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Here's the easiest way in MHO. Reverse the games. Have the golfer take the round club and have someone roll it toward his area, then have the 50,000 behind the ropes yelling and screaming.
Then the BB player, gets total quiet and gets to hit off a tee.
Hitting part goes to baseball.
Now, getting the ball in that little hole 400 yards away may be another story.
I don't think this is something that you can compare because both have a degree of difficulty and although the weapons are similar the end result is completely different.

In golf the ball that is hit while stationary, has to be hit to a very small target area, it's flight is "shaped" and elevated depending on the shot, it may be obstructed or hidden within/by the elements, many different sticks are used all having a different purpose and feel, and you only get one swing per at-bat. Baseball has none of those requirements, but it's played by those with more athletic ability.

While most surveys say hitting a baseball is the hardest thing to do, baseball never frustrated me like golf does. Not even close, and that's why I think you can call it a sport. You are competing against your toughest competition, yourself.
If the question is 'which is harder to hit?' the answer would seem obvious. Where a golf ball goes after it's hit is immaterial.

Taking professional players of both sports, baseball players who hit successfully 3 out of 10 times are good; 4 out of 10 are HOFers; golfers hitting successfully at those rates.....would not be professionals. And the other guys at the club would laugh and point.
Originally posted by eddiegaedel:
To me, this question is a "Slam Dunk" but, my fellow weekend hackers think otherwise.

At least your collection of duffers don't have the same problem as this guy...DUFFERS GONE WILD!

Orlando...we may need an English to American translation with this.
I've read his book and it still makes no sense...

Last edited by gotwood4sale
They're both equally hard. It seems some are comparing hitting 90mph sliders to a tee'd up golf ball.

I've seen people get hit in the head by both.

You can over-analyze both.

I've seen people go to a driving range who have never picked up a golf club before take twenty swings before they finally hit one!

Golf may not have crowd noise, but I hear voices in my head during my backswing, each telling me something different.

Unfortunately,I have found my golf ball in the
hardest spots to hit.Yesterday,the ball was a foot below my feet plugged in a sand trap as I was standing on the side of a hill trying to hit it over a 4 foot lip that was two feet in front of my ball.

Don't compare hitting good pitching against hitting a tee'd up golf ball. Too many variables.
Teed up a baseball and let 'er rip, broke the head off my driver and only it went 30 yds (but it was down the middle of the fairway).

Put a golf ball in a pitching machine set at 95 mph. Went right through the bat on the 200th swing when I finally made contact. Next time I'll use wood instead of foam.

I guess I have to look back and see who started this thread so I can get reimbursed. The foam bat was cheap but that driver cost a lot.
Last edited by CADad
Most people with baseball skills can hit a baseball. However, most times it would be just fouled off and not in play.

Most people can hit a stationary golf ball, but if it does not go where it is supposed to a golfer will consider it a foul ball but that swing counts as an AB.

If golf was like baseball and you had multiple chances per AB to put the ball in play golf would then be an easy game. The difference is in golf is that you have one swing to make perfect contact or you are penalized on the next. Golf is a game of pure mechanics and focus. You don't have bloopers, "excuse-me" swings, or seeing eye goundballs. Your vision of "shaping" a shot and putting it in a small predetermined area is a one time swing.

Is it harder to hit a baseball...yes, Is it just as hard to "execute" the perfect golf shot with one swing....maybe. One golf swing can cost you the match, in baseball you might get a chance to redeem yourself multiple times each AB.

I don't disagree that hitting the baseball is fundementally harder, I just think it's deeper than that and the end results have to be factored in.
Soxnole quote:
Golf is for sissies. (mostly,well off sissies)

Soxnole, As soon as the sissies get off the course from a charity tournament you'll have to bring that up with them Big Grin.

