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I'm tired of seeing the heroes I grew up with look old in the Super Bowl half-time. I remember being shocked a few years ago seeing Tom Petty. He looked like my granddad. The Who sounded great, but looked old. The old film clips pre-viewing their performance just made it worse in contrast.
Last edited by Wayne
I wonder if magically it were the Beatles who performed,with Ringo at 70 yrs old and the others right there with him, if you'd be so critical of their now aged voices? I think it is so much more than that. Maybe it's because I'm turning 63, and these guys were such a big part of my musical history but I loved seeing and listening to them once again. And, my 21 yr old son called from SoCal and said,"weren't they awesome?" JMO.
Last edited by itsrosy
I knew after the "who" performed they'd be raked over the coals just like every other band/group that plays at superbowl. I thought they were pretty good but was kind of left hanging waiting for a few more of their golden oldies. I guess that means they were good if I wanted more! Great game I thought. If you want to complain about something, how bout those commercials?
Originally posted by bsbl247:
I thought they were a little off key at times, but Not Bad. I would have loved to see them play live in the 70's, but I don't think my mom would have been cool with an elementary age kid at a gig with The Who!

They were awesome in the 70's and I enjoyed it as it brought back memories.
The younger generation at my house tonight loved it!

Except for VW and etrade, the commercials were blah.

The commercial with Tebo and mom was tastefully done, I had no complaints.

Great game, the Saints without a doubt deserved the championship.
It's hard to listen to groups or singers from the 70's who can't hit the notes any more. It happens to every one. Thank goodness for back up singers.

95% of the commercials were terrible. It seems they all try too hard to come up with something special and it winds up with something stupid or head scratching. It seems every year there are fewer and fewer memorable ones.
Last edited by fillsfan
I couldn't help but notice that the camera cut away on the big scream part from Daltrey ("Won't Get Fooled Again"). Based on how he sounded up to that point, I cannot imagine he did that part live. My son sent me an e-mail joking, "Forget the game, what did Vegas have as the over/under on how many years ago that part was recorded?"
I am a big Rock and Roll fan and a WHO fan as well BUT their time has passed---also I am tired of non aAmerican groups at this great American Festival-- Why not a Carrie Underwood halftime show?-- why not a LADY GAGA? Why Tim McGraw and Faith Hill ?

Not only do we now outsource out work forces but now our Super Bowl Halftime show
It's hard to listen to groups or singers from the 70's who can't hit the notes any more. It happens to every one.
I didn't watch the halftime show due to a phone call. I saw The Who in the 70's and many years later. Daltry lost his voice. The worst case of losing a voice was Justin Hayward of The Moody Blues. I saw them in a reunion tour. His voice was awful even at Red Rocks which is an incredible natural amphitheatre.

Someday rock and roll will be old enough for it's stars to die of natual causes - George Carlin
Last edited by RJM
Originally posted by TRhit:
I am a big Rock and Roll fan and a WHO fan as well BUT their time has passed---also I am tired of non aAmerican groups at this great American Festival-- Why not a Carrie Underwood halftime show?-- why not a LADY GAGA? Why Tim McGraw and Faith Hill ?

Not only do we now outsource out work forces but now our Super Bowl Halftime show

Totally agree.

Wardrobe malfunction when Pete Townsend's bottom button on his shirt couldn't keep his beer belly covered. Something seems out of place when 60 somethings are singing teenage wasteland or teenage anything for that matter. I felt the whole show was lip-synched. Finally, ever since Pete was busted for downloading childporn, I just do not want to see him perform anymore.

Carrie Underwoood's national anthem blew the whole halftime show away.
Originally posted by Holden Caulfield:
The stage was great. I should have used the "mute" button.

CD, I have to respectfully disagree. I thought Carrie, who I normally adore, was AWFUL. Frequently off key and often screaming the words. The Queen was much better, until she did whatever it was she was doing at the end. What was that anyway?

Yeah, Carrie looked great as always, but she was shrieking. She needs to stay in her comfort zone of country music and keep her range within her reach.
I thought the WHO did OK if you throw out the scream (which I told my kids ahead of time would be recorded) and all of pin ball wizard.

Seriously, how many years of "old duffer" are we going to have to suffer through for one simple 'malfunction of a bra strap'. Springstein, Tom Petty, Rolling Stones, Who... Next is Pink Floyd, Led Zepplin and Peter, Paul and Mary?
Originally posted by JMoff:
I thought the WHO did OK if you throw out the scream (which I told my kids ahead of time would be recorded) and all of pin ball wizard.

Seriously, how many years of "old duffer" are we going to have to suffer through for one simple 'malfunction of a bra strap'. Springstein, Tom Petty, Rolling Stones, Who... Next is Pink Floyd, Led Zepplin and Peter, Paul and Mary?

Mary passed away recently.

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