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Let's see, you want a first ballot HOF-caliber player who plays 15-20 years at a high level, all for one, major market team, winning multiple World Series rings, MVP awards, etc., maintains a squeaky-clean image (well, if we look the other way on skirt chasing by a single guy anyway). 


Can't think of anyone currently present.  Closest right now would be Buster Posey or Mike Trout.  Bryce Harper may get there but he seems to have more of an edge to his personality than Jeter, Posey or Trout.  I might eliminate Posey just because it's less likely he'll last as long, given his position.  (Though since he was a SS in college, perhaps he can do the Craig Biggio thing in due time?)  Maybe Clayton Kershaw might get to this point, if the discussion is open to pitchers.

Last edited by Midlo Dad

What top young player/prospect are we going to curse with the Sparky Anderson HOF Prediction. Weren't Don Gullett and Torey Lovullo headed for the HOF.


I remember Anderson saying before the 75 Series, "You'll find Don Gullett in the Hall of Fame and Bill Lee at the Eliot Lounge" (popular Boston bar at the time). Lee's response: Works for me!

Last edited by RJM

There will never be another player that has the exact attributes of Derek Jeter just as there has never been another Ruth, DiMaggio, or Mays. Each of these super stars has their own story and most had some human weaknesses too. The most amazing thing about Jeter to me is that as far as I know, there has not been any real negatives come out in his personal life even in these times of mass media attention. Even the one time when George Steinbrenner made a comment about Jeter being out dancing too much during one Yankee temporary losing streak, Jeter made a funny commercial with Steinbrenner in it which they were dancing together in a conga line or something like that.


Now if one was to ask who will be the new fresh face of ML baseball for the next ten to fifteen years, I honestly feel it will be Trout, although his team is going to have to improve for him to show himself on the playoff stage.

Last edited by Three Bagger

Miguel Cabrera is the best offensive player in baseball and will go down as one of the all time greats if he keeps it up.


Troy Tulowitzki is a great kid who is having a Jeeter-like career so far on a small market team. 


Agreed on Posey all around.


Manny Machado is a special talent with tremendous potential.


Originally Posted by 19coach:

Mauer if he wasn't stuck on a bad Twins team. 

Mauer is a pretty good pick to be on par statistically-speaking with Jeter... He may have to pick up the pace though, Jeter has EIGHT 200-Hit seasons, and great as Joe is, he has zero... Hopefully a shift to 1B will keep him on the field, I love watching him play!

Originally Posted by Dad of Flamethrower:

8years 200hits season ..simply amazing

That is a great stat, but then contemplate that Ichiro had 10 seasons in a row with 200+ hits!!.  HOF'r Paul Molitor had "only" 3 total in his career.  Same with Tony Gwynn.  Steve Garvey actually had 3 straight years of 200+, then a season with about 190, then 3 straight more of 200+, thus narrowly missing 7 straight.  I think Rod Carew had "only" four seasons of 200+ hits.

Last edited by like2rake
Originally Posted by Dad of Flamethrower:

8years 200hits season ..simply amazing

Five or more seasons with 200+ hits

Ichiro Suzuki 10
Pete Rose 10
Ty Cobb 9
Paul Waner 8
Lou Gehrig 8
Willie Keeler 8
Derek Jeter 8
Rogers Hornsby 7
Charlie Gehringer 7
Wade Boggs 7
George Sisler 6
Sam Rice 6
Al Simmons 6
Stan Musial 6
Steve Garvey 6
Michael Young 6
Chuck Klein 5
Kirby Puckett 5
Tony Gwynn 5

Originally Posted by Bolts-Coach-PR:
Originally Posted by Dad of Flamethrower:

8years 200hits season ..simply amazing

Five or more seasons with 200+ hits

Ichiro Suzuki 10
Pete Rose 10
Ty Cobb 9
Paul Waner 8
Lou Gehrig 8
Willie Keeler 8
Derek Jeter 8
Rogers Hornsby 7
Charlie Gehringer 7
Wade Boggs 7
George Sisler 6
Sam Rice 6
Al Simmons 6
Stan Musial 6
Steve Garvey 6
Michael Young 6
Chuck Klein 5
Kirby Puckett 5
Tony Gwynn 5

Thanks for that list, it really puts Jeter's greatness in perspective (and Ichiro).  Plus Boggs, Garvey, and how about Michael Young and Kirby Puckett.


I might be mistaken, but didn't Michael Young announce his retirement effective now?  What about Young's resume for The Hall?


Plus, my bad on stating Gwynn had only 3 on my earlier post.

