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Originally Posted by Bolts-Coach-PR:
Originally Posted by fenwaysouth:
Nobody is disrespecting Jeter... RJM is simply stating fact as he typically does... Way, way too much respect from "the Nation"...

".260 - .270 hitter with 75 runs scored"...Where is the 'respect' or 'fact' in that...?


C'mon man... Please...

Typical Yankee fan. Can't respect another person's opinion. Yankee fans think everyone else is stupid because they're not Yankee fans. An opinion is an opinion.its not wrong because you don't like it. What did Meter hit last year? How healthy Was he last year? How healthy was he the year before when he only play 123 games. How many forty year olds come back from hitting under .200 to hit .300. It has nothing to do with what he did the first seventeen years.

Originally Posted by Bolts-Coach-PR:
Originally Posted by FredLynnRS:

Bolts - no doubt your a Yankee fan because your mouth never stops moving and it appears you like hearing yourself talk or type in this case. Jeter is undeniably the best SS of all time, but the point RJM was making went over your head bc you were too preoccupied with yourself.

What point was that? That Jeter is a ".260 - .270 hitter with 75 runs scored"...? If he's healthy, he's not 'FREDDY LYNN'... Nothing went over my head, and thanks for the rude personal comments!

Fred... Don't bother. You know this type of Yankee fan. He comes to Boston and tells everyone how incredible the Yankees are, then wonders why everyone doesn't like him. Yankee fans are the most obnoxious fans in the world. You can't tell them anything. They're all baseball geniuses.

Originally Posted by RJM:


Bolts ... I'll use a Yankee avatar for three months if Jeter hits .300 or more with enough plate appearances to qualify for the batting leaders. You use a Red Sox avatar for three months if Jeter hits .270 or less or doesn't have 400 plate appearances.

Make it fair and split it down the middle...

.283... (my .300 + your .265 - halfway between your .260/.270 prediction)

He's over, I win, he's under you win. If he hits that rounded avg. - no blood...


I didn't say Jeter would hit .260-.270. I said if he does it's a sad way for him to go out. It's conceivable he could have a hot streak and finish at .283. But no way, no how is he hitting. 300. He doesn't have the legs for it.  It would also be sad if he has the same problems this year as last and hobbles through the season only playing 100 or less games. I believe it's more likely to be a disappointing end than going out with a bang (.300). But he's capable of having a decent season if he stays healthy. I could see the possibility of .280 and playing 130 games.


How about taking the bet the way I offered? Anything in the middle is a push.

Last edited by RJM
Originally Posted by Dad of Flamethrower:

The funny thing about this discussion, it’s just getting started and it could last forever!!!         Jeter’s the Best SS I ever seen, I don’t go back to the 60, 70 but early 80’s on Derek Jeter’s No.1 JMO

I don't think there's any argument over where Jeter stands in terms of all time shortstops. It would have been interesting had ARod stayed at short on another team and Garciaparra stayed healthy.

This is much better than dueling pistols! ;-)  Good discussion.   BTW - Here is an article on the topic we are discussing.


Specifically...."While Jeter is projected to catch and pass Wagner's mark, Bovada's Jeter lines suggest they believe his batting average in 2014 will be significantly lower than his career average. They posted a .290 over-under. His career average is .312.


There is also a 120.5 over-under on the number of games he will play this season, after he played in just 17 games in 2013 due to a variety of ailments and injuries."


Personally, I think the number of games is more important to him and to the Yankees.  He'll get his hits as he has always been a good hitter.  But with him at the top of the lineup (i have him pencilled in at 2nd behind Ellsbury) he is going to be very important to their offense.   JMO.

Originally Posted by RJM:
Originally Posted by Dad of Flamethrower:

The funny thing about this discussion, it’s just getting started and it could last forever!!!         Jeter’s the Best SS I ever seen, I don’t go back to the 60, 70 but early 80’s on Derek Jeter’s No.1 JMO

I don't think there's any argument over where Jeter stands in terms of all time shortstops. It would have been interesting had ARod stayed at short on another team and Garciaparra stayed healthy.

Wish ARod would have stayed in Seattle. I loved those teams with him, Junior and Edgar.


What about Cal? he has to be in the conversation?

It occurred to me that Jeter has just shifted the focus of 2014 from "the year without A-Rod" to "The Captain's Farewell Tour."


It made me laugh to think that he just didn't want to think about being around come spring training 2015, when the A-Rod circus is due to return to town.  I mean, he may view 2014 as a potentially enjoyable year (if he can stay healthy), and the last one in his foreseeable future, making October a great time to ride off into the sunset.

BTW it occurred to me that we overlooked the guy who was the epitome of all you wanted from a ball player in the years before Jeter and into Jeter's career:  Cal Ripken, Jr.


Cal was more of a family man.  Unfortunately no rings.  Fewer hits, lesser average, probably a better defender, definitely more HR/RBI power.  The man defined the clean-cut image, the face of a franchise, an icon you'd like your son to emulate.

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