring everything I read- all the articles. I especially thought the idea of dividing the country into small segments was brilliant and made it so much easier to learn about each one.

Then I logged on, made a post, and within minutes had a welcome from Gary. Bighit followed suit and gave me great Tx info. Well, this was before he became a tu tu wearing Floridian! (I know he wore the tu tu in Tx too!) Big Grin

So Gary- if you ever lurk, drop in and let us know how your son is doing. And Big- well I'll send an email with the latest!

BTW- Gary and Big had a few scuffles back then, duel but it never crossed the line the way recent posts have and I think I can speak for both of them when I say, that, despite their differences, they respected each other and kept it pretty clean.
Last edited by amom

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