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swingdoctor14....if you were at game you would be scratching your head with FM's coaching decisions as well. I was trying to leave it alone BUT since you opened the door.....

would you bunt your hottest hitter (2 hits in the game) in the 7th with runners on first and second?(next 2 batters k'd).

There were at least 3 other poor baseball decisions made ....ask the FM parents you know as they were very vocal last night about decisions.

Your right though coaches cannot win unless they win state! Its easy being an observer. I just was amazed with the talent they had last year and could not get by the first round. Enough said about FM....come watch us.
Concerning the bunt in the 7th last night. The situation was runners at 1st and 2nd no outs. While this hitter did have 2 hits in the game already, the bunt call led to runners at 2nd and 3rd with one out. Not what I would call a bad coaching decision.

The fact that the next 2 hitters struck out is hindsight. If there had been a passed ball, or a hit by one of the next 2 hitters, the call to move the runners would have been the right call.

Lastly, why should the 3 hole hitter in that situation be any different from any of the other hitters. While I would have liked to see him hit a towering HR or put a ball in the gap to drive in a couple runs, there was no guarantee that this would happen. This was a very close high intensity game and an additional run could have been critical.

This is still a team game. If one of your hottest hitters is told to bunt to move runners, and does so, it should be looked at as a willingness to do whatever it takes to win by the coach and player. Also should be a sign to the other players that when asked to bunt they need to do so.

Originally posted by Train:
swingdoctor14....if you were at game you would be scratching your head with FM's coaching decisions as well. I was trying to leave it alone BUT since you opened the door.....

would you bunt your hottest hitter (2 hits in the game) in the 7th with runners on first and second?(next 2 batters k'd).

There were at least 3 other poor baseball decisions made ....ask the FM parents you know as they were very vocal last night about decisions.

Your right though coaches cannot win unless they win state! Its easy being an observer. I just was amazed with the talent they had last year and could not get by the first round. Enough said about FM....come watch us.

I have a few questions about the situations.

The kid that had the 2 hits that was asked to bunt, where does he hit in the line-up?
The 2 kids that K'd, where do they hit in the line-up?

I understand the reason for bunting, you want to get the runners over so that you have 2 in scoring position so that a base hit scores 2...or you can score on a wild pitch, pass ball, error, sac fly...lots more ways to score when you are on 3rd.

I can not answer why Coach did what he did, it is not my team and he knows his team better than I do. Bottom line, FM won 3-0 and beat a good Marcus team in the process.

Good luck to both squads.
honest and unbiased....very interesting comments you have. I understand your son was the one that bunted (FM's hottest hitter) and I would not have bunted the number three hitter with the kind of night he was having.

Closing on the subject.....I am glad to see you supporting your coach this year or at least for now.

See you in the playoffs TS. CG will shut you down.
I started a post that asked all the same questions as funneldrill about Train's specific example of poor coaching -- but H&U's post confirms what I thought anyway ---- and I especially like his reply -- a kid bunts when he is told to bunt -- because it isn't about being a hero, it is about the team. If I piece things together here, it may have even been H&U's kid that was asked to sacrifice -- he is one of the best offensive players in their lineup.

Train and others are entitled to their opinions concerning the early season coaching. There are people at every school (is anyone still undefeated?) that are not 100% on board with the coaches -- it is part of the HS baseball scene. And, I know a guy here, who contributes regularly, that has not always agreed with this coach.

In my opinion, the expectations of a HS coach should be a little different than those of a college or professional coach. All levels should work to maximize the talent that has been given them. That may or may not result in a trip to Roundrock. Each year is a new challenge. A HS coach should be judged on his ability to manage a program of teen-agers and their parents (argh!) -- not solely on wins and losses and playoff experiences. Do you fire a guy at Richardson HS or The Colony HS or North Mesquite (or wherever) every 5 years because he did not take a team to the Regional finals? -- or do you evaluate him on other things?

FM had tremendous talent last year -- they were favored to make it to the last round and were upset by SLC if I recall (no slouch themselves). Did the coach maximize his talent? I don't know -- I imagine there are numerous opinions on the subject. It's another year, another group of kids, and another set of expectations.

