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Originally posted by _-BoswellBaseball-_:
Which bat should I get for this upcoming season?
I have to pick between the exogrid, 07 stiff stealth, the louisville catalyst or the '08 omaha.
Which would you guys choose?


If you don't mind, I will throw another in to consider. Take a look at the Combat. They have made great LL bats and are now BESR certified for HS play.

From your list, I would consider the Omaha and Combat. To me the price gap between the Omaha and Exo is not worth it.
i used combats in LL and in the next level. there great when they work but ive owned probly about 15 and only paid for one.

they do not last long and they break pretty darn easy. we had 12 year old kids mashing them in half. the team probly went through 40 in one summer.

ive been using a stealth comp this year and is pretty not sure if that the stealth you were talking about. catalyst are suposed to be good to but ive never used one.

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