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In the wake of the Manny Ramirez news, my wife asked me an interesting question tonight. She asked if Derek Jeter had ever done anything to tick anybody off. I have to admit, being a Red Sox fan, I've always admired Jeter. He's clean cut, always calm and plays the game the way I think it should be played.

I'd have to add Albert Pujols to my list.

Who could get caught that would shock and upset you the most?
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Would hate to hear about Maddux using anything.

I agree with TR, Jeter is a single guy, and I thought this was about being clean?

My husband and I were talking, ever notice that the ones who get caught don't seem to be team players, it's all about them? Seems to be a pattern, prehpas you could pick themout in a crowd, who did, who didn't or who still might be.
Posted May 07, 2009 09:01 PM

Who could get caught that would shock and upset you the most?

i'm not sure anything can shock me anymore. i do wonder how/why these guys start doing it. i can understand wanting to get to the show,but a-rod, roger,manny they have made stupid money for a long time. the need to make it, was fulfilled.

walk a mile in another man's shoe's ?
Originally posted by justbaseball:
Read Torre's book and tell me you don't have respect for that guy.
Like I said, I don't care if a guy is an ax murderer if I don't have to deal with it. We all have our dark side, even the clean cut, All-American players.
Last edited by RJM
Who could get caught that would shock and upset you the most?
There isn't one. They're all susceptible to temptation. There's a lot of money on the line. Besides, some of the greatest players of all time ate greenies like candy. I started to read an article on Ramirez in The Globe. I stopped a few paragraphs into the article. Same issue, different player. Who's next? In the meantime I'll enjoy the game and not worry about it. It would be me singing soprano in a few years.
Last edited by RJM
Originally posted by RJM:
There's a difference between how old you were when you met your wife and a thirty something guy hitting on a teenager. I think it's sick.

Hitting on a teenager and hitting on a college girl older then 18 are two different things. Besides most of the college girls are in their early 20's. For him to be hitting on a "teenager", would mean he's hitting on freshmen, and I highly doubt he's doing that I don't care what you say.

An like TRhit said, his wife is 13 years younger then him. Jeter is 34. 34-13=21

Are you saying TRhit is sick?

Come on RJM, that's just preposterous.
Last edited by Rock-N-Fire
Jeez, RJM ...
SO WHAT if Jeter once made goo goo eyes at your daughter while jogging on a track? I fail to see the significance here, much less the indictment of his character, especially with such unreliable and scant information.

A college coed accused Jeter of hitting up on her while he was jogging near her? Now THAT's a reliable and legitimate reason to "burst our bubble" about the guy.

Give me a break!
I deleted my Jeter posts. A apologize for upsetting people. I was surprised how much people defended him. He must be a god. My daughter said the guys at campus security didn't believe any of the several girls who complained he jogged up to them and attempted to initiate a conversation.
Last edited by RJM
I am no Jeter apologist (Sox fan), but dog gone it; I hardly believe that several girls "complained" about Jeter trying to initiate a conversation? I am actually laughing right now. Were they running the track at the Monastery?

RJM, this not directed at your daughter, I am sure she is a nice young lady. I would be more willing to believe several college girls would be bragging about Jeter trying to initiate a conversation.

Holy cow, the thought of this really cracks me up.
Originally posted by RJM:
I deleted my Jeter posts. A apologize for upsetting people. I was surprised how much people defended him. He must be a god. My daughter said the guys at campus security didn't believe any of the several girls who complained he jogged up to them and attempted to initiate a conversation.

Didn't see the post but the thing about Jeter is he knows how to deal with New York and how navigate thru being a big superstar in the big city.

Jeter don't snub the fans(if he does, I never read about it), is a New York winner and the ladies like him..Being Jeter ain't a bad gig. You'll be hardpressed to find peeps who got negative vibes on this guy. Especially the girls.

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