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Son was invited to DI Junior Day and received letters after. He then went to their 5 day camp - did great. Was one of the ones at the top of the heap in most things - bat speed, throwing velocity, batted .600, etc. etc. Several other school's coaches approached him and a lot of the former players from that school made positive comments. Recruiter said he wanted to come see him. (which made son kind of wonder what the 5 days was for). Have received e-mails but no calls from school. (They did ask who else was talking to him - we took advice from this site, were vague but let them know there was other interest, also let them know son's interest in the other schools depended on how things went with them - this is son's 2nd choice school. After that tone changed, a bit curt, I thought - not sure why) Question: They have a 1 day showcase coming up. Problem is a good, DI JUCO coach called son's HS coach and specifically requested my son come to his camp which is the same day as the DI showcase. Which should he go to?? Does he spend more time on DI without knowing their true interest level?? If he goes to the JUCO, does he let the DI know that he is not coming but that he is still very interested (which he is)? Does he tell DI why he's not coming?

I know, I know, relax, have a glass of wine. . .
An expert at anything was once a beginner.
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Junior day, 5 day showcase, now a 1 day showcase. Still nothing. Seems to me they like collecting $$ more than actually considering future players.

I'd send my son to somewhere he was wanted, attend the JUCO.

It's very hard when the schools our son have interest in are not recipical in the feeling. That's a very large part of the process, realizing when enough is enough and move on.

That's part of the problem, not sure if they have interest or not. They initiated things by inviting son to Junior Day - not a money maker, they invite you to come to a game, give you tickets, you meet the coaches, tour the campus etc. And, they have continued to e-mail. Clearly he's not on the A list. But just don't know if its time to cut and run or not.

Crazy thing is this school doesn't have a great baseball program. Its not the best school recruiting son. But as you all like to say its a great fit. Close to home, good academics and son completely buys into the coaches "philosophies" on how to play.
Junior Day is PR day for coaches, nothing more. Good way to get in those unofficial visits to more than a few at a time.

If your son is really interested, have him give the coaches a call. See if there is still interest, then make a decision. It's the only way he is going to know.
A lot depends on what you didn't say - like your son's position, size, weight,speed, etc. You mentioned other schools were in the mix - but at the same level? (Jr. Day, coach interest, nice showing at showcase, etc.) Remember, multiple players are recruited at each position. Your son is one of them, and probably not at the top based on what you have said.

If this is the only school showing "real" interest, and your son likes it, then by all means have him indicate he is very interested in an email or phone call. Always leave the lines of communication open.

That being said, this school saw him plenty. Go to the JUCO and expand your search. The JUCO coach may also have an opinion - get it.
Dont put to much of the baseball cart ahead of the education cart. You dont want to make the entire decision based on baseball.

My interpretation of what you said to the DI coach is we're interested but looking for other offers. So they go, oh he's not that into us. They are not going to bother, unless you are a top prospect in their mind.

No matter how many suitors you have, you want them all to feel they the love.

As much as you want to make life decisions about what's best for baseball the main point of college is the education.

What will happen after 2 years at a JUCO. How well will his classes transfer. What does your son want to do after baseball?

I would call the DI coach, re-express your high level of interest and see if you can re-ignite their interest. It may take you going to their 1 day prospect to get your point across.

Do not close any doors until you make a final decision. You court all avenues 100%. There is no sure thing no matter what they say until you have a written offer.
Last edited by baseballtoday
Thanks for all the replies. We are going to go to the JUCO. 5 day camp was about 4 weeks ago.