Train has a right to his opinion -- and it's somewhat gutsy to bring them up here at times. But I hope we all can gain perspective and understand the challenges in coaching at this level.

-PD (sappy today) Smile
PD, Great post and I will add something. Only one team wins state. If a HS coach:

1. Teaches his kids about the game,
2. Makes them respect their teammates,
3. Requires players to maintain grades,
4. Forces them to be accountable for their actions on and off the field,
5. Creates a positive environment where team is placed ahead of player and attitudes are kept in check with discipline,

then he is a successful HS coach. Talent will come and go at a school, but if those things are present, he should not ever have to worry about being pushed out of his job.
Originally posted by T-Bird Dad:
If a HS coach:

1. Teaches his kids about the game,
2. Makes them respect their teammates,
3. Requires players to maintain grades,
4. Forces them to be accountable for their actions on and off the field,
5. Creates a positive environment where team is placed ahead of player and attitudes are kept in check with discipline,

then he is a successful HS coach.

My previous post was not meant to be support or non support for any coach or individual. I thought the call was the right call at the time regardless of the coach or hitter. JMO.

I understand that you and some others may disagree and I respect your opinions and right to post them.

There have been a number of instances over the years where I have questioned coaches decisions(select and high school) and have thought things should have been done differently. I am sure there will be more.

Concerning the playoffs. Hopefully both of our teams will get in and far enough along to meet up. If so I will volunteer my time to take CG out the night before he is supposed to pitch, load him up on a lot of bad stuff, and keep him up all night. Just kidding. I'm sure glad he is on our team in summer ball!

Thanks, but I must defer to swingdoc. This issue is a hot button for me because I hear way too much complaining about coaches everywhere.

For any of us that played any sports as kids, we seem to have forgotton that it ain't the championship you remember, it's the time spent and the things learned working towards it that you do remember.

But hey, my kid is a freshman and his HS hasn't been in the playoffs in 20 something years, so what do I know, right? Wink
I smiled at your comment Train, but Paul Kelly didn't get drafted based on a meaningless home run in a preseason tournament. If they ask Tant to bunt from the #3 hole every time there is a guy on base and they need a run -- then ok, the coach should have his head examined. I doubt that will occur -- where's Swami when you need him?
When I first ventured into the coaching ranks, I had a longtime high school coach tell me something that I now find myself passing on to younger coaches. He said "John, now that you're a coach you've given up the right to criticize other coaches on their decisions and actions."

I've learned over the years that this basically means that I have no idea why a coach may do what he does because he knows his players and their abilities a lot better than I do. I certainly wouldn't want another coach criticizing me for that very same reason - even if what one does is considered to go against 'the book'. The bottom line is the coach did what he did because he thought it would help his team's chances whether it did or not.

Funneldrill said it very well and I have to add that I cannot recall the last time I heard a reputable coach be critical of another coach's on-the-field decisions. I guess it's somewhat of an unwritten rule.

The outspoken mommys and daddys, however, tend to always know more than the coaches.....
Last edited by Frozen Ropes GM
From the perspective of a Marcus parent at the Marcus vs. FM game last night, with the score 1-0 through six and not alot of hitting going on, when FM was able to successfully bunt and even bunt for a single once, the pressure on Marcus was substantially increased and the momentum began to build for FM. When a team successfully executes an offensive play in a very tight game it can break the game wide open. As mys son says, home runs and bunts can each be the key to winning.
Originally posted by Krace4:
From the perspective of a Marcus parent at the Marcus vs. FM game last night, with the score 1-0 through six and not alot of hitting going on, when FM was able to successfully bunt and even bunt for a single once, the pressure on Marcus was substantially increased and the momentum began to build for FM. When a team successfully executes an offensive play in a very tight game it can break the game wide open. As mys son says, home runs and bunts can each be the key to winning.

And if my memory serves correctly, Marcus' coach is very good at calling for bunts.

Maybe chicks actually dig the bunt?

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