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I have had the pleasure of meeting quite a few people who are not regular posters, so I am sorry for leaving their name out.

PG (few times in Jupiter)
SDBB (at ACC tourney and in Jupiter)
CoachMerc (Jupiter)
Jerseydad (Jupiter and Clemson)
Coach May (Jupiter)
Prepster (ACC tourney)
No11 (Jupiter)
Floridafan (Jupiter)
CD (Myrtle Beach)
Dennisr400 ( Falmouth, his son Brandon COPP and my KOPP played for the Commodores)
Racab (at Roger Dean)
Pinchmetwice(our sons played travel ball in HS and are both Cardinals)
Bighit (sons played against each other in HS)

and the last to meet
Justbaseball (while he was down here for the Orange Bowl)

As you can see, it's nice living close and being able to attend the PG Tourney in Jupiter.

I have seen so many of your kids play up close and personal and probably many more I didn't realize I was watching.

Looking forward to meeting the popular Fungo this year!

Great stuff!
Last edited by TPM

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