Perhaps its a case of alien abduction!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Rumor has it ( I'm really not one to gossip,..really!
) those one eyed, green, little buggers have been in deep discussion for centuries ( aka: light years ) about setting up their own baseball team on planet X. Being the extremely superior intellectual beings that they are,..they decided to hand pick
( tell me, alien's indeed have real actual
hands ?
the wisest and fairest baseball resource/consultant known on Earth,...our very own beloved & fabulous Mr. Fungo himself!
Well,..that's the story I heard,....and I'm stickin' to it.
Fungo: FYI, got ya covered, my fellow HSBBW'er.
" What happens on planet X,...stays on planet X. "
( Nahhhhh you're all probably right,....he's just gone fishin' )