Last edited by like2rake
Originally Posted by oldmanmoses:

Bolt its worth noting on that list that Rose had 3-years of hits in the 170s, 3 in the 190s and 2 in the 180s interspersed in those 10yrs of 200 hits. He came real close to having 18 yrs of 200 hits! That's why he is the hits King.

Wow!  It's also interesting to note in that same vein that Garvey, in addition to his one season with 192 hits, also had 2 seasons with 176 and 175 hits, the 'Garv, an under appreciated player who was quite impressive for a long stretch of seasons.

Originally Posted by oldmanmoses:

All I can say about Derek Jeter is that my son and I refer to him simply as The Captain any time we talk about him. Here's hoping that he goes out in style. Thanks for the memories!

Unfortunately, I believe Jeter has stayed too long at the fair. If he's a .260 - .270 hitter with 75 runs scored and limited range in the field, it's a sad way for him to go out unless the Yankees win it all (not going to happen). He's not quick enough to play short. He doesn't have enough power to play third or DH.

Originally Posted by RJM:
Originally Posted by oldmanmoses:

All I can say about Derek Jeter is that my son and I refer to him simply as The Captain any time we talk about him. Here's hoping that he goes out in style. Thanks for the memories!

Unfortunately, I believe Jeter has stayed too long at the fair. If he's a .260 - .270 hitter with 75 runs scored and limited range in the field, it's a sad way for him to go out unless the Yankees win it all (not going to happen). He's not quick enough to play short. He doesn't have enough power to play third or DH.

Many stayed too long, Mays and Mantle being at the top of the list.  On the other hand, some question Koufax, for instance, for leaving too early.  For me, it is the total body of work and the quality of the way they played the game.  Jeter is toward the top.

A few years back I posted a quote about Jeter I received from our of Jeter's teammates called him a "competitive inferno."

In my youth, I felt really sad for Mays and Mantle. 

With more experience, still working to do my best at age 64, trying to crank "RAW" workouts 4-5 days per week with those probably hoping I don't collapse in the workouts, I will absolutely love this next 162 games of baseball.  Part will be watching Buster Posey, the only player who reminds me of Jeter in the way he plays the game and handles everything off the field.

The other will be to  enjoy Jeter from a perspective I didn't have when watching Mays and Mantle toward the end.

Originally Posted by RJM:

Originally Posted by oldmanmoses:

All I can say about Derek Jeter is that my son and I refer to him simply as The Captain any time we talk about him. Here's hoping that he goes out in style. Thanks for the memories!

Unfortunately, I believe Jeter has stayed too long at the fair. If he's a .260 - .270 hitter with 75 runs scored and limited range in the field, it's a sad way for him to go out unless the Yankees win it all (not going to happen). He's not quick enough to play short. He doesn't have enough power to play third or DH.

That's crap...Jeter's lowest full season BA is .270... A healthy Jeter at 40 is around .300... hate all you want, but he had 216 hits & battted .312 in 2012. I love crystal balls, 'cause they break.

The guy is forty this year. He kept breaking every time he tried to return last year. We don't even know if he can run. 2012 was two years and several injuries ago. I don't have anything against Jeter. I'm just concerned he's not going to resemble Jeter this year which isn't a great way to go out. 

Originally Posted by RJM:


The guy is forty this year. He kept breaking every time he tried to return last year. We don't even know if he can run. 2012 was two years and several injuries ago. I don't have anything against Jeter. I'm just concerned he's not going to resemble Jeter this year which isn't a great way to go out. 

You're a Red Sox die hard... i've read your posts... this dude would not comeback if couldn't 'resemble Jeter', he's got nothing to prove to anyone. GREATEST SS in the last 100 + years... win 3 world series in 90 years and you think you own the place... try winning 3 years in a row... done that - 3-times! Oh, 4 & 5 years in a row...? Done that too... Respect please. 
Originally Posted by Bolts-Coach-PR:
Originally Posted by RJM:


The guy is forty this year. He kept breaking every time he tried to return last year. We don't even know if he can run. 2012 was two years and several injuries ago. I don't have anything against Jeter. I'm just concerned he's not going to resemble Jeter this year which isn't a great way to go out. 

You're a Red Sox die hard... i've read your posts... this dude would not comeback if couldn't 'resemble Jeter', he's got nothing to prove to anyone. GREATEST SS in the last 100 + years... win 3 world series in 90 years and you think you own the place... try winning 3 years in a row... done that - 3-times! Oh, 4 & 5 years in a row...? Done that too... Respect please. 