Donny Anderson -Jon Barry -Kurt Bevacqua - Bobby Bonilla

Keith Byars - Dwight Clark - John Congemi - Steve Danneman

John Ebersole - Sean Elliott - Sid Fernandez - Rollie Fingers

Clark Gillies - Ron Harper - Alex Hyde-White -Rickey Jackson

Brad Jackson - Dave Johnson - Seth Joyner - Wally Joyner

Joe Klein - Bruce Laird - Pierre LaRouche - Jack Marin

Ed Marinaro - Tom Matte - Jim McMahon - Stan Mikita

Brian Mitchell - Chris Mohr - Ed Moses - Adam Oates

Gregg Olson - Jimmy Orr - Shane Rawley - Cliff Richey

Chris Redman - Cliff Richey - Brooks Robinson - Steve Rogers

Bret Saberhagen - Mark Simpson - Ken Singleton - Greg Stefan

Sherwood Stewart - BJ Surhoff - Lawrence Taylor - Mickey Tettleton

Gorman Thomas - Jim Thornton - Mike Trombley - Darren Veitch

Joe Washington -Rob Wilson - Willie Wilson

or maybe just with this one.............

Last edited by rz1
On the golf course I've seen people smoking cigarettes as they tee up (the legal and not so legal kind), I've seen 'em with cigars hanging out their mouth, I've seen 'em with a beer close at hand...
Never seen anyone do those things in the batter's box.

There is nooooooooooooooooooo comparision to anything in sport like hitting a moving baseball;

and never saw a golf ball jump up off the ground and hit anyone, never seen one curve, slide, etc.

Again, no comparison.
Last edited by HeyBatter
I've had this very same conversation with a friend of mine who played in the NBA and is now a sports radio talk show host in LA.

What is the hardest thing in sports to do? He says it isn't hitting a baseball, or a golf ball. He says it is .... boxing! Take a Mike Tyson punch in the jaw.

Then go 15 rounds and try to put the beat down on him.

(For the record, I have hit a heck of a lot more golf balls than baseballs in the last 30 years.) Which is easier to hit? Obviously a golf ball is easier to hit. It is not moving.

But that isn't really the right question. You don't just hit a golf ball. You control it. You hit it 250-300 yards within 2 degrees of the centerline to hit the fairway, and then hit it a specific distance on a specific line to get it close to the pin.

The skill involved in doing that at the professional competitive level is in my view pretty much on par with the skill involved in hitting a baseball successfully for hits against major league pitching. Both are incredibly difficult.

A bunch of fat guys are really good at controlling a golf ball. A bunch of pretty chubby guys can succeed in batting a baseball, too.

Some professional golfers actually use tobacco products while playing the game at its highest competitve level! Can you imagine?

Oh ... some baseball players do too.(In fact, I'll bet percentage wise, a lot more baseball players through the history of the game chewed tobacco than golfers who smoked.

And as the golfers always point out ... they have to play their foul balls.

Golfers insist on total silence as they hit, so they don't lose their focus, while batters hit in front of 35,000 screaming (sometimes booing) fans....

But golfers don't have contracts. Their pay each week depends on how they perform. They might take the deal if you offered multi year contracts in exchange for the fans being allowed to scream.

At the end of the day, there are roughly the same number of people making a living playing competitive golf as there are playing baseball, and the two sports have been around as professional sports for about the same amount of time.

I'm guessing that both are pretty darn difficult to do. Roughly equivalent.

What is the hardest thing in sports to do?

That is a really good question Rob. How did Ted Williams know exactly that hitting a baseball is the hardest thing to do? Because it was hard for him?

As you note with golf, controlling the ball 250-300 yards away is not exactly easy to do. What about flying down the court and dunking over Tim Duncan - how many baseball players can do that? How many can do a back flip on the balance beam as was pointed out earlier. What about trying to hit a receiver on the dead run 40 yards down field when there are several real fast and strong guys trying to hurt you? Who is even qualified to arbitrate these type of questions? Bo Jackson? Deon Sanders?

It makes sense to me that hitting a baseball could be the hardest thing to do but I have no clue how to actually determine that

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