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I was at the game tonight and Jose was unhittable. The Sox pitching staff is one of the top staffs in the AL. The hitting will come around and like I said this team will win 86+ games and contend all year. Say what you want about Ozzie but he knows how to manage. A trade for one more big bat in July could be the difference.
I wish Kenny got more credit, he is constantly making great moves that people questioned when he made them. The move a few years ago for Pods was great, now this year getting Quinten was a steal. The guy was a college stud, golden spikes finalist, he just had no spot in AZ, that was a great pickup. Then trading McCarthy for Danks and Massat to get younger was great. I think Garland was always an average pitcher and swapping him for a much needed SS and finally Floyd for Freddy Garcia. All these moves came out good but Beane and those guys get all the credit and you constantly hear how the Sox got the worst of the deals or their minor league system sucks. Williams doesn't care about the minor's, he cares about his pro team.

Yes, they are pitching outstanding but I think more important that fire and attitude is back. With character guys like Swisher, A.J, gamers like Quinten and Cabrera they have a new attitude than they did last year when it looked like they just didn't care and gave up easily. He transformed the attitude of that team with those moves, they haven't had an attitude like this since Carl Everett left. Kenny deserves his due as one of the best GM's.
The reason why Kenny Willaims doesn't get more credit is the contract Konerko has, trading Aaron Rowand for Thome and then giving him the contract he did, trading Chris Young and keeping Brian Anderson......etc.

For each good move he makes, there is an equally terrible one to offset it. Further, he acts as though he is smarter than everyone else and no one in baseball likes him.

In time, if the moves he has made prove to lay the groundwork for a winner, he will get his proper due. Until then, insisting that his team is the best in the division/league/game reagrdless of his roster will continue to annoy people.
Coach Opre. Reading your posts gives one the idea that you really don't like KW.

Get over it, he is not a real popular fellow!

Neither was Connie Mack or Al Lopez or a hundred other baseball GM's and manager's!.

The Thome and Anderson deals are still open to serious debate.The Quentin, Danks and Floyd deals have been what you would call a GM very much on top of his job.

Btw, I sure hope MY GM will alway's believe his team is or can be the I sniffing "cubbie fan" here Coach??

Now when he moves Cabrera to 2b and Uribe back to ss he will be perfect!
Why would you want Cabrera moved, he won a gold glove and he has the best fielding percentage of any shortstop this year. Uribe should be moved off the field, i hope Richar comes back healthy and shows something good. I think they should just cut Thome just like the Blue Jays did with Frank Thomas, this will allow them to put Kornerko at DH where he belongs and bring in Fields and play him at 1b. Thome is an albotros that just clogs up the DH position and they have alot of guys playing out of position because of it. Or they can play Swisher at 1b, either way with Thome out, they have alot more flexibility to use their entire roster.
Last edited by Nails
Soxnole, good to hear from you.

For what it's worth, which probably isn't much, I see your Sox in a season worthy of a "perfect storm". Their division, touted as baseball's best, has taken a big hit. I'll even go so far as to say that the AL as a whole is down. I believe that the division is now their's to lose.

All the best to Ruairi.
Last edited by itsrosy
No I am not a Cubs fan. I am also not a White Sox fan, I am merely saying that KW has made many deals that look like good ones (certainly the Quentin one looks good), but he has also made some bad ones, as have all GMs.

The fact that he handles himself the way that he does is my explanation for why he doesn't get the credit that some around here feel he should.

I don't know Ken, therefore I don't want to make it seem as though I don't like him. I was trying to make a factual post with my thoughts as to why Williams is viewed the way he is.

Cabrera won a gold glove because of his bat.

According to Bill James, Uribe was 1st in range (ahead of Cabrera)in 07.

Cabrera is a winer that should have 3 errors this year. (He called the press box twice this year to complain about error calls)On 1, in Toronto, he dropped a pop up in shallow left center, a nodoubtaboudit E. It was changed. BRUTAL!

His arm is half of Uribe's.

Yeah!...I want Uribe at SS.

Don't get me wrong, Cabrera is a solid hitter and probably all around best SS in the AL...but he loses the comparison to Juan Uribe defensively and is a chemistry wild card due to his selfish nature.

Coach Ope,

Don't agree. Any look at KW's record in Chicago makes him the best GM ever in this town. Nice guys usually don't win...Kenny won it all!
Hi rosy!

I like our chances on the south side. Pitching seems to be the name of the game in the AL Central.

Having said that I'm a little surprised at the Cards and Stros performance so far. I see the cubs winning the Division by 5-10 games.

Then.........who knows?

Best to Jordan!

I'll send you a postcard from Omaha!....I hope.
The Bullpen is lights out! The Sox defeated the Indians 5 out of 6 in alittle over a week. The bats will get better and the wins will keep getting recorded. All Sox fans should be very proud of the start to this season. All everyone heard all winter and during spring training was how good the Tigers and Indians were going to be. It looks like 05 can hopefully be 08.
I cant wait to go on Saturday! We have great seats for the Rockies, should be fun.

Find me a tough game besides the Cubs until the break. They have a real easy schedule the rest of the way and are in what is shaping up to be the worst division in baseball.

Boy those Cubs Sox games are going to be extra special this year.

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