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I have gotten a lot of great information on the HSBBW. I have gotten some bad information on the HSBBW. In turn I have given some facts on the HSBBW but I have also expressed my worthless opinions. The following post is pure FACT! Big Grin

So what is a parent or a player to believe? You have to consider the source. You also have to read between the lines. Parents are continually reminded they are wearing rose colored glasses and their assessment of their son is biased and means virtually nothing. Well it is a two way street folks. For instance --- The SEC is the greatest conference --- because my son played in it. Perfect Game is not essential because my son never attended a PG event however those that just returned from a PG event proclaim the importance of the trip and EVERYONE must go. The catching position is the most important position on the field because my son is a catcher. Pitching parents “know” their son is the “real hero” while catching parents know their son controls the game. Parents of “control pitchers” exclaim the unimportance of velocity while parents of fireballers smile and disagree. Those that live in “the valley” proclaim it is the best while Texans just smile. A white Christmas is special but only if you live in the Northern states. Should you be skeptical and validate your information? YES! Please consider the source.
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So what is a parent or a player to believe?

Don't believe hype.

I believe those that don't say much about their own kids as I believe it adds credibility to their arguments. Also, if you spend anytime here, you can see how certain people react to differing situations over time. They don't explicitly say believe me but you end up believing them simply for the logic and sometimes the emotions for what they are trying to convey.
Great point! And on point.

If you spend much time here you come to the realization that like in the bigger world many(not all) viewpoints are colored by single experience, an agenda, A "need" to be an expert, The success they have had, a desire to debate/arugue, a strong "need" to belong, or even bitterness. The irony is that they are some of the most experienced and most helpful and valuable posters, with the biggest hearts,and the most valubale info, if you can read through the bias.

You also quickly find a few gems who have litttle agenda, little bias, a bunch of humanity, and honesty and a real desire to help for altruistic means.

The key, IMO, being consideration and collection of ALL viewpoints, cross checking, then sifting it all through one's own agenda. (Perhaps the work of which the snowman speaks!)

Cool 44
A white Christmas is special but only if you live in the Northern states.

Not True! A White Christmas is very special in every case. Smile


You really make people think. Is that a good thing?

Anyway, after thinking about all this stuff, it becomes crystal clear that "snowman" posted the most important reply as to what to believe in four words. Surely he could have condensed that reply a bit more.
This falls in line with my "Average Speech".

If you want to be average just do what everyone around you is doing. Make sure you do everything they are doing. Dont do any more or any less. There are examples right in front of your nose everyday to keep you in line with being average.

Now if you want to be special then you have to be willing to do more than everyone around you. You have to have the desire to be special. When you lay down at night ask yourself these simple questions. Did someone somewhere out work me today? Could I have done more? Did I do everything I should have done today to be special? If you can answer those questions honestly and look in the mirror and know you did all you could do. You will be special.
Andora Quinby is my idea of a person who clearly defines what it takes to be special.

Earlier this year she participated in a weight lifting competition and won the dead lift with 100 lbs. What's so special about that you might ask?

She's 88 years old and STARTED lifting at age 78!!!!

She had plenty of reasons not to go for it and I'm sure many/most people thought her quest to be beyond reach. Obviously she listened to the right individual. The only limits are in our mind.

"To be special you have to do special"
Originally posted by ClevelandDad:

Don't believe hype.

Nowadays - no advice could be simpler or better than this for a parent or a player IMO.

With a bazillion websites - and another bazillion self promoters using the internet - take this advice. My guess is that 90% of what we now read is pretty much BS.

Play hard - play well - and then get ready for the next game.

Last edited by itsinthegame

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