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Ok, so here's the definition of BASH:

–verb (used with object)
1. to strike with a crushing or smashing blow.
2. Chiefly British, Canadian . to hurl harsh verbal abuse at.
3. a crushing blow.
4. Informal . a thoroughly enjoyable, lively party.
5. have a bash (at), British . to attempt; make an attempt.
6. on the bash, British . working as a prostitute.

#6 is cute. #4 is what I always thought. But whatever, so after having seen the application of this word on HSBBW, I think we should propose a few new definitions:

7. To attempt a discussion on what round a baseball player might be drafted. Usually considered vulgar if a person, even in good faith, challenges whether or not that player might be drafted in the first round.

-noun ing
8. Accusation typically made by the self-righteous in applications where it may be useful to establish a gratuitous sense of moral high-ground. Can be usefully amplified by the dishonest pretense that 18-year old children might be somehow abused by such discussion. e.g., "I think it is time to shut down the thread since the player bashing is starting or I should say continuing."
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So I take it from your post you didn't agree with the closing of the topic.....what some see as bashing is what others might see as normal conversation. So go for it and continue the "nonbashing" as you see it, that is if I am reading this post right that is what you want.

I have spent too many years on this site and tonight I realized that it is just like Groundhog Day just different topics, different ppl and it is time to move on.

Signing Off forever (let the clapping begin).
Last edited by oldbat-never
wraggArm - The general policy in the Texas forum has been to refrain from making negative comments or critiques of high school age players playing ability by name (critiques of coaches, parents, and pros have been fair game). I think it was following the spirit of this policy when oldbat-never suggested that it was time to shut down the thread.

I am not sure if you were serious or sarcastic with your new post in this thread .... sometimes it is hard to interpret intent with the typed word.

I am not trying to be self-righteous or trying to establish moral high-ground, just trying to shed some light on how the policies have been enforced in the past by the moderators in the Texas forum.
Last edited by cheapseats
The general policy in the Texas forum has been to refrain from making negative comments or critiques of high school age players playing ability by name (critiques of coaches, parents, and pros have been fair game).

This is the policy of the hsbaseballweb and it goes back to the site founder and our board manners. The rule is pretty simple, if you don't have something nice to say about someone, then don't say it. Pro athletes are generally fair game as they are public figures. I would suggest there ought to be limits there as well however. For example, Zack Duke is from Texas and a member of the Pittsburgh Pirates. His Dad, OnePlayersPop is a long term member here. I think it would be in extremely poor taste for someone to "bash" Zack in this forum or any of our other forums.
Originally posted by Pick Johnson:
No need for OBN to leave, but if you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen. Baseball ain't for women anyway.

Pretty weak, Picker. An old cliche and a chauvinistic flame. Sorry, you lose. Come back when you actually have something valuable to say...I won't hold my breath.
Originally posted by Pick Johnson:
No need for OBN to leave, but if you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen. Baseball ain't for women anyway.

Wow! johnson, you must have a REALLY big ax to grind with the Marcus program. Roll Eyes

Johnson, do you realize that the site administrator/owner for hsbaseballweb is a woman? She has spent hours and hours of her own time administrating this site as well as funding this site. Should she leave too?
Last edited by cheapseats
Yes, the website owner is a woman... last time I checked. Smile

Oldbat-never has been a long-time helpful, positive member of our community, and as I told her in a private note last night, I hope she will not leave because of a few members who don't understand the intent of the community.

Here are the forum rules which were written by the (male) founder of this site many years ago:

Board Manners

Last edited by MN-Mom
Since I have become an infrequent moderator, at best, I hope someone(s) with more immediate HS interest steps up to moderate. I have always loved HS baseball and it will continue to be special to me.....I just don't have time to read every topic and every post. And I obviously miss a lot, even after closing other "Marcus" topics.



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