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Future, I Am the only person that I have ever met that can tolerate whole milk, so if you can't handle it that's absolutely normal. However, if you can handle the taste, try it. If not, just keep drinking 1%, milk in general will help you gain weight (I know that's your goal from your previous 639 posts).

For anyone who is trying to lose weight or "cut", I would not suggest whole milk as the amount of fat that is there is not optimal.
Future Catcher - Try drinking milk some other time other than at breakfast. Personally I can drink milk at any other time, but breakfast milk doesn't sit well with me.
UpstateNY - unless you are getting milk from the farm, you have never had the real "whole milk", only what they sell in stores. Most cow milk is 6-8% butterfat. "Whole milk" in stores is only 3%. If you ever have the farm stuff, the store stuff tastes like white water/skim milk. Not bashing you, just thought you would like to know. When I was growing up, there was "whole milk" and skim milk. I found out from experience about farm milk when I went to my future in-laws for Sunday dinner. They got their milk from the next door dairy farmer. They would pasturize the milk themselves and there was no homogenization. I can still recall (over 30 yrs later) that first gulp of "farm milk". There was a big lump that went down my throat, felt like an egg yolk, that was a lump of cream. I found out later that they would take the milk that had set and just shake up the cream and the milk and let it go at that! When I got home that night, I had some "whole milk" from the store and it was as nasty as skim milk was normally. That farm milk from then on tasted like "liquid ice-cream" only not as sweet. Night and day from store bought "whole milk".
Now days, I too drink 1%, because I don't need the fat. Or I can drink powdered milk. I know that this is skim milk, but I must put in more powder than recommended as it is more palatable than skim milk.
And yes, I would agree with you that you are adding muscle if your 60 time is decreasing. Just watch the waistline if you increase the intake and stop increasing if the pinch test reveals some added fat.

Tim Robertson

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