Brod: Son plays 3B, 1B (pitches HS, but won't pitch DI) and I do understand that those are not recruited usually til later - He throws 87 mph across IF, but his best tool is his bat. Would be recruited for that - lefty, great swing, great bat speed. Hits hard and for good average. Speed: 7.0 in the 60. 4.28 in shuttle. Under 6' tall, but strong, squats 500. Top Prospect Team at PG Natl. UC showcase. We haven't gone to any others since - too far away. Problem is most schools we are interested in are not close. Thanks for reply.
Oh, and baseballtoday, I totally agree with you. I do not anticipate that my son will ever play pro and he has good grades and high A.C.T. score so we are really trying to find a good academic/baseball fit. Our whole state only has one school that is appropriate from both aspects so we are searching farther and wider for a good "fit". We have fought the JUCO thing and are not really in favor of it from the academic side. Some pro scouts saw him at a big tournament in Aug. and were really enthusiastic about him - but he's young for senior. they really encouraged the JUCO thing - Some top-notch JUCOs are looking. We'll see!
Last edited by HitaHomer1
For what it's worth, I think you made a good choice to go to the JUCO camp. The DI has seen your son quite a bit, but it sounds like perhaps he is in their top 2 or 3 choices at his position, probably not #1. That option may still fall into place for your son depending on what happens with other players, but at the moment it seems very sensible to add another option.

Best wishes to your son, and let us know how it goes!

Last edited by MN-Mom

My son was also young for his class...turned 18 in late May of his senior year. A coach for one of the local JCs recruiting him made a valid point, I thought, during his presentation to us. At a 4-yr school, you compete for playing time w/ players who can be up to 26 yrs old. A player who's barely 18 and not yet physically mature can have a hard time getting on the field his first couple of years. Lack of playing time can mean diminishing interest, as well as skills.

My son went to a 4/yr school anyway...we'll see what happens.
If the five day camp was just a month ago, kind of hard to believe that they would need a second look now. Not impossible, but...

Keep pursuing all options. If this D1 comes back at a later date & your son hasn't committed, then he can talk at that time.

You are keeping a good perspective. Baseball might be for four more years - and no guarantee of that (injuries, etc.) - but the academic effects will last much longer.

Is the D1 really, really where your son wants to go, even if he were not to play ball? If so, then perhaps he should go there regardless of whether he gets an offer. Walk-on at a D1 is tough, granted. Depends upon how he weighs baseball vs. all the other considerations.
They did ask who else was talking to him - we took advice from this site, were vague but let them know there was other interest, also let them know son's interest in the other schools depended on how things went with them - this is son's 2nd choice school. After that tone changed, a bit curt, I thought - not sure why)

Wouldn't it be correct in assuming that every coach knows that the recruit is looking at multiple options? Why would a coach cool off because a recruit has other programs interested in him?

I guess, as has been mentioned here a hundred times
you can't figure it out. That being said, it is human nature to want to know where you stand, and what the he11 is going on.

As TR said "you got to just roll with it" , that's going to be dam hard for me to do when the time comes.
Tripledad - I agree. Have no idea what we said that they didn't like, but obviously something. He tried to word it to show that his interest in other schools was secondary to that school. Maybe we were too vague. Its all crazy if you ask me. You can't figure it out. Once you get past those Top National prospects (and there aren't too many of those), its a roll of the dice IMO. I'm to the point that I think its not worth worrying too much about (though I still have my moments). Don't want to push too hard to go somewhere you may not belong.
HH1, you can still call the D1 school coaches and ask to come visit them again any time you can work it into your schedule. It does not have to be on Junior Day or the one-day camp.

The coach can not call you or son if your son is a junior. I assume he is because of the reference to junior days. The coach's tone may have changed because you became vauge with your responses to them. I was always up front with them and they reciprocated. It really is hard to say where you are on their list when talking to them until they make an offer. Offers usually don't come until after junior year.

I believe in going after what you want. If you really want the D1 school then go after it. Visit them a bunch this fall if you can. This shows/tells them that you are really interested in their program.
Last edited by AL MA 08
Son is a senior. Went to Junior day last May.
TripleDad - I was a little taken back when I realized how much communication there is between coaches. I do think to some extent they try to help kids though, when talking - as long as that help doesn't hurt their program.

I think he is going to send a note to coach - reiterate his interest, but not even mention the camp.
Hit, I wonder, when you let them know of other schools of interest, did you mention sons 1st choice. And was the first choice possibly a school that this school felt like they couldn't compete with? Just thinking out loud.

I believe fungo mentioned one time, some schools recruiting his son cooled off after hearing about other schools recruiting him also. They assumed he was already a done deal! Fungo correct me if thats
wrong a bit

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