The point of this thread is for the anti-juco people out there to back themselves up, and I have yet so see anybody do that.
Good post and accurate.I really believe what RJM says about elitists attitudes, and it is not just on the East Coast.Some people feel that where their sons attend college is a reflection of their success,and its a bragging right.I have to admit that I did not want my son to attend a JC at first.He did not screw up in HS and was a qualifier with good grades and pretty good SAT scores.
What really concerns me with the mentality against Junior college, is it is The parents saying their kids will NOT go there.
What if the kid wants to?He wants to have a better opportunity to play at a higher level of baseball, that he is not being recruited out of HS for.
Where does his/her dream come into account.What frightens me on here, and I am not saying that we as parents should not guide our children in their lives, but DICTATING scares me.
Your sons and daughters are 18 years old and they are adults.And I get that the parent is paying for the education,But is that the bounty over the kids head.Im paying for it so you will do it the way I want.
Maybe many have sons/daughters who just do what they are told, no matter what their own thoughts are.
I would of never dreamed my sons decision would of ended with him at a good school like he is at.That he is succeeding in the classroom at a school he would of never attended without baseball.He is a man now, and that happened because he made a decision for his life, he stood by his word and did what he needed to do.
Yes he could of failed, but there are lessons in that as well.I think the level of stress some of these parents are putting on themselves and their kids is tremendous.So much stress to get into the TOP schools,and play baseball.I worry that many may be very disapointed.
Life is way to short to be so stressed.I am so glad I dont live in an area that puts that type of pressure on my son and our family.
Different paths lead to great outcomes.I am just sort of taken back by the absolutes some people have.I am concerned for these kids.My goodness what if they dont succeed at such a high level?