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There is no mirth in girth!! I was driving the van yesterday morning, holding a bacon-egg-cheese breakfast sandwich in my paw (and this AFTER having had a full breakfast at home), and who runs by (woo-woo, training for her marathon on Sunday) but Mrs. Krak, who gives me a mean look and shouts "BUSTED!!" and runs on her merry way.

I would've shouted something mean back, but my mouth was crammed full at the time.
"Here's a way we can see where everyone is at.

Go to site, post your HSBBW name, zip, photo and a shout out....

reply below after your list yourself."

Bullwinkle, I have followed all instructions faithfully. I am reporting the following:

Infieldad's arrow locater is stuck somewhere behind Justbb and in front of URKMB and Infielddad is lost. noidea Mrs. Infielddad wants to know where I have gone and where I am spending my time. Eek Infielder himself merely wants to know where to send the bills. walk

Uh Mr. Moose, if I recall the saying correctly:
"Looks like we need a bigger map!" agree
Last edited by infielddad
That's cool, Moose, as we used to say "slicker'n snot on a doorknob".

The pic is of my son, no one wants to see my face (Especially my ex-). Besides, no reason to have a pic of myself in my computer.

BTW, my bubble is in the ghetto on the west side of the zip code, so I wish there was a way to drag the bubble to the far east side of it. But the good news is, the satellite view is the roof only, it doesn't show how bad the house needs paint.
HHH: you have confused your metaphors with cartoon quotes.

Yogi Bear is smarter than the average bear
"He hits from both sides of the plate. He's amphibious." Yogi Berra
Yogi Lifestyle

Pick a Yogi, any Yogi….

PS: We all know that Bullwinkle does not have intellect, but can become inebriated with the exuberance with his own verbosity.
Last edited by Bullwinkle

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