BCPR - How about some decaf this AM?.   Nobody is disrespecting Jeter.  Jeter is coming back because he has a contract, and he wants to go out on his terms.  Jeter is a first ballot HOF, no question about it.  I don't think anyone without a brain stem will argue that point.   RJM is simply stating fact as he typically does.  In the twilight of his career (except 2012) his offensive and defensive numbers & range are down.   Yes, Jeter is resembling a human in the twilight of this career.  The rest of his career he was a God, and he has changed the way the position is played.   Today's SS have to swing a bat.  Not even a Red Sox homer will disrespect the Captain.  Way, way too much respect from "the Nation".

All I can say RJM, knowing that you just speak forthright and aren't disparaging , is the power comment about 3rd. Seems an old Red Sox third basemen had no power, 1 season with double digit HR (18). Talking Wade Boggs here. .290+85 RBI + close to 100 R would be nice production from Jeter at third this year. I think they have enough power in their lineup to survive. And I think he can hit those marks, as long as he stays healthy.

And you know what. Even if he turns out to be just a part-timer this year, he has earned this victory lap so to speak. And if the last game of the regular season turns out to be his last game, then it is only fitting that it be against Boston. Will be fun to see what they do up there, as even the most ardent Sox lover seems to respect the Captain!

Meh... Knowing the Beantown organization, they'll probably play a video of Pedro plunking him and breaking his hand, and then present him with the ball...


Peter Gammons tells a great story of how he was in his seats, at Fenway that are close to opposing dugout, a few rows back... There's a man with his kids in the front row and Jeter's on deck... Kids are screaming to Jeter to give them something... Jeter walks over and gives them a couple baseballs... The kids Yell "Thank you!" the Dad yells, "You still SUCK!" Typical...

Originally Posted by FredLynnRS:

Bolts - no doubt your a Yankee fan because your mouth never stops moving and it appears you like hearing yourself talk or type in this case. Jeter is undeniably the best SS of all time, but the point RJM was making went over your head bc you were too preoccupied with yourself.

What point was that? That Jeter is a ".260 - .270 hitter with 75 runs scored"...? If he's healthy, he's not 'FREDDY LYNN'... Nothing went over my head, and thanks for the rude personal comments!

Originally Posted by oldmanmoses:

All I can say RJM, knowing that you just speak forthright and aren't disparaging , is the power comment about 3rd. Seems an old Red Sox third basemen had no power, 1 season with double digit HR (18). Talking Wade Boggs here. .290+85 RBI + close to 100 R would be nice production from Jeter at third this year. I think they have enough power in their lineup to survive. And I think he can hit those marks, as long as he stays healthy.

First, thank you Fenway for the defense I would have made. 2) Jeter at forty is not Boggs in his prime. Jeter is not going to hit .320-..330 with a .400+ OBP this year. I think it's the Yankee fans who are being homers. Jeter has had an awesome career. Aside from talent he has the instincts if a winner. But I believe last year was a warning of things to come. The arhlete is often the last to realize hes not what he was. On the other hand I can understand Jeter not wanting to have played his last game(last year) without knowing it.

Originally Posted by Bolts-Coach-PR:

Meh... Knowing the Beantown organization, they'll probably play a video of Pedro plunking him and breaking his hand, and then present him with the ball...


Peter Gammons tells a great story of how he was in his seats, at Fenway that are close to opposing dugout, a few rows back... There's a man with his kids in the front row and Jeter's on deck... Kids are screaming to Jeter to give them something... Jeter walks over and gives them a couple baseballs... The kids Yell "Thank you!" the Dad yells, "You still SUCK!" Typical...

In Jeter's last at bat at Fenway the standing ovation will be so long the umpires will have to intercede and restart the game.


People ask me how Red Sox fans got so obnoxious about winning. I tell them we learned from the most obnoxious fans in sports, Yankees fans. Yankee fans don't respect other peoples opinions. They are just so sure they are right and everyone else is wrong just because they are Yankee fans.

Originally Posted by Bolts-Coach-PR:

Meh... Knowing the Beantown organization, they'll probably play a video of Pedro plunking him and breaking his hand, and then present him with the ball...


Peter Gammons tells a great story of how he was in his seats, at Fenway that are close to opposing dugout, a few rows back... There's a man with his kids in the front row and Jeter's on deck... Kids are screaming to Jeter to give them something... Jeter walks over and gives them a couple baseballs... The kids Yell "Thank you!" the Dad yells, "You still SUCK!" Typical...

And the part you're missing from the story is the dad was laughing when he said it. And Jeter laughed back. It was two people acknowledging a rivalry.

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