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For a number of years I bought my son's wood bats from  Ben Arron Lumber ( The sold bats just off the lathe for about $30. The bats took just as much abuse as any commercially sold wood bat. They were perfect for batting cages.


However, the company seemed to disappear along with a couple of other similar companies whose websites I bookmarked years ago but are now nowhere to be found. Google did not help find any other company that sells unfinished bats. Can anyone lead me to a place that sells unfinished bats?  Was there a reason all these places disappeared?

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Originally Posted by DT2:

For a number of years I bought my son's wood bats from  Ben Arron Lumber ( The sold bats just off the lathe for about $30. The bats took just as much abuse as any commercially sold wood bat. They were perfect for batting cages.


However, the company seemed to disappear along with a couple of other similar companies whose websites I bookmarked years ago but are now nowhere to be found. Google did not help find any other company that sells unfinished bats. Can anyone lead me to a place that sells unfinished bats?  Was there a reason all these places disappeared?

Try LaCasse Bats in Maine.

I emailed him a couple of years ago and got an unfinished bat.

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